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Output of continuous directed selection aimed at short stem development in Winter Rye (Secale cereale L.)
Скорик, В. В
The article provides progress report on the barley of F3к-10029/Saratovske 4 height decreasing throughout 1974 to 2012 by way of selecting plants of the shortest stem. 38 years of selecting the shortest stem genotypes cut down plant height by 5,7 times at the background of dominant Hl gene expression. Average plant height during 38 breeding cycles was descending by 2,69 cm, but this was not an even trend. New creative donor for ultimate short stem characteristic, Gnome 3, has been developed, with Hl-3Hl-3alleles designation. Relative impact on the efficacy of minus-selection by the plant height of the selection differential (38,00%) and inheritance coefficient in its narrow sense (14,56%) is established. Efficiency of the selection is realized with the decrease of winter rye height plants by 72,08% as expected by the relative breeding forecast. Analyzes is completed for 11 genetic and statistical clusters of average utilitarian characteristics of Gnome 3 ultra short stem rye over the period from 1974 to 2012.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In given article results of studying of a selection material of a beet sugar (Beta vulgaris L. ssp.vulgaris var. altissima Doell) (Ms-lines and pollinators) the Ivanovo skilled-selection station under program «Betaintercross» are considered
Лейбович, А. С | Борисов, Д. В | Борисова, Т. О | Borisova, L. V. | Шрамко, Л. П
The article considers the results of studying breeding material of sugar beet (MS-lines and many-seeded pollinators) of Ivanivsk Variety Testing Station in the framework of Beta-Intercross Program. Betaintercross Breeding Program for Sugar Beet has been developed by, and is implemented in, the Institute for Bioenergy Crops, formerly known as Sugar Beets Institute (ISB). Ivansivsk Variety Testing Station has been fully engaged into implementation of the Program since 1996. Key task for the Program is to draw genetic potential of breeding materials of sugar beet of the Institute research entities, namely Bila Tserkva Breeding Research Station, Ivanivsk Breeding Research Station, Uladovo-Liulinets Breeding Research Station, Uman Breeding Research Station, Ialtushkivka Breeding Research Station, as well as domestic and foreign companies with the view of maximizing the effect of heterosis use with the view of producing highly productive hybrids of new generation. Over various years, apart from various experimental re-search entities of the Institute, such companies as KWS (Germany), Novi Sad Institute (Serbia), Ramon (Russia), Danisco Seed (Denmark), Belorus ZDS and others have taken part [in the above Program]. The article provides key principles for the Program implementation scheme and its method. The cooperation has enabled to produce a range of highly productive hybrids listed in the State Register capable of competing at today’s market of sugar beet seed. Among these there are hybrids produced jointly with Ivanivsk Research Breeding Station, in particular: Romul (2005), Prometei (2008), Ramses (2009), Risolt (2007), Kvarta (2010), Zluka (2010), ITSB 0801 (2011), ITSB 0802 (2011), ITSB 0904 (2012), ITSB 0905 (2012).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Growth and development of sugar sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum L. Pers.) plants at different terms of sowing and seeding depth in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Герасименко, Л. А
The article features the results of research on phenological observations, biometric parameters of growth and development of the plants of sugar sorghum Silosnoe 42 variety during the vegetation at different terms of sowing and seeding depth in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. In particular, we show data on ground germination capacity of the seeds, the duration of the interphase periods, tillering, plant height and the diameter of the stem. It was established that the planting of sugar sorghum in mid-May (the third sowing date) to the seeding depth of 4...6 cm enabled better plant development, as well as in these conditions the maximum values of plant growth and development were registered compared to the other test editions. Therefore, were would suggest the third term of sowing and seed depth 4...6 cm for growing the crop in this area.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A selection and seed-grower are a substantial factor of increase to the productivity of oil-bearing cultures
Кириченко, В. В | Коломацька, В. П | Рудник-Іващенко, О. І
Analysis of oilseeds in Ukraine, including sunflower, soybean, winter and spring rape, mustard, linseed, sesame, spring false flax, safflower. Presented research-based elements of the technology of cultivation. Described seed of oilseeds. Named most promising varieties of these crops. Disclosed their productive and qualitative potential. The above varietal structure of oilseeds in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine for years. In order to ensure stable population of oil and food, which include oil, and for the implementation of programs related to soil fertility, scientifically grounded recommended area of oilseeds in Ukraine for 2013–2015 years, ha.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Peculiaritis of Apomictic plants development Pyrus communis х Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. in vitro conditions
Джафарова, В. Є | Голишкін, Л. В | Долматов, Є. О | Ташматова, Л. В
The development features of four samples of apomictic plants during micropropagation are presented. These plants have been derived from embryos after pear pollination with the pollen of Chaenomeles japanica at 55 and 70 days of their development. Different responses of samples on the tested concentration of cytokinin (6BAP) and its combination with gibberell acid are shown. Tendency of increasing of the coefficient of the reproduction of separate numbers of apomictic plants has been noted under changing of BAP concentration from 1 mg/l to 2 mg/l or BAP combination with GA3. For the purpose of optimization of the stage of conglomeration forming (buds and shoots) BAP concentration 1 and 2 mg/l should be alternated in a passage on the background of GA3 1,5 mg/l. For the first time the origin of apomictic plant roots during rhizogenesis has been retraced and the anatomical structure of roots in conditions in vitro has been studied. Root formation in vitro occurs in internal tissues of a shoot. Roots of apomictic plants formed in vitro are primary as in plants developed in vivo.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Auxin activity of piсloram in callusogensis- and morphogenesis of apple (Malus do- mestica borkh.) anthers
Джафарова, В. Є
Callusogensis and morphogenesis of anthers of apple scab resistant varieties have been studied, with picloram applied. Auxin activity of this preparation has been revealed as in the darkness so in the light. The callusogenesis efficiency of studied varieties varied from 26,0 to 83,3% subject to the concentration of picloram in the darkness and from 11,3 to 74,9% in the conditions of low light. We consider 4 mg/l in the medium to be an optimal level of piloram concentration so far as this concentration provides the best callusogenesis indices of the tested apple varieties. The callus formed in the darkness in the medium with picloram is knobby and dense of white or milky color. The callus formed in the light is intensively green or greenishwhite, denser, with distinctly outlined meristem hearths. Morphological characters of calluses obtained in the medium of picloram are stable over years. The roots of Yubiley Moskvy variety have been induced under auxin:cytokinin ratio 1 : 2 (picloram : BAP, cytokinin). The roots of Svezhest cultivar were obtained under auxin : cytokinin ratio 3:9 (picloram : BAP, kinetin). Formation of four buds was recored in Orlovskoye polesie variety under auxin : cytokinin ratio 1:20.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seed quality and productive characteristics of O-type sugar beet lines under low temperatures
Поліщук, В. В
500 O-type lines of sugar beet hybrid components were studied according to their main economically valuable characteristics, namely, one-seed structure, germination readiness, productivity, sugar content and sugar yield. 13 best features were determined, herewith one-seed structure of most tested genotypes was observed at the level of 92-99% which appeared to be of nearly the same level during all the years of the research. On that ground they were included into the program for further research. The weight of seeds of the researched numbers ranged from 13,3 to 22,2 gr. The productivity of the researched O-type lines varied from 40,1 to 45,2 tons per hectare. Herewith, the highest productivity index was observed in 664bk 6 line with the average index 42,7 tons per hectare which ensured sugar yield 7,59 tons per hectare. The results of the research into the influence of low temperatures on seed germination readiness and capacity of O-type sugar beet lines were given. All the researched materials readily respond to conditions of germination and the seed germination readiness and germination capacity directly depend on the temperature. However, high indices of seed germination readiness and capacity under low temperatures is an essential feature of parent breeding materials in the breeding process while creating new hybrids which can be grown by means of intensive technologies. This will make it possible to sow heterosis sugar beet hybrids in earlier terms. It was suggested to use the best lines as parent components for development of heterosis hybrids which are able to ensure seed germination under low temperatures.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Selection of tomato hybrids (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) for cultivation in the extended culture winter greenhouses
Гаврись, І. Л
The article presents the estimation of economic and biological characteristics of indeterminant tomato hyb rids (Raisa F1, Macarena F1, Emotion F1, Anabel F1, Mariachi F1) under conditions of winter hydroponic. The earliest emergence of fruits is established for Macarena F1 tomato hydrid. The total number of brushes, flo ers and w fruits formed on the plant during the vegetation period, is determined. The degree of fruit inception, yield per plant and average weight of the plant are measured. The monthly dynamics of hybrid tomato crops is presented. The largest harvest was collected through May to July. Marketable and non-marketable portions of the harvest and commercial quality of tomato fruits are determined. A close correlation between fruit weight and fruit yield is established. The Macarena F1 hybrid is distinguished as the most precocious and high-yielding variety.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Suitability of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) as bred by NULES of Ukraine to machine harvesting of its berries
Сіленко, В. О | Гав’юк, П. М
In the article the authors show outcome of three years observation of blackcurrant varieties bred by Study Horticulture Department NULES of Ukraine for their suitabi lity to machine harvesting. Blackcurrant is the most common berry crop in Ukraine. When establishing intensive industrial plantations the varieties suitable for machine harvesting should be used. During 2006-2008 limited and unlimited traits of varieties bred by NULES of Ukraine suitability to combine harvesting were studied. All parameters of the examined varieties were compared against the requirements of the «ideal variety”. Simultaneous ripening of berries was observed in varieties Dochka Vorskly – 93,6%, Hovtva, Pamyaty Leonida Myhalevskoho – 92,6%. The pick off effort required to collect berries out of their clusters for all varieties but Yarynka was within acceptable range of 67...129 g. By effort applied for berries crush only Yarynka has failed to meet the necessary requirements. All the varie ties but Yarynka have been found suitable by growth habit of their bush (upright and semi-spread). Insufficient number fruits (6-7 pc.) in clusters for varieties Narodna and Yarynka was noted. Berries weight for all studied varieties ranged within 1.27-1.84 g, their drop-off was 3-8%, duration of harvesting period ranged from 8 to 10 days, so all the parameters of varieties suggested they were suitable for picking berries by berry harvesters. Varieties Dochka Vorskly, Universitetska, Hovtva, Pamyatna, Premiera, Narodna, Leleka and Pamyaty Leonida Myhalevskoho were selected as suitable for combine harvesting by the complex of positive parameters.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Quality and marketable characteristics of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corym- bosum L.) under the Kyiv region conditions
Сіленко, В. О | Марченко, С. В
In the article the authors present the results of the study biometric and qualitative characteristics of berries highbush blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in a specific soil and climatic conditions Forest-steppe of Ukraine (Kiev). Investigations were carried out on 11 varieties of American highbush blueberry. Phenological observations, biometric surveys, tasting score and biochemical analysis of the berries have been conducted during the growing season. By results of researches the group of early-ripening varieties includes Bluestar, Earliblue, Patriot, the middle-ripening – Jonne, Atlantis, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Chyk and late-ripening varieties – Amanda, Darrow, Toro. Duration of collecting period of ripe berries was lower (16 days) in varieties Bluestar, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow. Berries were large sizes in the varieties of Darrow, Amanda, Jonne, in other varieties berries were medium size. By tasting score the berry of varieties Toro, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow were the best. For biochemical parameters the better varieties were Amanda, Jonne and Earliblue.
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