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Résultats 71-80 de 92
Development and variability of soft winter wheat varieties in stress environmental conditions
Тищенко, В. М | Томіна, М. В | Дубенець, М. В
The article presents results of characteristics studying for generative and vegetative parts of soft winter wheat in the conditions of autumn moisture shortage and in the conditions of optimal moisture supply. During the period of studies a dramatic difference of the levels of generative and vegetative parts of plants has been observed. As a decreased level of characteristics development has been noted, so its increasing, in particular, among the varieties of generative part. within 7.2% (thousand seed weight) to 42.6% (seed weight per ear). It is found that efficient development of generative organs is subject to variety bushing capacity, in particular at spring. The article also shows that stress conditions of autumn period influence late emergence of seedlings; however, that goes along increased level of some characteristics development at generative part. Obviously, during such years the selection of breeding material as per ear yield would not be efficient. The article, for the purpose of excluding negative consequences of selection, pays special attention to such characteristics as that not affected by stress environmental conditions. This indicates genetic stability of those characteristics, so their use as marker characteristics in yield specific breeding is advised.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Perspectives of breeding fungal diseases resistant cultivars of nectarine (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. subsp. nectarina (Ait.) Shof.)
Шоферістов, Є. П | Цюпка, С. Ю | Іващенко, Ю. О
There are allocated some forms of distant hybrids with weak degree of fungal diseases lesion (Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul., Sphaerotheca pannosa (Lev.) var. persicae Woron., Clasterosporium carpophilum Aderh., Monilia cinerea Bonord. и Monilia fructigena Fr.) that are of practical interest for breeding such cultivars of peach and nectarine that will resist these pathogens.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative evaluation of predictable and unpredictable environments as backgrounds for selection to adaptive ability
В. М. Стариченко
The research of 122 breeding lines of winter wheat to adaptability have been carried out for three years at three points. Samples for ecological variety testing were determined which have both high and average stability and plasticity, high average yield and are promising for qualified examination. The environments are analyzed for differentiating ability. Environments were selected which allow to identify genotypes for yield potential and adaptive ability. It is established that the parameters of adaptive ability and stability of winter wheat samples obtained during cultivation both in various geographical locations and at one point during some years were closely correlated. This confirms the hypothesis that the genotype estimate for adaptive ability in one location is reliable. The connection level was average only for the variance of genotype–environment interaction. However, this parameter is not principal therefore this connection level does not restrict significantly the use of the method in general.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The results of selection of mixed germ-plasm corn (Zea mays L.) among self-pollinated families S4 for the duration of the «sprouting–flowering of 50% of ears» period
О. Л. Гайдаш
The results of evaluation and selection of breeding material of mixed germ-plasm corn for early ripeness among self-pollinated families S4 by the length of the «sprouting–flowering of 50% of ears» period are given. A signifi cant infl uence of weather conditions during the years of study on the length of this indicator was determined. Response of studied corn test-crosses on growing conditions are described. Self-pollinated families DK22282111, DK28211111, DK21511111, DK20192321, DK26143111 were singled out which had a high tolerance to growing conditions and stable «sprouting–flowering of 50% of ears» period.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Traditional and modern breeding methods of Triticum aestivum L. in the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat
В. В. Кириленко
When creating Triticum aestivum L. varieties in V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, intervarietal crossing was used as the basis for classical method of hybridization. Parental pairs were selected according to environmental and geographical principles. Crossing of lines selected by certain adaptive characteristics among themselves and with the local breeding varieties are widely used. The method of induced mutagenesis is one of the main factor of the evolutionary process which increases hundreds of times the frequency of altered forms occurrence. Thermal mutagenesis – selection of winter forms from spring varieties – is based on low temperature effect on spring wheat varieties (it was developed by V. M. Remeslo, the member of the Academy of Sciences). Method of intervarietal selection in winter wheat breeding provides creation of new varieties of this crop through mass selection of the best plants from local populations. At present, 10 varieties of winter wheat are included into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine, one variety – into the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, seven varieties are passing state quality testing in these countries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Productive potential of beetroot seed plants depending on the technology elements
С. І. Корнієнко | Л. А. Терьохіна | О. В. Куц | Л. М. Урюпіна
Elements of energy-saving technology of table beet seed production (variety type of Bordeau) in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine were improved, they include method of irrigation (drip irrigation, HB 70–65%), fertilizing (locally N 15 P 30 K 60 + N 15 ), fertigation (stage of 3–4 true leaves, bundle ripeness, the beginning of stooling and flowering), the use of standard mother roots 61–100 mm in diameter along with mother rootsstecklings 41–60 mm in diameter that increase average yields according to the size up to 1,89 t/ha. It is found that the application of micronutrient mixture of Zn + B + Mo in one term and mixture of Zn + B in two terms was the most effective.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Yield and adaptive potential of modern varieties of soft winter wheat in the Northern Steppe conditions
М. М. Солодушко
Results obtained during the study of special features of cultivation and productivity of soft winter wheat varieties that differ by origin in the Steppe zone in Ukraine are presented. Relevance of the executed work was determined by ambiguous assessment and selection of available soft winter wheat variety assortment that is used in Steppe zone farms. Findings allow to find out and expose to a greater extent unused reserves for increasing the croppage level. It was found in the process of the study that now according to comprehensive assessment the best varieties of a soft winter wheat for corn growers in the steppe zone are Smuhlianka, Epokha odes`ka, Kiriia, Zolotokolosa, Blahodarka odes`ka, Bohdana, Lyst 25, Rozkishna.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Chemical composition of peach fruits in the collection of Nikitsky Botanical Garden
А. В. Смиков | О. О. Ріхтер | О. С. Федорова
The article quotes data on fruits biochemical composition for 101 varieties of peach from Nikita Botanical Garden collection. 88 varieties have been singled out according to the composition of bioactive substances. Among those varieties the North China and Iran ecological and geographical groups prevail (52.3% and 37.5%, respectively).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of sowing time on the realization of productivity potential of modern varieties of soft winter wheat in the context of climate change
О. Л. Уліч
The effect of sowing time on realization of the natural productivity potential of modern soft winter wheat varieties was studied. It is established that the use of current agricultural technologies in a context of climate change has caused shift of calendar sowing terms to the second half of the optimal terms comparing with earlier cultivated varieties. In subzones of Kirovohrad and Bila Tserkva state variety testing stations the highest yield of winter wheat is formed in case of sowing on September 20–30, but the optimum for Kirovohrad station fall on September 30, Bila Tserkva station – on September 20 and 30. Sowing in earlier or later time leads to decreasing yields, especially of Vynnychanka, Smuhlyanka, Zolotokolosa and Tripilska varieties. Bogdana and Kuialnyk varieties are the most adaptive to sowing time under agroecological conditions of Kirovohrad state variety testing station.
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