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Screening of winter triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture
Пикало, С. В | Дубровна, О. В
Purpose. To conduct in vitro screening of different genotypes of winter triticale for resistance to salinity in the shoot apical meristem culture. Methods. Plant tissue culture in vitro, in vitro breeding, statistical analysis. Results. It was found that the increase of sodium chloride concentration from 0.6 to 1.5% resulted in inhibition of the callus culture growth in all genotypes that was indicative of the toxic effect of the stress factor. It turns out that 1.2% sodium chloride concentration allowed to differentiate triticale genotypes for salt tolerance. The line ‘38/1296’ appeared to be the most resistant to salinity stress because under breeding conditions calli of this genotype were characterized by higher morphogenetic potential, had the highest crude mass increase, and plants-regenerants were obtained only from explants of this line after cultivation on the medium containing 1.5% sodium chloride. The ‘ADM 11’ variety was the most sensitive to saline stress as mass necrosis and lack of regenerative ability in its calli were observed under breeding conditions. In the studied forms, genotypic dependence of morphogenesis processes in vitro culture was registered. From the induced calli, plants-regenerants were obtained, and their completion of growing, root development and transfer to in vivo conditions were optimized. Conclusions. Genotypic response to salinity stress in the culture of shoot apical meristems of winter triticale was expressed by various crude mass increase and different morphogenetic potential on exposure to a stress factor. The line ‘38/1296’ can be used as a valuable material for further breeding of winter triticale. The culture of shoot apical meristems is recommended to apply as a test system for screening of triticale genotypes for resistance to salinity stress
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness
Щипак, Г. В | Матвієць, В. Г | Рябчун, Н. І | Щипак, В. Г
Purpose. Analysis of the process of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness by intraspecific hybridization method using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical investigation, field experiments, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation. Results. The results of breeding winter and alternate triticale varieties possessing a complex of valuable traits by the method of intraspecific hybridization of forms of different types of development using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions (Forest-Steppe – extremely arid Steppe) and at low temperatures were presented. During the years of research (1980–2005), 18 varieties were developed and transferred to the state testing, 17 of them were registered. Conclusions. Thus, the effective selection of highly productive genotypes with increased and high winter hardiness is possible from populations obtained by crossing hexaploid triticale of different types of development (winter triticale with spring and alternate ones) and contrasting level of frost and winter hardiness. During the period of 1980–2015, medium-tall and dwarf varieties of winter (‘Amfidyploid 256’, ‘Garne’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Timofey’, etc.) and alternate (‘Nikanor’, ‘Yaroslava’, ‘Plastun Volynskyi’) triticales were developed. They are superior to the standard varieties of soft winter wheat for the critical temperature of freezing by -0.5...- 2.0 °C, characterized by increased (up to 9–12 t/ha) grain yield of various quality depending on the purpose of use.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Agroecological Peculiarities of Winter Triticale Variety Vivate Nosivskyi
Л. В. Дем'яненко | Москалець, В. В | Москалець, Т. З | Буняк, Н. М | Москалець, В. І
The article describes Agro-ecological features of winter triticale variety Vivate Nosivskyi developed by means of individual selection based on hybrid combination ([Avgusto x NE 312] x К 9844) at the Examination Facility of Nosivska Breeding and Testing Station ofChernigivIAPPIAAN and selected by quantitative (grain productivity, quantity and weight of grains per ear, cup weight of grain, 1000 kernels weight), qualitative (protein contain, «raw» gluten) parameters of grain yield, by adaptability to a range of causative agents, abnormal events in winter-spring and summer, lodging. It shows that bio-agents of microbe preparations Azospirillum brasilense и Achromobacter album 1122 on initial stages of development of winter triticale variety Vivate Nosivskyi plants enhance nitrogen and phosphor nutrition as reflected in raw and dry weight of plants increased by 1,5 to 2,5 times, area of leaf surface - 2 to 2,4 times, grain yield -1,1-1,3 times.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]До питання впорядкування українських назв рослин. Повідомлення 11. Тритикале (×Triticosecale Wittmack ex A. Camus)
В. М. Меженський
Мета. Аналіз практики найменувань гібридів між пшеницею та житом. Результати. Кожний ботанічний таксон у певних межах може мати лише одну правильну назву, яка є найранішою і відповідає правилам Міжнародного кодексу ботанічної номенклатури для водоростей, грибів та рослин. Для гібридів Secale × Triticum такою назвою є ×Triticosecale. Людвіґ Віттмак ефективно оприлюднив цю назву 1899 року, опублікувавши в матеріалах наукового товариства. Публікація не містила вказівок на латинські назви батьківських родів, тому назва стала дійсно оприлюдненою лише в 1927 році, коли цей недолік було виправлено Емі Камю. Інші назви (×Triticale, ×Tritisecale, ×Secalotricum, ×Secalotriticum) поступаються пріоритетом ×Triticosecale, бо оприлюднені пізніше і тому є надлишковими. Проте назва Triticale значно поширилась і стала загальною назвою для нової культури – тритикале. В українській та російській фаховій літературі термін тритикале використовується контроверсійно, як слово чоловічого, жіночого або середнього роду, тому назви сортів узгоджуються з різними граматичними родами. Селекціонери успішно провели прямі і зворотні схрещування декількох видів пшениці і жита, надавши гібридам тритикале численних латинських назв. Багато з цих назв формально подібні до видових, але, як правило, не відповідають вимогам номенклатурного кодексу і є незаконними. Лише декілька із запропонованих назв є дійсно оприлюдненими, але вони не набули поширення в агрономічній практиці. Тим часом практика надавання створеним гібридам тритикале нових незаконних назв, які не відповідають номенклатурним вимогам, триває, що збільшує плутанину. Висновки. Згідно з правилами української мови слово тритикале граматично належить до середнього роду. Воно позначає нову польову культуру, яка має нотородову назву ×Triticosecale. Переважна більшість запропонованих селекціонерами назв видового і підвидового рівня для тритикале не відповідають вимогам Міжнародного кодексу ботанічної номенклатури для водоростей, грибів та рослин. Для упорядкування сортового розмаїття тритикале варто застосовувати рекомендації Міжнародного кодексу номенклатури культурних рослин, який регулює назви сортів та їхніх сукупностей.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cross-resistance of cell lines and plant regenerants of winter triticale to abiotic stressors
Пикало, С. В | Дубровна, О. В | Гринів, С. М
Purpose. To analyze the level of cross-resistance of obtained salt- and osmotolerant cell lines and plants regenerants of winter triticale to osmotic and salt stresses. Methods. Cultures of tissue and organs in vitro, in vitro breeding, biochemical, statistical analysis. Results. It was established that the stability of cross-resistance trait display to saline and osmotic stresses in obtained cell lines of winter triticale was rather high – from 50 to 76% of calli have survived to the end of the sixth passage. It has been shown that despite the presence of sublethal concentrations of the stress-factor (mannitol/sodium chloride) in selective medium, stable cell lines of the triticale actively continued to grow and accumulate biomass. It was found that in the line ‘38/1296’ cell lines 5L/sl and 5L/os respectively were the most resistant to osmotic and salt stresses, and lines 1C/s1 and 1C/os respectively in the ‘Obrii’ variety, since they had the highest percent of living calli and biomass increment under the selective conditions and their plant regenerant – the highest level of survival after the impact of the abiotic stressors complex. The salt-resistant cell lines of both genotypes of winter triticale as compared to the control were also characterized by significantly higher free proline content under the selective factors impact. The results obtained may indicate that the cell lines and triticale plant regenerants have a genetically determined trait of resistance to stress factors. Conclusions. Verification of traits of resistance to abiotic stressors has shown a significantly high level of cross-tolerance of the obtained cell lines of both triticale genotypes for saline and osmotic stresses. Resistance to saline and osmotic stresses of cells separated in vitro was preserved in induced plants and at the organism level has increased tolerance to abiotic environmental factors. It is shown that due to the general non-specific mechanisms of resistance, the capacity of the callus cultures of triticale to resist to one abiotic stressor can lead to increased tolerance for another one.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative analysis of starch grain size distribution in winter triticale samples
Стариченко, В. М | Корягін, О. М | Шляхтуров, Д. С
Purpose. Determination of the possibility to differentiate triticale samples by starch grain size and identify samples with a minimum size of granules that have a significant positive correlation with the efficiency of the starch transformation into ethanol. Methods. Light microscopy of grinded triticale grains. Results. Analysis of the starch granule size in triticale samples was performed. The minimum average granule size was observed in line Kc-270/14 (23.78 µm), maximum one – in line KR-110/14 (28.06 µm). The size of starch granules in a soft winter wheat variety ‘Tsvit Kalyny’ was 24.2 µm that was within the values typical for winter triticale varieties and lines. The size of the majority of granules ranged from 15 to 35 µm, but their distribution was uneven in the studied lines. Conclusions. Considerable polymorphism of winter triticale for the starch granule size was established. It was found that the minimum average size of starch granules was observed in the samples characterized by minimum maximum size of granules, low frequency of granules of more than 35 µm, and therefore, minimum dispersion. Based on this, assumption can be made about the possibility to evaluate a sample for the presence of granules larger than 35 µm that can significantly reduce the number of measurements and speed up analysis.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spring triticale yield and its stability depending on the genotype and environmental conditions
Рябчун, В. К | Мельник, В. С | Капустіна, Т. Б | Щеченко, О. Є
Purpose. Assessing stability of yield formation of complex-valued varieties and lines of spring triticale under conditions and of different years of their growing. Identifying the best genotypes for yield potential, plasticity and stability. Methods. Ontogenetic, statistical and mathematical analyses. Results. Adaptive capacity and breeding value of spring triticale varieties and lines was established. Methods of breeding and parentage of the best samples were analyzed. Comparison of yields under conditions in of different years of growing allowed to identify genotypes with high yield potential – ‘ЯТХ 38-14’, ‘ЯТХ 61-14’, ‘ЯТХ 62-14’, with stable yields – ‘ЯТХ 17-14’, ‘Boryviter kharkivskyi’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’, ‘Gusar kharkivskyi’, drought resistance ones – ‘ЯТХ 37-14’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’, ‘ЯТХ-64-14’. The genotypes ‘Lebіd kharkіvskyi’, ‘ЯТХ 38-14’, ‘ЯТХ 62-14’ appeared to be more plastic. These samples may be used of hybridization to improve yield. Conclusions. The most promising to production and breeding are the lines ‘ЯТХ 17-14’, ‘ЯТХ 64-14’, ‘ЯТХ 37-14’, ‘ЯТХ 43-14’ (their average yield 4,27–4,48 t/ha) and varieties ‘Zlit kharkivskyi’, ‘Boryviter kharkivskyi’, ‘Gusar kharkivskyi’, ‘Darkhliba kharkivskyi’, which have high adaptive capacity combined with high productivity. They are valuable for use as a starting material in breeding for adaptability.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Breeding of hexaploid triticale for drought resistance
Щипак, Г. В | Матвієць, В. Г | Плакса, В. М | Щипак, В. Г
Purpose. Analysis of hexaploid triticale breeding process for drought resistance through the use of systemic ecological tests in contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical, field, laboratory and statistical ones. Results. Medium-grown (‘Amos’, ‘Nikanor’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Yaroslava’) and low-stem (‘HAD 69’, ‘HAD 86’, ‘HAD 110’, ‘Timofei’) multiline varieties of winter and alternate hexaploid triticale were developed with higher adaptability, potential yield of 9–12 tons per ha and high bread-making properties. Among the most drought resistant genotypes, such varieties as ‘Amos’, ‘Buket’, ‘Harne’, ‘Markiian’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Shalanda’, ‘Nicanor’ and ‘Yaroslava’ showed high values of yield, plasticity and stability. Conclusions. The use of interspecific hybridization instead of intergeneric one in hexaploid triticale breeding, together with systemic testing of the hybrid material in contrasting agro-ecological zones, ensured the creation of multiline competitive varieties with an optimal combination of yield and adaptive properties
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative analysis of starch grain size distribution in winter triticale samples
В. М. Стариченко | О. М. Корягін | Д. С. Шляхтуров
Purpose. Determination of the possibility to differentiate triticale samples by starch grain size and identify samples with a minimum size of granules that have a significant positive correlation with the efficiency of the starch transformation into ethanol. Methods. Light microscopy of grinded triticale grains. Results. Analysis of the starch granule size in triticale samples was performed. The minimum average granule size was observed in line Kc-270/14 (23.78 µm), maximum one – in line KR-110/14 (28.06 µm). The size of starch granules in a soft winter wheat variety ‘Tsvit Kalyny’ was 24.2 µm that was within the values typical for winter triticale varieties and lines. The size of the majority of granules ranged from 15 to 35 µm, but their distribution was uneven in the studied lines. Conclusions. Considerable polymorphism of winter triticale for the starch granule size was established. It was found that the minimum average size of starch granules was observed in the samples characterized by minimum maximum size of granules, low frequency of granules of more than 35 µm, and therefore, minimum dispersion. Based on this, assumption can be made about the possibility to evaluate a sample for the presence of granules larger than 35 µm that can significantly reduce the number of measurements and speed up analysis.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Importance of Triticosecale Wittmack ex A.Camus varieties in the formation of species diversity of agro-ecosystems
Москалець, В. В | Москалець, Т. З
Purpose. To find out the ecological importance of winter triticale varieties in the formation of species diversity of agro-ecosystems. Methods. Field, laboratoryones and mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. The authors studied ecological importance of winter triticale varieties of forest-steppe and Polissia ecotopes as determinants of agrobiocenosis in the structural and functional organization of species diversity. It was found that less favourable ecological niche for pests-phytophags is such winter triticale varieties and lines as ‘Slavetne’, ‘AD 256’, ‘Chaian’, ‘DAU 5’, for epiphytoparasites – ‘Vivate Nosivske’, ‘Pshenychne’, ‘Slavetne polipshene’, ‘Slavetne’, ‘Yaguar’, respectively. It is determined that varieties and lines of winter triticale such as ‘AD 256’, ‘Vivate Nosivske’, ‘Pshenychne’, ‘Slavetne polipshene’, ‘Slavetne’ show high biological ability to compete with synanthropic vegetation and form distinct associations of segetal plants. Conclusions. It was found that agrophytocenoses of the studied varieties of winter triticale under the conditions of forest-steppe, Polissia-forest-steppe and Polissia ecotops determined in movements structural and functional organization of species diversity of agroecosystems.
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