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Selection of tomato hybrids (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) for cultivation in the extended culture winter greenhouses
Гаврись, І. Л
The article presents the estimation of economic and biological characteristics of indeterminant tomato hyb rids (Raisa F1, Macarena F1, Emotion F1, Anabel F1, Mariachi F1) under conditions of winter hydroponic. The earliest emergence of fruits is established for Macarena F1 tomato hydrid. The total number of brushes, flo ers and w fruits formed on the plant during the vegetation period, is determined. The degree of fruit inception, yield per plant and average weight of the plant are measured. The monthly dynamics of hybrid tomato crops is presented. The largest harvest was collected through May to July. Marketable and non-marketable portions of the harvest and commercial quality of tomato fruits are determined. A close correlation between fruit weight and fruit yield is established. The Macarena F1 hybrid is distinguished as the most precocious and high-yielding variety.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Suitability of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) as bred by NULES of Ukraine to machine harvesting of its berries
Сіленко, В. О | Гав’юк, П. М
In the article the authors show outcome of three years observation of blackcurrant varieties bred by Study Horticulture Department NULES of Ukraine for their suitabi lity to machine harvesting. Blackcurrant is the most common berry crop in Ukraine. When establishing intensive industrial plantations the varieties suitable for machine harvesting should be used. During 2006-2008 limited and unlimited traits of varieties bred by NULES of Ukraine suitability to combine harvesting were studied. All parameters of the examined varieties were compared against the requirements of the «ideal variety”. Simultaneous ripening of berries was observed in varieties Dochka Vorskly – 93,6%, Hovtva, Pamyaty Leonida Myhalevskoho – 92,6%. The pick off effort required to collect berries out of their clusters for all varieties but Yarynka was within acceptable range of 67...129 g. By effort applied for berries crush only Yarynka has failed to meet the necessary requirements. All the varie ties but Yarynka have been found suitable by growth habit of their bush (upright and semi-spread). Insufficient number fruits (6-7 pc.) in clusters for varieties Narodna and Yarynka was noted. Berries weight for all studied varieties ranged within 1.27-1.84 g, their drop-off was 3-8%, duration of harvesting period ranged from 8 to 10 days, so all the parameters of varieties suggested they were suitable for picking berries by berry harvesters. Varieties Dochka Vorskly, Universitetska, Hovtva, Pamyatna, Premiera, Narodna, Leleka and Pamyaty Leonida Myhalevskoho were selected as suitable for combine harvesting by the complex of positive parameters.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Quality and marketable characteristics of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corym- bosum L.) under the Kyiv region conditions
Сіленко, В. О | Марченко, С. В
In the article the authors present the results of the study biometric and qualitative characteristics of berries highbush blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in a specific soil and climatic conditions Forest-steppe of Ukraine (Kiev). Investigations were carried out on 11 varieties of American highbush blueberry. Phenological observations, biometric surveys, tasting score and biochemical analysis of the berries have been conducted during the growing season. By results of researches the group of early-ripening varieties includes Bluestar, Earliblue, Patriot, the middle-ripening – Jonne, Atlantis, Bluegold, Bluecrop, Chyk and late-ripening varieties – Amanda, Darrow, Toro. Duration of collecting period of ripe berries was lower (16 days) in varieties Bluestar, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow. Berries were large sizes in the varieties of Darrow, Amanda, Jonne, in other varieties berries were medium size. By tasting score the berry of varieties Toro, Earliblue, Jonne and Darrow were the best. For biochemical parameters the better varieties were Amanda, Jonne and Earliblue.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Aroma peculiarities of apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) and cherry-plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) flowers
Горіна, В. М | Ріхтер, О. О | Виноградов, Б. О
In the component composition of volatile solutions determining fragrance of the flowers in apricot and cherry-plum varieties and Prunus brigantiaca Vill. x Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. hybrids there are 36 highest hydrocarbons and benzaldehyde that prevail. There are fewer amounts of the solutions which scare bees (benzaldehyde) in the fragrance of cherry-plum varieties as compared to the flowers of apricot and hybrids. At the same time, the content of tricosane, pentacosane, docosane, heneycosane, eicosane, nonadecan that probably attract bees is higher in the cherry-plum flowers than in the fragrance of apricot and hybrid flowers. The average three years yield of cherry-plum plants (Nikitska Zhovta 10,7 and Salgirskaya Rumjanaya 28,5 t/ ha) is higher than for apricot (Recolte de Schatene 0,3; Rodnik 2,9; Ananasniy Tsurupinsky 7,4 t/ha) and hybrids (8110 – 5,2; 8098 – 6,4 t/ha) that could be explained with better pollination of flowers and better fruit formation. Prevailing components of flower aroma of these plants and their possible link with yield of the objects in questions have been analyzed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Researching morphological characters of rye (Secale cereale L.) and sorghum bicolor (Sorghum bicolor L.)
Каражбей, Г. М | Гринів, С. М | Безручко, О. І | Камінська, Л. В
The article highlights key issues of the development of collection of varieties displaying example characteristics of sorghum bicolor and rye. It displays their applicability and value. In order to develop the varietal collections of rye and sorghum bicolor as a methodical tool of varietal examination on distinctness, uniformity and stability, a scrutiny has been given to the morphologic description, morphologic description of plant varieties systematization, as well as field examinations on the facilities of the Poltava and Zhitomir state centers for variety testing. The work undertaken has resulted into the establishment of common knowledge rye, sorghum bicolor varieties collections encompassing 330 and 30 varieties, respectively. A morphologic analyzes of common knowledge varieties enabled to single varieties displaying example characters out of the majority of grades of identification characteristics expression. In particular, for sorghum bicolor of 199 grades as set by the Text Guidelines, varieties with example characteristics were selected for 135 grades by 40 identification characters, while in rye for 81grades out of 99 grades existing by 19 identification characteristics. For each crop Lists of varieties displaying example characters were created, with example referencing to characteristic number and state of its expression indicated, namely of 16 sorghum bicolor varieties and 18 varieties of the rye. The common knowledge variety collections established could be considered as a tool for identifying local differences, i.e. in the scale of Ukraine partially embracing CIS and Europe.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The transgenosis main directions in vegetable and melon production: theory and practice
Н. В. Лещук | Л. В. Шаюк | Н. В. Майстер
The article deals with priority directions of vegetable and melon plants selection. The wide varieties of alien genetic information transferring methods during the transgenic plants creation of vegetable and melon species are grounded. The essence of the new hybrids identification method as genetic engineering products: kind of cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, lettuce seed, pea Pisum sativum), common bean, eggplant and capsicum is revealed. The transgenosis main directions of botanical taxa varieties of vegetable and melon plants on condition of the international and national practice holding are proved. The international practice of the state approbation and registration of genetically engineered structures in biological objects (plant varieties) and in their processed products are studied. A monitoring about food and pharmaceutical substances based on genetically modified varieties and hybrids structures of vegetable and melon plants have been held.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Combining ability of tetraploid pollinator lines of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell) by the elements of productivity
М. О. Корнєєва | Л. М. Чемерис | М. Б. Мацук
Evaluation of the genetic component values considered to be the important part of the selection process on creating hybrids of sugar beet and The aim of the study is to determine tetraploid pollinators combining ability Bilotserkovskoy breeding on yield and sugar content and the genetic determination of the productivity elements and their phenotypic manifestations in first generation hybrids of sugar beet. The methods of test crossing on the type top cross of pollen sterile lines of Uuladivsky and Ivanovsky origin and stabilized ployidnistyu tetraploid pollinators of beet sugar Belotserkovskoy selection on yielding of sugar beet tetraploid pollinators of Bilotserkovskoy breeding have been applied. A key role belongs to non additive gene effects in gene structure of characteristics variability yielding has been determined.The part of additive gene action pollinators is predominant in genetic control of top cross hybrids sugar content. The 16 hybrid combinations are differentiated by their parental components combining ability. Pollinators of 1007 ( the yield ) and 1013 ( for the sugar content) have been characterized by their valuable additive gene complexes. Perspective hybrid combinations for their further breeding study are revealed, genetic determination of productivity elements and sugar yield is defined Analysis of gene interactions in sugar beet hybrids confirms the theory of genetic balance MV Turbine
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In given article results of studying of a selection material of a beet sugar (Beta vulgaris L. ssp.vulgaris var. altissima Doell) (Ms-lines and pollinators) the Ivanovo skilled-selection station under program «Betaintercross» are considered
А. С. Лейбович | Д. В. Борисов | Т. О. Борисова | Л. В. Борисова | Л. П. Шрамко
The article considers the results of studying breeding material of sugar beet (MS-lines and many-seeded pollinators) of Ivanivsk Variety Testing Station in the framework of Beta-Intercross Program. Betaintercross Breeding Program for Sugar Beet has been developed by, and is implemented in, the Institute for Bioenergy Crops, formerly known as Sugar Beets Institute (ISB). Ivansivsk Variety Testing Station has been fully engaged into implementation of the Program since 1996. Key task for the Program is to draw genetic potential of breeding materials of sugar beet of the Institute research entities, namely Bila Tserkva Breeding Research Station, Ivanivsk Breeding Research Station, Uladovo-Liulinets Breeding Research Station, Uman Breeding Research Station, Ialtushkivka Breeding Research Station, as well as domestic and foreign companies with the view of maximizing the effect of heterosis use with the view of producing highly productive hybrids of new generation. Over various years, apart from various experimental re-search entities of the Institute, such companies as KWS (Germany), Novi Sad Institute (Serbia), Ramon (Russia), Danisco Seed (Denmark), Belorus ZDS and others have taken part [in the above Program]. The article provides key principles for the Program implementation scheme and its method. The cooperation has enabled to produce a range of highly productive hybrids listed in the State Register capable of competing at today’s market of sugar beet seed. Among these there are hybrids produced jointly with Ivanivsk Research Breeding Station, in particular: Romul (2005), Prometei (2008), Ramses (2009), Risolt (2007), Kvarta (2010), Zluka (2010), ITSB 0801 (2011), ITSB 0802 (2011), ITSB 0904 (2012), ITSB 0905 (2012).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Contribution of Nikita Botanical Garden to breeding for quality of stone fruits of Prunus L. genus
О. О. Ріхтер
The article provides historical reference on methods of studying fruits quality and diversity of apricot, cherryplum, nectarine and peach varieties in past and present.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Стійкість колекційних зразків цибулі ріпчастої (Allium cepa L.) різного еколого-географічного походження проти пероноспорозу в умовах Чернігівської області
Н. О. Горган | М. Д. Горган
Наведено результати досліджень сприйнятливості колекційних зразків цибулі ріпчастої різного еколого-географічного походження до збудника пероноспорозу (Peronospora destructor Berk). Встановлено, що сорти та гібриди цибулі ріпчастої першого та другого року життя уражуються пероноспорозом. Ступінь розвитку хвороби залежав від інфекційного навантаження, вологості та температури повітря. Дослідження показали, що в середньому за три роки у колекційному розсаднику цибулі першого року життя поширення хвороби припадало на кінець вегетації залежно від зразка і становило 12,7–79,0%, а її розвиток сягав 8,0–61,7%. На насінниках (фаза зав’язування насіння) пероноспороз поширювався у межах 32,7–95,7%, а його розвиток на природно-провокаційному фоні становив 25,7–88,3%. Серед великої кількості вивчених зразків імунних проти хвороби не виявлено. Виділено форми, яким властива відносна польова стійкість проти хвороби, і які будуть використані в селекційних програмах створення нових сортів і гібридів.
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