AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
Recherche avancée
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Date de publication

Résultats 1-10 de 36

Environmental policy for the control of nitrate pollution at farm level in the European Union


Hellegers, P.J.G.J.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

The need for the human factor in integrated water management.


Leentvaar, J.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Whole-catchment liming at Tjoennstrond, Norway: an 11-year record


Traaen, T.S. (Norwegian Inst. for Water Research, Oslo (Norway).) | Frogner, T. | Hindar, A. | Kleiven, E. | Lande, A. | Wright, R.F.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Heavy metals in allotment gardens close to an oil refinery in Plock


Mikula, W. (Warsaw Agricultural Univ., Warszawa (Poland). Faculty of Horticulture, Dept. of Environmental Protection) | Indeka, L.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Relationship between sugar maple decline and corresponding chemical changes in the stem tissue


Mohamed, H.K. (Toronto Univ., Toronto, Ont. (Canada). Faculty of Forestry) | Pathak, S. | Roy, D.N. | Hutchinson, T.C. | McLaughlin, D.L. | Kinch, J.C.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Influence of a mycorrhizal fungus and/or rhizobium on growth and biomass partitioning of subterranean clover exposed to ozone


Miller, J.E. (North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC (USA). Dept. of Forestry) | Shafer, S.R. | Schoeneberger, M.M. | Pursley, W.A. | Horton, S.J. | Davey, C.B.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands

Tree bark as a bioindicator of air pollution in Navarra, Spain


Santamaria, J.M. (Navarra Univ., Pamplona (Spain). Dept. of Chemistry and Soil Science) | Martin, A.

Wageningen University & Research - Netherlands