AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Plant Varieties Studying and Protection ]
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Résultats 11-20 de 77

Improvement of diseases resistance and productivity of winter wheat varieties and their post- registration studying


Гончаренко, М. П | Андрющенко, А. В | Уліч, Л. І | Кривий, М. С | Пашківська, Ю. В | Бусмак, О. А

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Plant varietal recourses of Ukraine in 2008


Гончарук, В. Я | Загинайло, М. І

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Affection of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) varieties of National agrarian university by diseases


Гав’юк, П. М

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Developing apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.) of juice purpose


Левгерова, Н. С | Седов, Є. М | Саліна, Є. С | Серова, З. М

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The foggotten pages of history


В. К. Смиков

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Obtaining of nectarinum (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch subsp. nectarina (Ait.) Shof.) polyploid plants in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens


Є. П. Шоферістов

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Drought resistance of introdused nectarine varieties (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch subsp. nucipersica Dipp.) in the conditions of South Coast of the Crimea


Т. В. Шишова

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Agrobiological characteristics of immune to scab varieties apple (Malus domestica Borkh) developed in VNIISPK.


Є. М. Седов | З. М. Серова | Г. О. Седишева | М. О. Макаркіна | Є. В. Ульянівська

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Methodical approaches to the cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)


К. М. Кривицький | Н. В. Лещук

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Developing apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.) of juice purpose


Н. С. Левгерова | Є. М. Седов | Є. С. Саліна | З. М. Серова

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden