AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Plant Varieties Studying and Protection ]
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Résultats 1-10 de 57

Effect of plant growth regulators on the yield of such red beetroot varieties as Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion


Бобось, І. М | Ободовський, М. В

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Формування адитивних біоценотичних зв’язків у фітоценозах тритикале озимого в умовах лісостепового та полісько-лісостепового екотопів


Москалець, В. В | Москалець, Т. З

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey


Усик, Л. О | Базалій, Г. Г | Колесникова, Н. Д

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Influence of growth regulators EpinTM and Emistym C on the productivity of plantations and fruit quality of strawberry varieties (Fragaria ananassa (Weston) Duсhesne ex Rozier)


Силаєва, А. М | Спірочкіна, М. М

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Application of cellular breeding method to assess the quality of tomato varieties (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and their resistance to bacterial diseases’ agents


Коломієць, Ю. В | Григорюк, І. П | Буценко, Л. М

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Foliar feeding of rootstocks of various cultivars of hazelnuts (Corylus maxima Mill.) in the mother plantation for horizontal vegetative propagation


Яремко, Н. О

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey


Л. О. Усик | Г. Г. Базалій | Н. Д. Колесникова

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The role of variety in increasing seed productivity of China Aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees)


Л. О. Шевель | О. І. Рудник-Іващенко

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Effect of plant growth regulators on the yield of such red beetroot varieties as Bordeaux Kharkivskyi and Aktion


І. М. Бобось | М. В. Ободовський

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Considering issue of regulating of Ukrainian names of plants. Communication 1. Names for Vaccinium species


В. М. Меженський

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden