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Acclimations processes in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) tissues on clonal rootstocks bred in Ukraine depending on the hibernal conditions.
Д. Г. Макарова
The author has investigated the acclimation processes of the apple cultivars Ascolda and Spartan on nine clonal rootstocks bred in Ukraine. The degree of different tissues frost-resistance has been terminated and the acclimation processes in one - year germinations estimated. The cul- tivar-rootstock combinations have been selected which are the most adapted to the hibernation conditions under the conditions of the Ukraine’s northern.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Forming of productivity of new soft winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) subject to phyto-virus pressure
В. П. Петренкова | І. М. Черняева | Т. Ю. Маркова | Н. І. Рябчун | О. О. Ісаєнко
The infection by phytoviruses and the productivity formation in the new varieties of winter bread wheat in the different years with virus damage were investigated. There were identified the varieties being more tolerant to the observed diseases, among these - the samples with different constituents of tolerance, which could be used in the breeding programs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) drought resistance and its connection with thickness of leaf blade
В. В. Корзін | В. М. Горіна | О. А. Ільницький | В. А. Одинцова
The studying results of drought resistance for 15 varieties and 6 forms of apricot in the condition of South of the Ukraine have been given. The plants with different level of drought resistance have been selected from apricot varieties and forms introduced on the South Coast of the Crimea. From the studied varieties the most drought resistance ones are: Vardaguin Vagdaas, Luchak Sumbarskiy, Sulina, LE-132. Two best apricot varieties have been recommended for use in selection on this character
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Results of the State varietal examination of grain quality for Spring Soft Wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) listed in the State Register of Varieties of Ukraine
О. О. Шовгун | В. В. Шелепов | В. М. Лисікова | С. О. Ляшенко | С. Л. Чухлєб | О. О. Бадяка
Quality of Spring Soft Wheat varieties listed in the State Register of Varieties of Ukraine for 2008, according to the grain quality indices (protein content, flour vigor, bread volume). Over 86% of Winter Wheat varieties bred by Ukrainian breeders are classified according to their quality to the strong and valuable, in contrast to 14 % of foreign varieties. This is the evidence of the Ukrainian breeding varieties ability to compete.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Variation of the yield and quality of grain of winter soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) inside one sort depend ing on its fertilization
Т. В. Кожухар | С. С. Кохан | О. В. Кириченко
The study of impact of complex application of biological compositions based on fixing nitrogen by microorganisms and plant lectin and nitric fertilizers on productivity and quality of grain of winter wheat on the dark-grey soil in the field terms was conducted. It is shown, that presowing treatment of seed by biological compositions stimulated forming of greater productivity with the best quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The selection of cabage lettuce varieties (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L) for seedling and non seedling planting
Н. В. Лещук
The best cabbage lettuce varieties for seedling and non seedling planting under the conditions of the open soil were defined. The potential productivity of the varieties under research in the conditions of the open soil were grounded from the scientific point of view. The influence of planting methods on plants productivity, produvtivity and quality of fresh lettuce heads was analyzed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Commercial and biological characteristics of pear gene pool (Pyrus communis L.) of VNIISPK
Н. Г. Красова | Н. М. Глазова
The study results for many years (1972- 2006) of pear gene pool in the All- Russian Research Institute of Horticultural Breeding are given. The cultivars and selections have been singled out for wide dissemination and use in breeding.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Production testing of the winter rape (Brassica napus L.)
Ф. М. Парій | А. І. Опалко | А. Д. Черненко
Advantages of heterotic hybrids of the winter rape in the competitive and in the production testing proven. While certain advantages in the productivity of cultivar of the Czech selection of Odila above the domestic cultivar of Dangal got in the competitive testing in the production testing confirmed. It is established that the greatest productivity in the production testing was had hybrids Vsesvit F1t Zapalnyj Fb G-3 Fi and G-4 Fi, which are characterized the stable and yearly high productivity and combine the productivity with adaptability to the environmental conditions of area of Forest- steppe of Ukraine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Productivity and quality of vegetable seed varieties subject to the agrotechnological methods of growing.
О. Ю. Барабаш | З. Д. Сич | Н. В. Котюк | Н. В. Лещук
The value of a variety as of important element in the technology of growing is considered. Productivity formation of seeds of vegetable varieties depending on the agrotechnological methods of growing is grounded. Influence of matrix quality diversity of seeds and its sowing qualities are established. Agromeasures are developed to eliminate matrix quality diversity of seeds for vegetable crops to improve its sowing qualities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The new donors of dominant short-stern characteristic of Winter Rye (Secale cereale I.)
В. В. Скорик | О. І. Буняк
New donors of short-stem dominant characteristic Gnom 1 (G1), Gnom 2 (G2), Gnom 3 (G3) have been created to the purpose of further increasing the yield of Winter Rye and effective redistribution of assimilation products to the benefits of the grain. Genetic and Statistical analysis of 10 selective characteristics of these donors has been conducted and options to improve them were determined. Application of G1 in the prospective breeding programs G1 on 10 characteristics would not create considerable difficulties. Engagement in the crossing of G2 and G3 donors may create complications in the expression of- productivity characteristics of the ear and plants in the progenies. Crossing used in transgress and combinative breeding is preferable for applying. Application of G3 may be accompanied with technical inconvenience in perfor-ming directed crossing. Application of G3 attracts by the creating conditions for uniting desirable height of plant with the constitutionnal components of Winter Rye productivity.
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