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Linking the contents of hydrophobic PAHs with the canopy water storage capacity of coniferous trees
Anna Klamerus-Iwan | Gloor Emanuel | Anna Sadowska-Rociek | Ewa Błońska | Jarosław Lasota | Sylwia Łagan
The canopy water storage capacity (S) is an important parameter for the hydrological cycle in forests. One factor which influences the S is leaf texture, which in turn is thought to be affected by the contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In order to improve our understanding of S we simulated rainfall and measured the S of coniferous species growing under various conditions. The contents of 18 PAHs were measured in the needles. The species chosen were: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) and silver fir (Abies Alba Mill.). Sample branches were collected in 3 locations: A - forest; B - housing estate; C - city center. We found that PAHs have a significant impact on the S of tree crowns. The increase in the total content of all of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (SUM.PAH) translates into an increase of S for all species. The S is the highest for the P. abies species, followed by P. sylvestris and A. alba at all locations. Within the same species, an increase in the value of S is associated with an increase in the PAH content in needles measured by gas chromatography. For A.alba, the average S increased from 11.54% of the total amount of simulated rain (ml g−1) at location A, to 17.10% at location B, and 21.02% at location C. Similarly for P. abies the S was 21.78%, 29.06% and 34.36% at locations A, B and C respectively. | Rain simulation, Canopy water storage capacity, Ecohydrology, Air pollution, P. sylvestris, P. abies, A. alba | 40 | 1176-1184
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Soil pollution indices conditioned by medieval metallurgical activity – A case study from Krakow (Poland)
Joanna Kowalska | Ryszard Mazurek | Michał Gąsiorek | Marcin Setlak | Tomasz Zaleski | Jarosław Waroszewski
The studied soil profile under the Main Market Square (MMS) in Krakow was characterised by the influence of medieval metallurgical activity. In the presented soil section lithological discontinuity (LD) was found, which manifests itself in the form of cultural layers (CLs). Moreover, in this paper LD detection methods based on soil texture are presented. For the first time, three different ways to identify the presence of LD in the urban soils are suggested. The presence of LD had an influence on the content and distribution of heavy metals within the soil profile. The content of heavy metals in the CLs under the MMS in Krakow was significantly higher than the content in natural horizons. In addition, there were distinct differences in the content of heavy metals within CLs. Profile variability and differences in the content of heavy metals and phosphorus within the CLs under the MMS were activity indicators of Krakow inhabitants in the past. This paper presents alternative methods for the assessment of the degree of heavy metal contamination in urban soils using selected pollution indices. On the basis of the studied total concentration of heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, Cr, Cd, Ni, Sn, Ag) and total phosphorus content, the Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo), Enrichment Factor (EF), Sum of Pollution Index (PIsum), Single Pollution Index (PI), Nemerow Pollution Index (PINemerow) and Potential Ecological Risk (RI) were calculated using different local and reference geochemical backgrounds. The use of various geochemical backgrounds is helpful to evaluate the assessment of soil pollution. The individual CLs differed from each other according to the degree of pollution. The different values of pollution indices within the studied soil profile showed that LDS should not be evaluated in terms of contamination as one, homogeneous soil profile but each separate CL should be treated individually. | Medieval industry, Lithological discontinuity, Cultural layers, Pollution indices, Heavy metals, Urban soils | 40 | 1023-1036 | 218
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Modelling future soil chemistry at a highly polluted forest site at Istebna in Southern Poland using the “SAFE” model
Stanisław Małek | Liisa Martinson | Harald Sverdrup
The multi-layer dynamic model SAFE was applied to the forested catchment Istebna (Southern Poland), to study recovery from acidification. Environmental pollution in the area has been historically high. The model uses data from an intensive monitoring plot established in 1999 in a spruce stand, which was planted in 1880. Observations showed that the soil was depleted of base cations. The measured base saturation in 1999 was between 5 and 8% in the different soil layers. Model predictions assuming full implementation of the UNECE 1999 Gothenburg Protocol and present day base cation deposition show that the base saturation will slowly increase to 20% by 2100. Despite large emission reductions, Istebna still suffers from the very high loads of acidifying input during the past decades. Soil recovery depends on future emissions especially on base cation deposition. The recovery will be even slower if the base cation deposition decreases further. | Soil chemistry; SAFE model; Spruce stands; Southern Poland | 24 | 1-6
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Usefulness of bee bread and capped brood for the assessment of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in the environment
Katarzyna Zięba | Elżbieta Szostak | Krystyna Czekońska | Paweł Miśkowiec | Agnieszka Moos-Matysik | Anna Nyczyk-Malinowska | Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi
Monitoring airborne pollutants, like aromatic hydrocarbons, are raising more and more concerns recently. Various sampling techniques and methods are known to collect, measure, and analyse environmental pollution levels based on honey bee bodies or bee product samples. Although honey bees are studied in detail and sampling methods are becoming more and more sophisticated biological samples may significantly differ in pollutant accumulation, showing a wide range of pollution levels even in the same site and environment. We have compared the pollution levels of honey bee capped brood and bee bread (pollen collected by honey bees and deposited in the hive) originating from four sites during two years of study and twelve honey bee families near various pollution sources emitting monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) to the environment. Our result showed, that the environmental monitoring of BTEX can be based on sampling honey bees, and bee bread in particular. However, we found a significant difference in the uptake of these pollutants regarding sample type. Pollen collected as a food source revealed consistently higher levels of BTEX than bee brood, as well as some other differences in pollution levels between samples and between seasons, as opposed to capped brood. Based on our results, we suggest that for measuring and monitoring of BTEX pollution in the environment the use of bee bread is a valuable source of information. | 100 | 2-10 | Part A
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The current state of environmental pollution with sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Poland based on sulfur concentration in Scots pine needles
Justyna Likus-Cieślik | Jarosław Socha | Piotr Gruba | Marcin Pietrzykowski
The current air pollution by SO2due to anthropogenic pressure in Poland was assessed based on sulfurconcentrations in pine needles (Pinus sylvestrisL.). On 308 monitoring sample plots located in pine standsdistributed across Poland, measurements were conducted in mineral soil layers (0e10 cm, 10e40 cm, 40e100 cm) and in the soil organic layer (þ5e0 cm). Samples of Scots pine foliage (current-year needles)were then collected, and the sulfur concentration in these needles was determined. Based on these data,a map of the spatial variability of sulfur concentrations in pine needles was drawn. The mean sulfurconcentration in the pine needles was 854.8 mg kg�1in dry mass. Higher SO2emissions were noted inregions influenced by industry, such as the Upper Silesia and regions under strong urban pressure. Sulfurconcentrations in Scots pine needles were related to the stands' degrees of defoliation. A comparison ofthe current sulfur concentrations in pine needles from biomonitoring in 2015e2016 with those fromprevious biomonitoring (in 1983e1985, byDmuchowski and Bytnerowicz (1995)showed that air qualityhas improved and SO2emissions have decreased. | Sulfur dioxide, Bioindication, Defoliation, Air quality | 100 | 1-8 | 113559
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Nanotechnology in Agriculture, the Food Sector, and Remediation: Prospects, Relations, and Constraints
Anna Gorczyca | Ewa Pociecha | Ewelina Matras
The applications and benefits of nanotechnology in the agricultural and food sector are now established as a matter of fact, but scientists still have a problem to properly acknowledge the influence of nanocompounds on the environment. We are starting to use nanopesticides and nanofertilizers, but the effects they have on organisms in the environment can be diverse in nature – ranging from the beneficial to the harmful. Environmental microbiome can be strongly modified by nanoparticles. Soil microbiomes are the basis for healthy plants and crops. At the same time, the unique properties of nanomaterials make them particularly suitable for environmental remediation due to their high surface area-to-volume ratio, which often results in higher reactivity. Nanomaterials are starting to be used for the remediation of problematic contaminants (organic and organophosphorus compounds, volatile organic compounds, some heavy metals, or herbicides), and such use offers some very promising prospects. This chapter provides an overview of nanotechnology in general, including a description of the main categories of nanomaterials, the utilization of nanotechnology in the agricultural and food sector, as well as the use of nanomaterials in environmental remediation. Lastly, some toxicological aspects of nanomaterials present in the environment are presented on the basis of the scientific literature in the field. | Nanotechnology, Nanoremediation, Ecotoxicity, Agriculture, The food industry | 20 | 1-34
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Unique biocenosis as a foundation to develop a phytobial consortium for effective bioremediation of Cr(VI)-polluted waters and sediments
Joanna Augustynowicz | Ewa Sitek | Dariusz Latowski | Konrad Wołowski | Anna Kowalczyk | Rafał Przejczowski
This paper analyzes a unique, aquatic phytobial biocenosis that has been forming naturally for over 20 years and operating as a filter for Cr(VI)-polluted groundwater. Our study presents a thorough taxonomic analysis of the biocenosis, including filamentous algae, vascular plants, and microbiome, together with the analysis of Cr accumulation levels, bioconcentration factors and other environmentally-significant parameters: siderophore production by bacteria, biomass growth of the plants or winter hardiness. Among 67 species identified in the investigated reservoir, 13 species were indicated as particularly useful in the bioremediation of Cr(VI)-polluted water and sediment. Moreover, three species of filamentous algae, Tribonema sp., and three easily culturable bacterial species were for the first time shown as resistant to Cr concentration up to 123 mg/dm3, i.e. 6150 times over the permissible level. The work presents a modern holistic phytobial consortium indispensable for the remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated aquatic environment in temperate zones worldwide. | Biological mat, Cr(VI), Phytobial remediation, Pseudomonas peli, Tribonema | 100 | 1-14
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spatiotemporal dynamics of spring and stream water chemistry in a high-mountain area
Żelazny Mirosław | Aleksander Astel | Anna Wolanin | Stanisław Małek
The present study deals with the application of the self-organizing map (SOM) technique in the exploration of spatiotemporal dynamics of spring and stream water samples collected in the Chochołowski Stream Basin located in the Tatra Mountains (Poland). The SOM-based classification helped to uncover relationships between physical and chemical parameters of water samples and factors determining the quality of water in the studied high-mountain area. In the upper part of the Chochołowski Stream Basin, located on the top of the crystalline core of the Tatras, concentrations of the majority of ionic substances were the lowest due to limited leaching. Significantly higher concentration of ionic substances was detected in spring and stream samples draining sedimentary rocks. The influence of karst-type springs on the quality of stream water was also demonstrated. | Tatra Mountains Basin Water chemical profile Unsupervised classification Self-organizing maps Rock Spruce stands | 40 | 1048-1057 | 159
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Three-dimensional model of magnetic susceptibility in forest topsoil: An indirect method to discriminate contaminant migration
Adam Łukasik | Marcin Szuszkiewicz | Tomasz Wanic | Piotr Gruba
Soil magnetic susceptibility (MS) is an important parameter in pollution studies owing to its relationship with atmospheric deposition, and the concomitance of technogenic magnetic particles (TMPs) with potentially toxic elements (PTEs), Fe and Mn. In this study, we performed a detailed soil study under tree canopies for a forest area with high historical TMP-bearing industrial dust deposition. The technogenic sources of magnetic signals in topsoil were analyzed via scanning electron microscope electron dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), while the minor role of geogenic sources was obtained from soil profile analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show soil TMP distribution in three dimensional (3D) space. In addition, using the data from 275 soil cores and 8250 individual measurements, 3D maps of MS for four tree species were plotted. There is a noticeable difference between coniferous (spruce and pine) and deciduous (beech and oak) species regarding depth of maximum concentration of magnetic particles in the topsoil. For beech and oak, maximum MS values were measured at 3 cm depth; pine and spruce, maximum MS values were measured at 5 cm depth. However, no significant differences were found among tree species in terms of mean MS or PTE contents. This suggests that there is little different among tree species in terms of dust capture over their life span. Significant correlations between MS and other parameters (PTEs and organic matter contents) present new possibilities for spatial 3D analysis of topsoil horizons. | 3D analysis, Magnetic susceptibility, Tree crowns, Forest soil, Contaminants migration | 100 | 1-11 | 273
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Accumulation of metals in Lasius niger: Implications for using ants as bioindicators
Mateusz Okrutniak | Irena Grześ
The high capacity of many ant species to accumulate trace metals raises the question of whether the metal concentration in ants’ bodies could reliably reflect the contamination of ecosystems. The idea of applying the metal accumulation in ants for bioindication purposes is tempting; however, the methods should consider that ants are unique organisms due to their social way of life. In this study, we describe the between-colony variation in the accumulation of Zn and Cd in workers of the common garden ant Lasius niger originated from the post-mining area of a zinc-and-lead smelter in southern Poland. We show that the accumulation of both metals differs significantly between colonies even within the same study site; at the maximum, we detected a three-fold difference in Zn accumulation and a six-fold difference in Cd. The results showed that in the study area, the capacity of L. niger to accumulate metals is highly colony-specific. If future studies on other ant species concur with our findings, this may suggest that incorporating the between-colony variation of metal accumulation in prospective bioindication protocols would provide a higher accuracy of the assessments on the contamination of impacted environments. We suggest that using ants for bioindication should be preceded by preliminary studies to assess representative samples of colonies that could reliably indicate the contamination of the investigated area. | Pollution, Colony, Zinc, Cadmium | 100 | 1-6 | Part A
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