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Detection of genetically modified plants using LAMP (loop-mediated amplification) technologies
Sorochynskyi, B. V.
Purpose. Analysis of the current state and experience on the loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) use to detect genetically modified plants. Methods. Literature search and analysis. Results. General information on the current state and use of the genetically modified plants is provided. Despite the wide distribution of genetically modified plants, the attitude towards them in society continues to remain somewhat wary. About 50 countries have introduced mandatory labeling of GM feed and products, provided that their content exceeds a certain threshold. In order to meet labeling requirements, effective and sensitive methods for detecting known genetic modifications in a variety of plant materials, food products and animal feed must be developed and standardized. The most common approaches to the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the determination of specific proteins synthesized in transgenic plants and the detection of new introduced genes. Methods for the determination of GMOs based on the analysis of nucleic acids are more common, since such methods have greater sensitivity and specificity than the analysis of protein composition. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method is the main method of nucleic acid analysis, which is now wide used for the detection of GMOs. Loop-mediated amplification (LAMP), which can occur at a constant temperature and therefore does not require the use of expensive equipment may be an alternative to the PCR. Scientific articles about the use of the loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) for the detection of genetically modified plants were analyzed. Advantages and disadvantages of the polymerase chain reaction and loop-mediated amplification are compared. Conclusions. The main criteria for applying a method of GMO detection analysis are as follow: its sensitivity, time of reaction, availability and ease to use, cost of reagents and equipment, and the possibility for simultaneous detection of many samples.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness
Щипак, Г. В | Матвієць, В. Г | Рябчун, Н. І | Щипак, В. Г
Purpose. Analysis of the process of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness by intraspecific hybridization method using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical investigation, field experiments, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation. Results. The results of breeding winter and alternate triticale varieties possessing a complex of valuable traits by the method of intraspecific hybridization of forms of different types of development using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions (Forest-Steppe – extremely arid Steppe) and at low temperatures were presented. During the years of research (1980–2005), 18 varieties were developed and transferred to the state testing, 17 of them were registered. Conclusions. Thus, the effective selection of highly productive genotypes with increased and high winter hardiness is possible from populations obtained by crossing hexaploid triticale of different types of development (winter triticale with spring and alternate ones) and contrasting level of frost and winter hardiness. During the period of 1980–2015, medium-tall and dwarf varieties of winter (‘Amfidyploid 256’, ‘Garne’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Timofey’, etc.) and alternate (‘Nikanor’, ‘Yaroslava’, ‘Plastun Volynskyi’) triticales were developed. They are superior to the standard varieties of soft winter wheat for the critical temperature of freezing by -0.5...- 2.0 °C, characterized by increased (up to 9–12 t/ha) grain yield of various quality depending on the purpose of use.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessing the impact of time of spring vegetation renewal on growth, development and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties
Уліч, О. Л | Ткачик, С. О | Хахула, В. С | Терещенко, Ю. Ф
Results of study focusing on impact of environmental factor – time of spring vegetation renewal (TSVR) of soft winter wheat on growth and development of plants, crop productivity and modern varieties response are presented. It is found that in the central part of the Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine this factor is important and it should be considered in planning of spring and summer care techniques, fertilizer system, especially at spring fertilizing, use of pesticides and growth regulators, in taking a decision on reseeding or underseeding of space plants. At the same time, it was determined that the environmental effect of TSVR was not occurred every year, thus it is not always possible to forecast the type of plant development. But in such years it is possible to influence the processes of plants growth, development and survival in spring and summer periods and the formation of their productivity by introducing such intensive technologies as differential crop tending, mineral nutrition optimization, the use of plant growth regulators, trace nutrients, weed, pest and disease control agents.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The influence of environmental factors on growing season length for garden pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Стригун, В. М
The results obtained during observations of the growing season of pea collection varieties in different years in terms of interphase periods are presented. The dependence of the growing season length for varieties of various maturity groups on the duration of certain phases of plant growth (seedling, flowering, ripening), ambient environment (temperature, humidity, daylight hours), processing (seed preparation, line production maintenance) and genetic factors (sequential node of the first inflorescence formation) are shown. According to the study results the varieties-sources of «growing season length» characteristic were specified that have been used as components for breeding in the selection process when creating new domestic varieties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Selection of winter types of wheat from its spring types sawn in winter after prior vernalization
Голик, Л. М
In the Mironivka Institute for wheat named by V.M. Remeslo UAAN new winter-hardy winter wheat variety material was obtained. The annual breeding was used for the selection df winter wheat forms from spring wheat varieties by the prevernalization, spring sowing and M2 at the beginning of optimal terms in autumn (the influence of low temperature on spring wheat seeds). On the basis of such material, winter-hardy wheat varieties were created, such as Myronivs’ka rannyostygla, Remeslivna, Vo- loshkova and such varieties as Bagira, Vdyachna and Svyankova were submitted to the State Service for Plant Variety Protection.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The use of Plants biological potential and the yield prognosis of white head саbbаgе
Хареба, В. В
In the article there are surveyed approaches to the use of biological - ecological potential of white head cabbage plants, given parameters of varieties adaptability and economically-valuable signs variability, depending on a temperature factor, water supply. The yield prognosis is worked out.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Bread-making features of flour and role of external temperature factor in their extimation
Турченюк, Л. О | Шевченко, О. І | Шовгун, О. О
Variations in bread volume output in accordance with external temperature factor which balancing increases obtained information reliability are considered.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Response of new varieties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the impact of environmental factors under the conditions of the Southern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Гаврилюк, М. М | Каленич, П. Є
Purpose. To define the level of impact of such factors as rate, time and methods of sowing on seed productivity and certified seeds, and the individual response of winter wheat varieties to these factors if used the ecological system of seed farming, that would allow to form and obtain genetically determined potential of variety productivity. Methods. Weight measurement for determining seed yield; statistical, variance and regression analysis for identifying the reliability of the experiment results. Results. During the research period, weather conditions were greatly differed both by temperature regime and precipitation, but stability of grain and seeds yield on an annual basis was the main requirement to varieties. During the study of «grain productivity» value and quantitative indices of winter wheat yield structure, the results from 684 plots were obtained which were grouped and analyzed for impact factors for complete certainty, and NIR0,05 was calculated. Conclusions. Thus, in case of shifting sowing time from optimum to later period, efficiency of water use by plants was decreasing to a greater extent during years with insufficient precipitation. The shift of sowing time to later period providing optimal seeding rate and row seeding method did not reduce yield. The yield of winter wheat varieties to be studied when sowing in usual manner with seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha in the period from September 15 and October 5 was the highest. Varieties ‘Slavna’ and ‘Chorniava’ provided the highest grain productivity for seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha and using row seeding method, with slight impact of sowing time factor. Grain yield of studied varieties showed negative response during the experiment when seeding rate decreased up to 2,5–3,0 million seeds/ha. ‘Astarta’ variety provided the highest productivity for certified seeds yield as compared to the control (from 1,59 to 3,38 t/ha). The variant of the experiment when sowing on October, 5 in usual manner with seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha showed the highest productivity of 7,02 t/ha (+3,38 t/ha, or +92,9%). Shifting of sowing time for October, 5 resulted in a significant decrease in yields of certified seeds as compared to sowing time on September 15 and 25. Seed yield of studied varieties when sowing on October, 5 was higher than in case of sowing on September, 25. The highest percentage of certified seeds output in the studied varieties was observed for a seeding rate of 2,5–3,0 million seeds/ha. For seeding rate of 5,5 million seeds/ha for varieties with seeding time between September 15 and 25, the difference in grain yield was negligible. The winter wheat variety ‘Astarta’ provided the highest yield of seeds during the research years – 9,36 t/ha, the standard variety ‘Bogdan’ – the lowest one in the best variant of 5,55 t/ha.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Traditional and modern breeding methods of Triticum aestivum L. in the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat
Кириленко, В. В
When creating Triticum aestivum L. varieties in V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, intervarietal crossing was used as the basis for classical method of hybridization. Parental pairs were selected according to environmental and geographical principles. Crossing of lines selected by certain adaptive characteristics among themselves and with the local breeding varieties are widely used. The method of induced mutagenesis is one of the main factor of the evolutionary process which increases hundreds of times the frequency of altered forms occurrence. Thermal mutagenesis – selection of winter forms from spring varieties – is based on low temperature effect on spring wheat varieties (it was developed by V. M. Remeslo, the member of the Academy of Sciences). Method of intervarietal selection in winter wheat breeding provides creation of new varieties of this crop through mass selection of the best plants from local populations. At present, 10 varieties of winter wheat are included into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, one variety – into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, seven varieties are passing state quality testing in these countries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessing the impact of time of spring vegetation renewal on growth, development and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties
О. Л. Уліч | С. О. Ткачик | В. С. Хахула | Ю. Ф. Терещенко
Results of study focusing on impact of environmental factor – time of spring vegetation renewal (TSVR) of soft winter wheat on growth and development of plants, crop productivity and modern varieties response are presented. It is found that in the central part of the Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine this factor is important and it should be considered in planning of spring and summer care techniques, fertilizer system, especially at spring fertilizing, use of pesticides and growth regulators, in taking a decision on reseeding or underseeding of space plants. At the same time, it was determined that the environmental effect of TSVR was not occurred every year, thus it is not always possible to forecast the type of plant development. But in such years it is possible to influence the processes of plants growth, development and survival in spring and summer periods and the formation of their productivity by introducing such intensive technologies as differential crop tending, mineral nutrition optimization, the use of plant growth regulators, trace nutrients, weed, pest and disease control agents.
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