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Résultats 41-50 de 87
Pomological and biochemical peculiarities of plant from genus Prunus L. with anthocyanic color of fruits' flesh and leaves
Горіна, В. М | Ріхтер, О. О | Зайцев, Г. П
The pomological description of studied samples has been given; the chemical composition and relation between biochemical characteristics in fruits of Prunus cerasifera subsp. macrocarpa (Erem. et Garcov.) var. pissardi Bailey has been studied. The obtained data are compared with characteristics, typical for fruits of varieties Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. and forms of Persica vulgaris subsp. atropurpureae (Schneid.) Zajats.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The intial material for selection of new competitive varieties of haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for conditions for the northern forest-steppe Ukraine
Дупляк, О. Т | Камінська, Л. В | Мамайсур, В. В
In the article are submitted results of the studing the collection of varieties of haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) by the main economic- value haracteristics for conditions for the northern forest-steppe of Ukraine. Are selected and recommended sources of one’s haracteristics and by their complex for next selection.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Variety Studying and Peculiarities of Seed Production of the Nizhyn Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Population at Maiak Variety Testing Facility under IOB NAAN
Хареба, О. В
The article offers information on main vectors in scientific research of Nizhyn Mistsevyi cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at Maiak variety testing facility under IOB NAAN (National Agrarian Academy of Science) for the period of 1974 to 2010 (variety testing and seed production).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cherry-plum and its hybrids with male sterility
Шоферістов, Є. П
The results of first varietal study of 7 new genotypes of Prunus cerasifera Ehrh., bred in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, with male sterility and one similar introduced variety 'Puntsovy' have been given. The value and defects have been marked. Their practical use in selection work and in nurseries has been suggested.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Identification of Soft Wheat Genotypes by Height in the Course of DUS Examination of Varieties
Улич, Л. І
The article presents summary of the research of inheritance issues, as well as permanency and polylithism of soft wheat plants, and utilization of the above trait for identification of genotypes in the course of DUS examination of varieties. Relation of height of plants to their resistance to lodging and crops productivity has been studied. Expediency has been grounded for setting respective agro- ecological conditions enabling the plant height to fall within the limits of genetically conditioned optimum for every variety.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ukrainian Market of Varieties: Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Motnch.)
Безручко, О. І
Directions of use for valuable groat crop, buckwheat, its genesis and history in Ukraine, regions of cultivation, requirements to development of new varieties and economical expediency of their growth are highlighted. Description is also provided for the. Buckwheat verities with Official Description, which are listed in the StateRegister of Varieties Suitable for Dissemi nation in Ukraine in 2010.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Agriculture in Ancient and its influence on Development of Agronomics and Welfare of the States
Шелепов, В. В | Бачкала, О. В
On the basis of literary sources history of origin and development of agriculture is rotined in Ancient. The first Civilizations arose up on fat streamside lands of the large rivers: Nile, Euphrates, tiger, Inda, Ganga and other Earths and plenty of water are fertile during an overflow, a warm climate allowed to Ancient civilizations to grow 2-3 harvests in a year. For the receipt of high harvests, a man had to study the modes of overflow of the rivers, look after heavenly bodies, determine the areas of scopes and terms of leadthrough of the field works. The decision of these questions resulted in the origin of agronomics, astronomy, mathematics. Large harvests were instrumental in the origin of peculiar, enriching of the states, to development of trade and culture on the whole. Riches of country and overpopulation resulted in the origin of wars which one states perished as a result of, second – blossomed. Scientists consider that a high culture, intensive exploitation of soils and aggressiveness of man, brought the most Ancient Civilizations over to the ecological crisis and their elimination.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cherry-plum and its hybrids with male sterility
Є. П. Шоферістов
The results of first varietal study of 7 new genotypes of Prunus cerasifera Ehrh., bred in Nikitsky Botanical Gardens, with male sterility and one similar introduced variety 'Puntsovy' have been given. The value and defects have been marked. Their practical use in selection work and in nurseries has been suggested.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Industrial and selectional value of plum Izyum erik (Prunus domestica L.) in the Crimea
Є. П. Шоферістов
The results of expeditional collections and first varietal study of local varieties of plum Izyum erik have been given in the article. The perspectives of the further use of the studied varieties for selection and testing in industrial conditions, in orchards and plots near the houses have been discussed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The new sorts and hybrids of vegetable crops for conditions of glass-cove red ground.
В. А. Кравченко | Н. І. Янчук
The short characteristica of new sorts and hybrids of vegetubles for greenhouses cultivation are presented. All sorts and hybrids in researches were included in State Regster of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukrains in 2010.
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