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Cultivars of the Itoh peony group in the collection of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Горобець, В. Ф | Щербакова, Т. О
Purpose. To analyze the variety diversity of the Itoh peony group in the collection of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and determine its biological features in the new conditions of introduction. Methods. Introduction studies, phenological observations, morphometry, statistical processing of results. Results. The cultivars diversity of the Itoh peony group of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine collection was analyzed. The ornamental properties of the cultivars were described. Features of their growth and development under conditions of introduction were studied. It was revealed that the duration of vegetation of plants of Ito group varieties is 218–225 days. It was determined that plant growth begins on March 23 – April 2, flowering on May 19–28. The budding of plants was observed in the first decade of May and lasts 16–20 days. It was revealed that in the conditions of introduction ‘Morning Lilac’ and ‘Sonoma Apricot’ bloom first (May 19–20), ‘Viking Full Moon’, ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’, ‘Yellow Waterlily’ bloom later (May 28). The height of generative shoots of plants in flowering phase ranged from 60 to90 cm. Plants go dormant in winter, having formed generative shoots that successfully winter. Reproduction of plants occurs both due to the buds that form on the lower part of the stem, and the buds that form on the rhizome. The shoot-forming ability and flowering productivity are 6.0±2.5 – 19.5±4.0 shoots and 4.5±1.5 – 16.0±3.0 generative shoots per plant, respectively. Cultivars ‘First Arrival’, ‘Sonoma Apricot’, ‘Hillary’, ‘Bartzella’, ‘Morning Lilac’, ‘Lollipop’, ‘Old Rose Dandy’ are highly productive. Conclusions. The collection of peonies of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden National Botanical Garden National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been expanded by Itoh Group cultivars. The R. Anderson’s breeds of 1980–1990 are more fully represented. An analysis of the ornamental features of the varieties showed that the hybrids with a semi-double flower shape of a yellow color dominate the collection. Cultivars retain all their ornamental and economic characteristics under conditions of introduction. The Itoh group varieties of the collection can be material for developing technologies for their cultivation and propagation, can be a source of replenishment and expansion of regional botanical gardens collections, planting material for gardening and landscaping, and also perform an educational and cognitive function.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Phytomeliorative properties of <i>Cannabis sativa</i> L. plants depending on varietal features of the culture
Кабанець, В. М | Михальська, Л. М | Швартау, В. В | Матус, В. М
Purpose. To investigate the varietal characteristics of the hemp plants for improving the quality indices of the soil they grow in, determine the amount of inorganic elements in the soil, level of their accumulation in plant stalkі and seeds. Methods. Field and spectrometric methods were basic. The results were processed using conventional methods in agriculture, crop growing and statistics. Variants of the experiment were as follows: varieties ‘Hliana’, ‘Hlesiia’: 1) soils; 2) stalks; 3) seeds. Schemes of experiments included: a) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; b) technical maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm; c) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 45 cm; d) biological maturity of plants, row spacing 15 cm. Results. The amount of the accumulation of alkaline earth metals and their compounds by seeds and stalks of hemp plants depending on their content in vegetation soils was determined. It was found that stalks of the ‘Hlesiia’ plant accumulated strontium (Sr) and its compounds far less than that of ‘Hliana’, whereas in the seeds of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety the content of this chemical element was higher comparing with the previous variety by 70 and 78%, respectively. The difference in the accumulation of barium (Ba) compounds in seeds of hemp plants was not significant, while the tissues of the plant stalks of the ‘Hliana’ variety accumulated its compounds significantly more as compared to the ‘Hlesiia’ variety. The degree of influence of the variety, feeding area and the maturity stage on the processes of magnesium compounds (Mg) accumulation by plants was not revealed. Plants of the ‘Hlesiia’ variety accumulated far less calcium (Ca) and its compounds in the stalk tissues as compared to the plants of the ‘Hliana’ variety: in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants with row spacing 45 cm (a) and d – plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) in the biological maturity stage 30,94 and 15,95 mg/kg more in the presence in soil and in variants of the technical maturity stage of plants of narrow-row sowing (15 cm) and in the biological maturity stage with broad-sowing (45 cm) 34.54 and 24.19 mg/kg less in the presence in soil. Conclusions. The indices of accumulation of alkaline earth metals by hemp plants were significantly affected by the concentration of compounds of a certain chemical element in the arable layer, the level of energy (light) obtained by plants during vegetation, the varietal features of hemp, the stages of organogenesis of hemp plants and the specificity of their aboveground parts – stalks to accumulate these chemical elements as well as cumulate them by seeds. The varietal dependence as for accumulation of heavy metals by hemp plants tissues and seeds was established. In order to obtain environmentally friendly products, it is necessary to take into account the varietal features of plants concerning the ability to absorb and accumulate the relevant chemical elements and their compounds in the process of hemp cultivation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative estimation to a biotic factors of adaptation potential of red currants genotypes during vegetation period
Панфилова, О. В | Ожерельєва, З. Є | Голяєва, О. Д
The article presents the results of the laboratory investigation of the influence of high temperatures on water regime of red currant in Institute of Fruit Selection. It shows the dependence of water loss by leaves on the phenophase of plant development. High water loss by leaves occurs during the phase of ripening berries (July). Low water loss is noted during the active growth of shoots (June). Red currant genotypes: «Valentinovka», «Bayna» have a high percent of water loss in June and July. Genotypes «Shedraya», «Gollandskay krasnay», «Orlovchanka», «Dar Orla», «Selyanochka», «Osipovskay», «Belka» and «Jonker van Tets» have a low percent of loss water. The loss of water at the temperature shock is the important protective mechanism from over heat and death of plants. The results of the investigation of a degree of water restoration by red currant leaves in the periods of berry ripening and active growth of shoots are given. The most part of genotypes of red currant leaves have a high percent (>50%) of water restoration. Genotypes «Selyanochka» ,«Orlovchanka», «Dana», «Shedraya», «Belka» have a more 100% of water restoration. On the ground of the obtained results the following genotypes: «Belka», «Selyanochka», «Gollandskay krasnay», «Shedraya», «Orlovchanka», «Dar Orla», «Osipovskay» and «Jonker van Tets» are mostly heat resistant.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Frost-Resistant Plants Selection Peculiarities at Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties Breeding
Чебаков, М. П
Giving regard to the main elements of Winter Wheat varieties assessment when selecting frost resistant plants and taking into account genetic potential of the parents, date of hybrids sowing and their assessment by the speed of spring vegetation, it is possible in the sense of successful breeding to derive the most steady genotypes by the specified characteristics starting from F1. hybrids.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Study of some biochemical parameters and productivity of Silphium L. genotypes as perspective energetic crops
Рахметов, Д. Б | Вергун, О. М | Рахметова, С. О | Шиманська, О. В | Фіщенко, В. В
Purpose. This study was aimed to determine some biochemical parameters and productivity of the gene fund of Silphium L. genus in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Methods. Plant raw material investigated at the flowering stage (17 genotypes) and the end of vegetation (20 genotypes) of Silphium spp. 3 species and 4 cultivars studied for the content of nutrients at the flowering. Determination of dry matter, ash, calcium, nitrogenfree extractives conducted according to Hrytsaienko et al. (2003), phosphorus, protein – according to Pochinok (1976), sugars – according to Krishchenko (1983), cellulose – according to Zheng et al. (2018), lipids – according to Zamowski, Suzuki (2004). It was used productivity parameters: yield of above-ground mass, the yield of dry mass, energetic value, yield of energy. Data analyzed statistically. Results. Investigation of nutrients content showed that content of dry matter was in the range of 18.90–29.3%, protein – in the range of 8.88–23.56%, cellulose – 15.10–36.14%, ash – 8.13–12.19%, lipids – 1.83–3.97%; yield of above-ground mass – 45.0–139.0 t/ha, the yield of dry matter – 10.31–36.92 t/ha, energy value – 3933–4249 cal/g, and yield of energy – 43.81–149.27 Gcal/ha. A study of genotypes at the flowering and end of vegetation identified that the content of dry matter for all samples was in a range of 18.38–67.49%, sugars – 2.78–19.0%, ash – 3.93–11.20%, calcium – 1.68–5.99%, phosphorus – 0.14–1.21%, energy value – 3153.36– 3770.28 cal/g. Conclusions. Plant raw material of genotypes of Silphium L. spp. is a valuable source of nutrients. The content of ash, its components, energetic value, and parameters of productivity depending on genotype and stage of growth. The results allow recommending selected Silphium genotypes as perspective energetic crops in Ukraine as well as other countries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Activation of growth and development of sugar beet at microstages 00-09 with application of nanoscale fertilizer elements
Новицька, Н. В | Каленська, С. М | Присяжнюк, О. І | Мельниченко, В. В
Purpose. Finding ways to activate the germination of sugar beet seeds, obtaining even and synchronous sprouts when applying fertilizer compositions with nanoscale elements. Methods. Vegetation and laboratory. The seeds of sugar beet were sown in prepared utensils with soil in accordance with the requirements of the methods for vegetation experiments. Fertilizers were introduced in the form of solutions with different ratios according to six microstages. Results. At 01 microstage on the BBCH scale (130 hours after sowing), an increase in the mass of beet fruits in all variants was observed - in the control variant by 9.78%; in the application of nanofertilizers - 20,4-23,7%. The diameter of the fruit varied similarly to changes in mass: in the control variant, the diameter change was 4.95%; in variants with application of nanofertilizers — 9.56-13.9%. Changes in the rate of sprout organs formation and their linear dimensions were noted in the various fertilization schemes. The length of the embryonic root at 05 microstage with uniform introduction of high norms of zinc and phosphorus, after 40 hours after sowing, was 0.540-2.671 mm. For other fertilizer combinations, the appearance of the germ root was noted only 44 hours after sowing. In 60 hours after sowing (07 microstage on the BBCH scale) there was a complete exit of cotyledons from the socket of the cluster with the introduction of nano chelate microfertilizers and only the beginning of the exit of cotyledons in the control variant. Due to the intensive processes of swelling and germination, the growth of the primary root of the sugar beet was accelerated. Conclusions. Uniform provision of seeds with zinc and especially phosphorus on the background of basic complex fertilizer with nanoscale elements contributed to the activation of seed germination and the intense formation of synchronously developed shoots. On average, the opening of the pericarp lid and the appearance of the root accelerated for 4 hours; 6 hours earlier there was an exit of cotyledons. With the introduction of nano chelate fertilizers, root growth and elongation of the hypocotyl at the first microstages of sugar beet sprouting were accelerated twice, due to which the sugar beet sprouts appeared 4-6 hours earlier. Nano chelate microfertilizers, promoting even and synchronous germination, development of sugar beet seedlings ensured synchronous emergence of seedlings and formation of predetermined sowing density without further reduction of plants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Динаміка вмісту хлорофілу за етапами органогенезу рослин лаванди вузьколистої (Lavandula angustifolia)
Р. І. Кременчук
Мета. Визначити особливості біосинтезу хлорофілів a і b у листках лаванди вузьколистої за етапами органогенезу в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу України. Методи. Об’єктом дослідження були вісім сортів лаванди української та іноземної селекції: ‘Feuervogel’, ‘Лівадія’, ‘Оріон’, ‘Восток’, ‘König Humberg’, ‘Маестро’, ‘Веселі нотки’ та ‘Richard Walls’ із колекції лабораторії квітково-декоративних і лікарських рослин Інституту садівництва НААН України. Зразки рослинного матеріалу відбирали на дослідних ділянках маточних насаджень культури у 2015–2017 рр. за такими етапами органогенезу рослин: початок вегетації, повне формування листків, формування бутонів, початок цвітіння та повне цвітіння. Уміст хлорофілу в листках визначали за методом Т. Н. Годнева в інтерпретації О. П. Осипової (1947). Результати. Виявлено позитивну динаміку накопичення хлорофілів а і b у листках рослин лаванди вузьколистої за етапами органогенезу в умовах Київської області. У фазі цвітіння сумарний уміст цих пігментів у листках досягав максимуму і залежно від сорту становив від 1,8 до 2,0 г/дм2, що на 18,8–25,0% вище показників попереднього етапу розвитку. Виявлено сортову залежність у біосинтезі хлорофілів а і b. Найвищі показники вмісту хлорофілу а на час цвітіння рослин лаванди зафіксовано в сортів ‘Восток’ і ‘Маестро’ (1,64 г/дм2), хлорофілу b – ‘Орiон’ (0,64 г/дм2) і ‘König Humberg’ (0,52 г/дм2). Висновки. Визначені особливості формування вмісту хлорофілу в рослинах за етапами органогенезу дають змогу оцінити вплив умов вирощування на стан насаджень різних сортів лаванди і можуть бути використані для оптимізації технології вирощування культури.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Features of formation of Miscanthus giganteus planting material depending on cultivation technology elements
Доронін, В. А | Дрига, В. В | Кравченко, Ю. А | Доронін, В. В
Purpose. To establish biological features of plants growth and development and the formation of Miscanthus giganteus planting material depending on the cultivation technology elements. Methods. Field, laboratory, visual, weight measuring, mathematical and statistical ones. Results. The features of the growth and development of the miscanthus bioenergy crop were investigated including the formation of planting material depending on the combined technology elements application during the planting time, namely: planting time, rhizome mass, the granules and the MaxiMarin absorbent gel. It was established that the increase in plant height and leaf area as well as the miscanthus stems formation was depended on both the rhizome planting time, their size, and the use of the absorbent. During three-year period, increase in plant height was more intensive and leaf area was largest in case of the absorbent application, as compared to the control during all phases of the development for the first and the second planting time regardless of rhizome mass. On the average, the largest leaf area – 1905,9 cm3 – was in the final stage of vegetation in the context of the second planting time for large rhizomes and application of granules and absorbent gel jointly. Increasing the ground mass due to plant height, leaf area and the number of stems benefited the photosynthesis productivity intensity, that influenced the root system increase, and consequently the output of the miscanthus planting material. It was found that there are direct strong correlation between these indices and the rhizome mass. Ground mass growing is contributed to the increase in the rhizome mass, and accordingly the output of the planting material – rhizome. In case of application of granules and absorbent gel jointly, the ground mass of the miscanthus was growing most intensively and accordingly the rhizome mass was the largest, which in the first year of small rhizomes planting was twice as much as compared to the control and was equal to 1090.5 g, for large rhizomes planting this index was respectively 2.4 times more and equal to 1763.9 g. During the second planting time, the application of granules and absorbent gel jointly resulted in the rhizomes mass increase for small rhizomes planting 1.9, large rhizomes – 2.1 times more as compared to the control. Conclusions. Direct strong correlations were established between the intensity of the ground mass growth – the height of plants, the number of leaves, leaf area, the number of buds and the rhizome mass. The growth of the ground mass of plants was contributed to the increase of the root system, and consequenly the output of planting material. In all stages of plant development, the increase of the rhizome mass was more intensive in case of the absorbent application regardless the time of rhizome planting, as compared to the control. The application of granules and absorbent jointly allowed to form the largest rhizome mass.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Selection of tomato hybrids (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) for cultivation in the extended culture winter greenhouses
Гаврись, І. Л
The article presents the estimation of economic and biological characteristics of indeterminant tomato hyb rids (Raisa F1, Macarena F1, Emotion F1, Anabel F1, Mariachi F1) under conditions of winter hydroponic. The earliest emergence of fruits is established for Macarena F1 tomato hydrid. The total number of brushes, flo ers and w fruits formed on the plant during the vegetation period, is determined. The degree of fruit inception, yield per plant and average weight of the plant are measured. The monthly dynamics of hybrid tomato crops is presented. The largest harvest was collected through May to July. Marketable and non-marketable portions of the harvest and commercial quality of tomato fruits are determined. A close correlation between fruit weight and fruit yield is established. The Macarena F1 hybrid is distinguished as the most precocious and high-yielding variety.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Model of adaptive information system for forecasting crop productivity
Мельник, С. І | Присяжнюк, О. І | Стариченко, Є. М | Мажуга, К. М | Бровкін, В. В | Мартинов, О. М | Маслечкін, В. В
Purpose of this study was to develop the main components of a model of an adaptive information system for predicting crop productivity. Methods. To conduct research on the establishment of the basic structural elements of an adaptive information model for predicting the productivity of basic crops used the method of constructing dynamic models. Results. A detailed analysis of conceptual approaches to the construction of mathematical agricultural models is carried out and the main advantages and disadvantages of modern analogues are established. It is determined that the adaptive information model is based solely on the needs of the plant and actually on the need to provide these needs with available resources in order to obtain consistently high yields with high quality indicators. The hardware and software complex must have a feedback relationship between its basic structural elements, because it significantly improves the accuracy of predicting plant productivity. Data based on the operation of certain mechanisms or indicators of weather conditions and their forecasts are used for decision making, however, if they are substantially changed, decisions about individual technology elements are reviewed. The software should be related to the economic part and should take into account market conditions and forecast data when making recommendations. In the case of low purchase prices for products, we recommend that certain agrotechnical operations (say vegetation feeding) be applied or not, in the case of significant change in growing conditions - when the application of these agro-measures will be ineffective due to the negative effects of drought, etc. Conclusions. Adaptive information system for forecasting productivity in the technological process of growing crops is formed on the basis of a model consisting of three modules of characteristics – the resultant and two components. At each subsequent stage of implementation of the model, the resulting feature becomes component, with the maximum contribution to the resulting feature of the next module.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]