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Economic and biological evaluation of Сhinese cabbage [Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis (Lour.) Kitam.] hybrids grown in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine
Ковтунюк, З. І | Войтовська, В. І | Сторожик, Л. І
Purpose. To study the economic and biological characteristics and to reveal the genetic potential of various hybrids of Chinese cabbage depending on the climatic zone of cultivation. Methods. In the experiment, hybrids of Chinese cabbage ‘Pioner F1’ (control), ‘Villi F1’, ‘Manoko F1’, ‘Orient Star F1’, ‘Vitimo F1’, ‘Sprinkin F1’, ‘Summer Highland F1’, ‘Suprin F1’, and ‘Richi F1’ were evaluated. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with four replications with a single plot area of 21 m2. The container seedlings (40 days old) were planted in the middle of April according to the scheme 70 cm by 25 cm. Results. Having been planted at the same time, seed germination over the studied hybrids was not simultaneous. The first sprouted seeds (4 days after seeding) belonged to hybrids ‘Villi F1’, ‘Manoko F1’, ‘Orient Star F1’, and‘Summer Highland F1’. Seeds of the other hybrids started active germination on the 5–6 days after seeding. The highest yield of the cabbage heads was obtained from hybrids ‘Villi F1’ (31.7 t/ha) and ‘Sprinkin F1’ (28.7 t/ha), which was 10.0 and 7.0 t/ha more than in the control variant. The yield of ‘Summer Highland F1’ was 24.9 t/ha and ‘Suprin F1’ 24.6 t/ha. Under the conditions of unstable soil moisture, hybrids ‘Villi F1’and ‘Sprinkin F1’ appeared the most productive and ensured yield increase of 10.0 t/ha and 7.0 t/ha, respectively, compared to the control; and crop commercial quality was high. The highest percentage of dry matter (DM) content was in ‘Summer Highland F1’ (6.2%) followed by ‘Sprinkin F1’ (5.9%), which was 1.1% and 0.8% more than in the control. There was no significant difference between the values of the total sugars content over the variants. They ranged between 1.7 and 2.1%, which was similar to the control values. The content of nitrates in the cabbage heads of the studied Chinese cabbage hybrids was within the tolerance limit and amounted to 600 mg/kg (raw mass). Conclusions. Phenological observations of plant development and their biometric indices, depending on the varietal characteristics, indicate that under the conditions of unstable soil moisture, hybrids ‘Villi F1’ and ‘Sprinkin F1’ were more yielding and ensured yield increase of 10.0 t/ha and 7.0 t/ha, respectively, compared to the control. The crop commercial quality was high. The long growing season of ‘Richi F1’ (93 days) did not affect the crop quality and yield and demonstrated the lowest productivity compared to the control and the other experiment variants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Проростання насіння проса під впливом осмотичних розчинів ПЕГ 6000 на 3 та 6 добу | Прорастание семян проса под действием осмотических растворов ПЕГ 6000 на 3 и 6 сутки | Germination seeds of millet genotypes under the influences of PEG 6000 solution on the 3 and 6 days
Лютенко, В. С. | Анциферова, О. В. | Горбачова, С. М. | Горлачова, О. В.
Мета. Визначити посухостійкість п’яти зразків проса (‘Омріяне’, ‘Харківське 57’, ‘Константинівське’, ‘IR 5’, ‘Слобожанське’), використовуючи як осмотик ПЕГ 6000 Методи. Для отримання ефекту посухи використовували п’ять концентрацій розчину ПЕГ 6000: 0,0% (контроль), 11,5%, 15,3%, 19,6%, 23,5% та 28,9%, що відповідає 0,0, 115, 153, 196, 235 та 289 г розчиненої речовини в 1000 мл дистильованої води або 0,0, -1,9, -3,1, -4,8, -6,6 та -9,7 барам.Результати. Осмотичний стрес сильно пригнічував проростання насіння проса при -3,1 барах (46,8%) і -4,8 барах (28,66%) на третю добу, але на шосту добу кількість насіння, що проросло, збільшилась до 92,8% і 84,0%, відповідно. Генотипи проса значно відрізнялись за відсотком проростання у різних концентраціях осмотичного розчину ПЕГ 6000. Так, мінімальна схожість спостерігалась у сорту ‘Омріяне’ при концентрації ПЕГ 6000 -3,1, -4,8 і -6,6 барів. ‘ІR 5’, ‘Константинівське’ і ‘Харківське 57’ показали вищий потенціал проростання насіння при різних концентраціях водного стресу. Зменшення довжини коренів порівняно з контролем спостерігалось у всіх генотипів при осмотичному стресі -1,9 бар, при ПЕГ 6000 -3,1 і -4,8 бар довжина кореня коливалась від 6,6 мм до 13,5 мм на третю добу і від 25,3 до 34,7 мм – на шосту добу. ‘Слобожанське’ показало вищу середню довжину кореня при -3,1 і -4,8 бар водного стресу на третю добу – 8,7–12,5 мм і на шосту добу – 35,7–32,3 мм. При -9,7 бар концентрації ПЕГ 6000 не спостерігалось проростків проса як на третю, так і на шосту добу. ‘Харківське 57’, ‘IR 5’, ‘Слобожанське’ характеризувались довшими проростками – 23,1; 25,5; 25,6 мм, відповідно, при -4,8 бар ПЕГ 6000 на шосту добу. При -6,6 барах осмотичного стресу ‘Константинівське’ і ‘Слобожанське’ мали найменше значення відношення довжина кореня/довжина проростка – 2,58 і 2,61, відповідно. ‘Омріяне’ і ‘IR 5’ мали максимальне відхилення від одиниці – 3,54 та 3,31, відповідно.Висновки. Унаслідок дослідження в селекції на стійкість до посухи було виявлено генотипи ‘Константинівське’ і ‘Слобожанське’, які показали найвищий рівень стійкості до посухи. Сорти ‘IR 5’, ‘Константинівське’ і ‘Харківське 57’ характеризувались найвищим відсотком схожості насіння при різній концентрації ПЕГ 6000 у водному розчині. | Purpose. To determine the drought resistance of five millet varieties (ʻOmriyaneʼ, ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ) using PEG 6000 as osmotic stress.Methods. To obtain the effect of drought, five concentrations of PEG 6000 solutions were used: 0.0% (control), 11.5%, 15.3%, 19.6%, 23.5% and 28.9%, which corresponds to 0.0, 115, 153, 196, 235 and 289 g of solute in 1000 ml of distilled water or 0.0, -1.9, - 3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 and - 9.7 bar. Results. Osmotic stress strongly suppressed the germination of millet seeds at -3.1 bars (46.8%) and at -4.8 bars (28.66%) on the third day, but on the sixth day the number of germinated seeds increased to 92.8% and 84.0% respectively. The millet genotypes of differed significantly in the percentage of germination at various concentrations of the PEG 6000 osmotic solution. The minimum germination capacity was observed in variety Omriyane at -3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 bars. ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ showed higher germination potential at the different concentrations of water stress. A decrease in root elongation in all genotypes compared to control was observed in -1.9 bars osmotic stress and then at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of osmotic stress the root length had the same value from 6.6 mm to 13.5 mm on the 3d day and from 25.3 mm to 34.7 mm on the 6th day. Variety ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher mean root length at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of water stress induced by PEG on the 3d day (8,7 mm-12,5 mm) and on the 6th day (35.7 mm-32.3 mm). It is not observed shoot of millet at -9.7 bars on the 3d and on the 6th days. ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher individual shoot length of 23.1 mm, 25.5 mm, 25.6 mm, respectively at -4.8 bars of PEG 6000 on the 6th day. At -6.6 bars of osmotic stress ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ had lowest root length/shoot length ratio 2.58 and 2.61, respectively. Variety ʻOmriyaneʼ (3.54) and ʻIR 5ʼ (3.31) had the maximum deviation from unity (3.54 and 3.31, respectively).Conclusions. Genotypes' ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ, which showed a high level of drought resistance, were selected as a result of this study in breeding for drought resistance. Variety ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ were characterized highest seed germination percentage at the different water stress. | Цель. Определить засухоустойчивость пяти образцов проса (‘Омріяне’, ‘Харківське 57’, ‘Константинівське’, ‘IR 5’, ‘Слобожанське’), используя в качестве осмотика ПЭГ 6000 Методы. Для получения эффекта засухи использовали пять концентраций растворов ПЕГ 6000: 0,0% (контроль), 11,5%, 15,3%, 19,6%, 23,5% и 28,9%, что соответствует 0,0, 115, 153, 196, 235 и 289 г растворенного вещества в 1000 мл дистиллированной воды или 0,0, -1,9, -3,1, -4,8, -6,6 и -9,7 барам Результаты. Осмотический стресс сильно подавлял прорастание семян проса при -3,1 барах (46,8%) и при -4,8 барах (28,66%) на третьи сутки, но на шестые сутки количество проросших семян увеличилось до 92,8% и 84,0%, соответственно. Генотипы проса значительно различались по проценту прорастания в различных концентрациях осмотического раствора ПЭГ 6000. Так, минимальная всхожесть семян наблюдалась у сорта ‘Омріяне’ при концентрации ПЭГ 6000 -3,1, -4,8 і -6,6 баров. ‘ІR 5’, ‘Константинівське’ и ‘Харківське 57’ показали более высокий потенциал прорастания семян при различных концентрациях водного стресса. Уменьшение длины корней проростков по сравнению с контролем наблюдалось у всех генотипов при осмотическом стрессе -1,9 бар, а при осмотическом стрессе -3,1 и -4,8 бар длина корня колебалась от 6,6 мм до 13,5 мм на третьи сутки и от 25,3 до 34,7 мм – на шестые сутки. ‘Слобожанське’ показало более высокую длину корня при -3,1 и -4,8 бар водного стресса на третьи сутки – 8,7–12,5 мм и на шестые сутки – 35,7–32,3 мм. При -9,7 бар не наблюдалось проростков проса как на третьи, так и на шестые сутки. ‘Харківське 57’, ‘IR 5’, ‘Слобожанське’ характеризовались более длинными проростками – 23,1 мм, 25,5 мм, 25,6 мм, соответственно, при -4,8 бар ПЭГ 6000 на шестые сутки. При -6,6 барах осмотического стресса у сортов ‘Константинівське’ и ‘Слобожанське’ наблюдали низкое соотношение длина корня/длина проростка – 2,58 и 2,61, соответственно. ‘Омріяне’ и ‘IR 5’ имели максимальное отклонение от единицы – 3,54 и 3,31, соответственно.Выводы. В результате исследования в селекции на устойчивость к засухе выделены генотипы ‘Константинівське’ и ‘Слобожанське’, которые показали высокий уровень устойчивости к засухе. Сорта ‘IR 5’, ‘Константинівське’ и ‘Харківське 57’ характеризовались высоким процентом всхожести семян при различной концентрации ПЭГ 6000 в водном растворе.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Activation of growth and development of sugar beet at microstages 00-09 with application of nanoscale fertilizer elements
Новицька, Н. В | Каленська, С. М | Присяжнюк, О. І | Мельниченко, В. В
Purpose. Finding ways to activate the germination of sugar beet seeds, obtaining even and synchronous sprouts when applying fertilizer compositions with nanoscale elements. Methods. Vegetation and laboratory. The seeds of sugar beet were sown in prepared utensils with soil in accordance with the requirements of the methods for vegetation experiments. Fertilizers were introduced in the form of solutions with different ratios according to six microstages. Results. At 01 microstage on the BBCH scale (130 hours after sowing), an increase in the mass of beet fruits in all variants was observed - in the control variant by 9.78%; in the application of nanofertilizers - 20,4-23,7%. The diameter of the fruit varied similarly to changes in mass: in the control variant, the diameter change was 4.95%; in variants with application of nanofertilizers — 9.56-13.9%. Changes in the rate of sprout organs formation and their linear dimensions were noted in the various fertilization schemes. The length of the embryonic root at 05 microstage with uniform introduction of high norms of zinc and phosphorus, after 40 hours after sowing, was 0.540-2.671 mm. For other fertilizer combinations, the appearance of the germ root was noted only 44 hours after sowing. In 60 hours after sowing (07 microstage on the BBCH scale) there was a complete exit of cotyledons from the socket of the cluster with the introduction of nano chelate microfertilizers and only the beginning of the exit of cotyledons in the control variant. Due to the intensive processes of swelling and germination, the growth of the primary root of the sugar beet was accelerated. Conclusions. Uniform provision of seeds with zinc and especially phosphorus on the background of basic complex fertilizer with nanoscale elements contributed to the activation of seed germination and the intense formation of synchronously developed shoots. On average, the opening of the pericarp lid and the appearance of the root accelerated for 4 hours; 6 hours earlier there was an exit of cotyledons. With the introduction of nano chelate fertilizers, root growth and elongation of the hypocotyl at the first microstages of sugar beet sprouting were accelerated twice, due to which the sugar beet sprouts appeared 4-6 hours earlier. Nano chelate microfertilizers, promoting even and synchronous germination, development of sugar beet seedlings ensured synchronous emergence of seedlings and formation of predetermined sowing density without further reduction of plants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Activation of growth and development of sugar beet at microstages 00-09 with application of nanoscale fertilizer elements
Н. В. Новицька | С. М. Каленська | О. І. Присяжнюк | В. В. Мельниченко
Purpose. Finding ways to activate the germination of sugar beet seeds, obtaining even and synchronous sprouts when applying fertilizer compositions with nanoscale elements. Methods. Vegetation and laboratory. The seeds of sugar beet were sown in prepared utensils with soil in accordance with the requirements of the methods for vegetation experiments. Fertilizers were introduced in the form of solutions with different ratios according to six microstages. Results. At 01 microstage on the BBCH scale (130 hours after sowing), an increase in the mass of beet fruits in all variants was observed - in the control variant by 9.78%; in the application of nanofertilizers - 20,4-23,7%. The diameter of the fruit varied similarly to changes in mass: in the control variant, the diameter change was 4.95%; in variants with application of nanofertilizers — 9.56-13.9%. Changes in the rate of sprout organs formation and their linear dimensions were noted in the various fertilization schemes. The length of the embryonic root at 05 microstage with uniform introduction of high norms of zinc and phosphorus, after 40 hours after sowing, was 0.540-2.671 mm. For other fertilizer combinations, the appearance of the germ root was noted only 44 hours after sowing. In 60 hours after sowing (07 microstage on the BBCH scale) there was a complete exit of cotyledons from the socket of the cluster with the introduction of nano chelate microfertilizers and only the beginning of the exit of cotyledons in the control variant. Due to the intensive processes of swelling and germination, the growth of the primary root of the sugar beet was accelerated. Conclusions. Uniform provision of seeds with zinc and especially phosphorus on the background of basic complex fertilizer with nanoscale elements contributed to the activation of seed germination and the intense formation of synchronously developed shoots. On average, the opening of the pericarp lid and the appearance of the root accelerated for 4 hours; 6 hours earlier there was an exit of cotyledons. With the introduction of nano chelate fertilizers, root growth and elongation of the hypocotyl at the first microstages of sugar beet sprouting were accelerated twice, due to which the sugar beet sprouts appeared 4-6 hours earlier. Nano chelate microfertilizers, promoting even and synchronous germination, development of sugar beet seedlings ensured synchronous emergence of seedlings and formation of predetermined sowing density without further reduction of plants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Method of propagation, stimulation of rhizomes growth <em>in vitro</em> culture and adaptation in the open ground for the genus <em>Miscanthus </em>representatives
Гонтаренко, С. М | Лашук, С. О
Purpose. To develop a method of propagation, stimulation of rhizomes growth in vitro culture for the genus Miscanthus representatives and their adaptation in the open field without the use of greenhouse complexes for acclimatization and completion of growing. Methods. Biotechnological procedures, mathematical and statistical analyses. Results. Prescription of nutrient medium was developed for explants inoculation, sprouts propagation, rhizomes growth stimulation in vitro. Such sterile explants as seeds, buds to be removed from rhizomes, parts of stems with bud were placed on modified media with mineral portion by Murashige and Skoog (MS) that contained 0,5–1 dose of macroelements and one dose of microelements, vitamins (10 mg/l of thiaminum, 1,0 mg/l of pyridoxine, 1,0 mg/l of nicotinic acid and 1,0 mg/l of ascorbic acid) supplemented with amino acids (250 mg/l of glutamic acid, 3 mg/l of tyrosine, 3 mg/l of arginine, 2 mg/l of hydroxyproline), plant growth regulators [0,5–1,0 mg/l of GA (gibberelline acid), 0,2 mg/l of 6-BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine, 0,1 mg/l of NAA (α-naphtylacetic acid)] in different variations. After seed germination, buds emerging and sprouts formation 1–2 cm in height, for propagation purpose they were passivated on the medium of other composition that differed from previous one by the content and ratio of growth regulators, especially by a high concentration of cytokinins [6-BAP (0,4–0,5 mg/l), kinetin (0,5 mg/l), adenine (0,5 mg/k)] in different variations in presence of GA (0,2 mg/l). In order to stimulate rhizomes growth, microclones were transferred on media with other composition and ratio growth regulators (6-BAP (0,2–0,3 mg/l) + GA (0,5–1,0 mg/l) or 6-BAP (0,2–0,3 mg/l) + GA (0,5–1,0 mg/l) + NAA (0,1 mg/l), in other words, with a high content of gibberellins. After the formation of rhizomes 10–15 cm in length, miscanthus plants were planted out in the open ground. Stimulation of rhizomes initiation and elongation on appropriate nutrient media before Miscanthus giganteus, M. sacchariflorus and M. sinensis planting in vivo resulted in 100% adaptation and 100% survival of plants in the winter period without the use of greenhouse complexes. Conclusions. The method of miscanthus propagation in vitro and adaptation in the open ground was developed that included stimulation of rhizomes growth and favoured the increase of their length on media supplemented with gibberelline that guaranteed 100% preservation of microplants to be propagated from in vitro culture during adaptation in the open ground and acclimatization in winter.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seed quality and productive characteristics of O-type sugar beet lines under low temperatures
Поліщук, В. В
500 O-type lines of sugar beet hybrid components were studied according to their main economically valuable characteristics, namely, one-seed structure, germination readiness, productivity, sugar content and sugar yield. 13 best features were determined, herewith one-seed structure of most tested genotypes was observed at the level of 92-99% which appeared to be of nearly the same level during all the years of the research. On that ground they were included into the program for further research. The weight of seeds of the researched numbers ranged from 13,3 to 22,2 gr. The productivity of the researched O-type lines varied from 40,1 to 45,2 tons per hectare. Herewith, the highest productivity index was observed in 664bk 6 line with the average index 42,7 tons per hectare which ensured sugar yield 7,59 tons per hectare. The results of the research into the influence of low temperatures on seed germination readiness and capacity of O-type sugar beet lines were given. All the researched materials readily respond to conditions of germination and the seed germination readiness and germination capacity directly depend on the temperature. However, high indices of seed germination readiness and capacity under low temperatures is an essential feature of parent breeding materials in the breeding process while creating new hybrids which can be grown by means of intensive technologies. This will make it possible to sow heterosis sugar beet hybrids in earlier terms. It was suggested to use the best lines as parent components for development of heterosis hybrids which are able to ensure seed germination under low temperatures.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Germination seeds of millet genotypes under the influences of PEG 6000 solution on the 3<sup>d</sup> and 6<sup>th</sup> days
О. В. Горлачова | С. М. Горбачова | В. С. Лютенко | О. В. Анциферова
Purpose. To determine the drought resistance of five millet varieties (ʻOmriyaneʼ, ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ) using PEG 6000 as osmotic stress. Methods. To obtain the effect of drought, five concentrations of PEG 6000 solutions were used: 0.0% (control), 11.5%, 15.3%, 19.6%, 23.5% and 28.9%, which corresponds to 0.0, 115, 153, 196, 235 and 289 g of solute in 1000 ml of distilled water or 0.0, -1.9, - 3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 and - 9.7 bar. Results. Osmotic stress strongly suppressed the germination of millet seeds at -3.1 bars (46.8%) and at -4.8 bars (28.66%) on the third day, but on the sixth day the number of germinated seeds increased to 92.8% and 84.0% respectively. The millet genotypes of differed significantly in the percentage of germination at various concentrations of the PEG 6000 osmotic solution. The minimum germination capacity was observed in variety Omriyane at -3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 bars. ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ showed higher germination potential at the different concentrations of water stress. A decrease in root elongation in all genotypes compared to control was observed in -1.9 bars osmotic stress and then at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of osmotic stress the root length had the same value from 6.6 mm to 13.5 mm on the 3d day and from 25.3 mm to 34.7 mm on the 6th day. Variety ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher mean root length at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of water stress induced by PEG on the 3d day (8,7 mm-12,5 mm) and on the 6th day (35.7 mm-32.3 mm). It is not observed shoot of millet at -9.7 bars on the 3d and on the 6th days. ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher individual shoot length of 23.1 mm, 25.5 mm, 25.6 mm, respectively at -4.8 bars of PEG 6000 on the 6th day. At -6.6 bars of osmotic stress ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ had lowest root length/shoot length ratio 2.58 and 2.61, respectively. Variety ʻOmriyaneʼ (3.54) and ʻIR 5ʼ (3.31) had the maximum deviation from unity (3.54 and 3.31, respectively). Conclusions. Genotypes' ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ, which showed a high level of drought resistance, were selected as a result of this study in breeding for drought resistance. Variety ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ were characterized highest seed germination percentage at the different water stress.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Активация роста и развития сахарной свеклы на микростадии 00-09 при внесении удобрений с наноразмерными элементами | Activation of growth and development of sugar beet at microstages 00-09 with application of nanoscale fertilizer elements | Активація росту та розвитку буряків цукрових на мікростадіях 00-09 за внесення добрив з нанорозмірними елементами
Присяжнюк, О. І. | Каленська, С. М. | Новицька, Н. В. | Мельниченко, В. В.
Цель. Поиск путей активизации прорастания семян сахарной свеклы, получение дружных, синхронных всходов путем применения композиций удобрений с наноразмерными элементами.Методы. Вегетационный и лабораторный. Семена сахарной свеклы высевали в подготовленную посуду с почвой с соблюдением требований методик к вегетационным опытам. Удобрения вносили в виде растворов с различным их соотношением в соответствии к шести микростадиям.Результаты. На 01 микростадии по шкале ВВСН (через 130 часов после посева) было отмечено увеличение массы плодов свеклы во всех вариантах – в контрольном варианте на 9,78%; при внесении наноудобрений – 20,4–23,7%. Диаметр плодов менялся аналогично изменениям массы: в контрольном варианте изменение диаметра составило 4,95%; в вариантах с внесением наноудобрений 9,56–13,9%. При различных схемах внесения удобрений отмечали изменения как в скорости формирования органов ростков, так и их линейных размеров. Длина зародышевого корешка на 05 микростадии за равномерного внесения повышенных норм цинка и фосфора, через 40 часов после посева, составила 0,540–2,671 мм. При других комбинациях удобрений появление зародышевого корешка было отмечено только через 44 часа после посева. Через 60 часов после посева (07 микростадия шкалы ВВСН) отмечался полный выход семядолей из гнезда клубочка при внесении нанохелатных микроудобрений и только начало выхода семядолей в контрольном варианте. За счет интенсивных процессов набухания и прорастания происходило ускорение роста первичного корешка сахарной свеклы.Выводы. Равномерное обеспечение семян за прорастания цинком и особенно фосфором на фоне базового комплексного удобрения с наноразмерными элементами способствовало активации прорастания семян и интенсивному формированию синхронно развитых побегов. В среднем на 4 часа ускорялось открытие крышечки плода и появление корня; на 6 часов раньше происходил выход семядолей. При внесении нанохелатних удобрений рост корня и удлинение гипокотиля на первых микростадиях прорастания плодов свеклы сахарной ускорялся вдвое, за счет чего всходы сахарной свеклы появлялись на 4–6 часов раньше. Нанохелатные микроудобрения, способствуя дружескому и синхронному прорастанию, развитию проростков сахарной свеклы обеспечивали синхронное появление всходов и формирование заданной густоты посева без дальнейшей редукции растений | Мета. Пошук шляхів активізації проростання насіння буряків цукрових, отримання дружніх, синхронних сходів шляхом застосування композицій добрив з нанорозмірними елементами.Методи. Вегетаційний та лабораторний. Насіння буряків цукрових висівали в підготовлений посуд з ґрунтом з дотриманням вимог методик до вегетаційних дослідів. Добрива вносили у вигляді розчинів з різним їх співвідношенням відповідно до шести мікростадій.Результати. На 01 мікростадії за шкалою ВВСН (через 130 години після сівби) відмічено збільшення маси плодів буряків в усіх варіантах – в контрольному варіанті на 9,78 %; за внесення нанодобрив – 20,4-23,7 %. Діаметр плодів змінювався аналогічно змінам маси: в контрольному варіанті зміна діаметру становила 4,95 %; в варіантах з внесенням нанодобрив 9,56-13,9 %. За різних схем внесення добрив відмічалися зміни як в швидкості формування органів паростків так і їх лінійні розміри. Довжина зародкового корінця на 05 мікростадії за рівномірного внесення підвищених норм цинку і фосфору, через 40 годин після сівби, складала 0,540-2,671 мм. За інших комбінацій добрив поява зародкового корінця відмічена лише через 44 години після сівби. Через 60 годин після сівби (07 мікростадія шкали ВВСН) відмічається повний вихід сім’ядолей з гнізда клубочка за внесенням нанохелатних мікродобрив та лише початок виходу сім’ядолей в контрольному варіанті. За рахунок інтенсивніших процесів набубнявіння та проростання відбувається прискорення росту первинного корінця буряків цукрових.Висновки. Рівномірне забезпечення насіння за проростання цинком і особливо фосфором, на фоні базового комплексного добрива з нанорозмірними елементами сприяє активації проростання насіння та інтенсивному формуванню синхронно розвинутих паростків. В середньому на 4 години прискорюється відкриття кришечки плоду і поява кореня; на 6 годин раніше відбувається вихід сім’ядолей. За внесення нанохелатних добрив ріст кореня та видовження гіпокотиля на перших мікростадіях проростання плодів буряка цукрового прискорюється вдвічі, за рахунок чого сходи буряків цукрових з’являються на 4-6 годин раніше. Нанохелатні мікродобрива, сприяючи дружньому та синхронному проростанню, розвитку проростків буряків цукрових забезпечують синхронну появу сходів та формування заданої густоти посіву без подальшої редукції рослин. | Purpose. Finding ways to activate the germination of sugar beet seeds, obtaining even and synchronous sprouts when applying fertilizer compositions with nanoscale elements.Methods. Vegetation and laboratory. The seeds of sugar beet were sown in prepared utensils with soil in accordance with the requirements of the methods for vegetation experiments. Fertilizers were introduced in the form of solutions with different ratios according to six microstages.Results. At 01 microstage on the BBCH scale (130 hours after sowing), an increase in the mass of beet fruits in all variants was observed - in the control variant by 9.78%; in the application of nanofertilizers - 20,4-23,7%. The diameter of the fruit varied similarly to changes in mass: in the control variant, the diameter change was 4.95%; in variants with application of nanofertilizers — 9.56-13.9%. Changes in the rate of sprout organs formation and their linear dimensions were noted in the various fertilization schemes. The length of the embryonic root at 05 microstage with uniform introduction of high norms of zinc and phosphorus, after 40 hours after sowing, was 0.540-2.671 mm. For other fertilizer combinations, the appearance of the germ root was noted only 44 hours after sowing. In 60 hours after sowing (07 microstage on the BBCH scale) there was a complete exit of cotyledons from the socket of the cluster with the introduction of nano chelate microfertilizers and only the beginning of the exit of cotyledons in the control variant. Due to the intensive processes of swelling and germination, the growth of the primary root of the sugar beet was accelerated.Conclusions. Uniform provision of seeds with zinc and especially phosphorus on the background of basic complex fertilizer with nanoscale elements contributed to the activation of seed germination and the intense formation of synchronously developed shoots. On average, the opening of the pericarp lid and the appearance of the root accelerated for 4 hours; 6 hours earlier there was an exit of cotyledons. With the introduction of nano chelate fertilizers, root growth and elongation of the hypocotyl at the first microstages of sugar beet sprouting were accelerated twice, due to which the sugar beet sprouts appeared 4-6 hours earlier. Nano chelate microfertilizers, promoting even and synchronous germination, development of sugar beet seedlings ensured synchronous emergence of seedlings and formation of predetermined sowing density without further reduction of plants.
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Кірдогло, Є. К | Поліщук, С. С | Нагуляк, О. І
For the resistance to a soil drought in the early stages of seed germination the key role plays the primary root system: an activity of seed germination, the number of seminal roots and their length, dry weight of roots and coleoptile length and also the degree of cold resistance at the seedling stage. The stages and methods of the creation of six-row medium-grown barley varieties Vakula and Helios and semi-dwarf varieties Ros and Halychanyn are described.
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