AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
Recherche avancée
Fournisseur de données

Résultats 41-50 de 259

Effects of acute ozone exposure on growth, nodulation and nitrogen content of Ladino clover


Letchworth, M.B. (Dep. of Bot., North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 27607 (USA)) | Blum, U.

European Union - Belgium

The effect of road deicing salts on sodium concentration in an urban water-course


Scott, W.S. (Geography Department, York University, Toronto, Ontario (Canada))

European Union - Belgium

Effects of increasing temperature on social behaviour in territorial groups of pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus


Power, M.E. (Marine Biological Laboratory, Boston University, Woods Hole, Mass. 02543 (USA)) | Todd, J.H.

European Union - Belgium

Seasonal and short-term variations in the concentration and supply of dissolved zinc to polluted aquatic environments


Grimshaw, D.L. (Departments of Geography and Geology, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (UK)) | Lewin, J. | Fuge, R.

European Union - Belgium

Influence of copper high tension lines on plants and soils


Kraal, H. (Biological Laboratories, Department of Ecology, Free University, Amsterdam-Buitenveldert (Netherlands)) | Ernst, W.

European Union - Belgium

Soybean peroxidases from ozone injury


Curtis, C.R. (Univ. Maryland, College Park (USA)) | Howell, R.K. | Kremer, D.F.

European Union - Belgium

Heavy metal contamination of vegetables and soil in domestic gardens around a smelting complex


Beavington, F. (Wollongong University, New South Wales (Australia))

European Union - Belgium

Evaluation of organic air pollutants in pollen gathered from beehives


Lopez, M.C. | Nicotra, C.

European Union - Belgium