AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Fournisseur de données
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Résultats 41-50 de 302

Larval dispersal of pearl oysters Pinctada margaritifera in the Gambier Islands (French Polynesia) and exploring options for adult restocking using in situ data and numerical modelling


Bruyère, Oriane | Chauveau, Mathilde | Le Gendre, Romain | Liao, Vetea | Andréfouët, Serge

Ifremer - France

Mitigating plastic pollution at sea: Natural seawater degradation of a sustainable PBS/PBAT marine rope


Le Gué, Louis | Davies, Peter | Arhant, Mael | Vincent, Benoit | Tanguy, Erwan

Ifremer - France

Plastics in the Anthropocene: A multifaceted approach to marine pollution management


Rangel-buitrago, Nelson | Neal, William J. | Galgani, Francois

Ifremer - France

Combined effects of ocean warming and acidification on the larval stages of the European abalone Haliotis tuberculata


Kavousi, Javid | Roussel, Sabine | Martin, Sophie | Gaillard, Fanny | Badou, Aicha | Di Poi, Carole | Huchette, Sylvain | Dubois, Philippe | Auzoux-bordenave, Stéphanie

Ifremer - France

How can ports act to reduce underwater noise from shipping? Identifying effective management frameworks


Virto, Laura Recuero | Dumez, Hervé | Romero, Carlos | Bailly, Denis

Ifremer - France

A study of trophic structure, physiological condition and mercury biomagnification in swordfish (Xiphias gladius): Evidence of unfavourable conditions for the swordfish population in the Western Mediterranean


Biton-porsmoguer, Sebastián | Bănaru, Daniela | Harmelin-vivien, Mireille | Béarez, Philippe | Bouchoucha, Marc | Marco-miralles, Francoise | Marquès, Montse | Lloret, Josep

Ifremer - France

The MANA (MANagement of Atolls, 2017–2022) project for pearl oyster aquaculture management in the Central Pacific Ocean using modelling approaches: Overview of first results


Andréfouët, Serge | Lo-yat, Alain | Lefebvre, Sebastien | Bionaz, Océane | Liao, Vetea

Ifremer - France

Metals concentrations in transitional and coastal waters by ICPMS and voltammetry analysis of spot samples and passive samplers (DGT)


Caetano, Miguel | Correia Dos Santos, Margarida M. | Rosa, Nuno | Carvalho, Inês | Rodríguez, Jose Germain | Belzunce-segarra, María Jesús | Menchaca, Iratxe | Larreta, Joana | Sanz, Marta Rodrigo | Millán-gabet, Vanessa | Gonzalez, Jean-louis | Amouroux, Isabelle | Guesdon, Stephane | Menet-nédélec, Florence | White, Blánaid | Regan, Fiona | Nolan, Martin | Mchugh, Brendan | Bersuder, Philippe | Bolam, Thi | Robinson, Craig D. | Fones, Gary R. | Zhang, Hao | Schintu, Marco | Montero, Natalia | Marras, Barbara

Ifremer - France

Periodicity of wave-driven flows and lagoon water renewal for 74 Central Pacific Ocean atolls


Andréfouët, Serge | Desclaux, Terence | Buttin, Julie | Jullien, Swen | Aucan, Jérôme | Le Gendre, Romain | Liao, Vetea

Ifremer - France

Ultraphytoplankton community structure in subsurface waters along a North-South Mediterranean transect


Boudriga, Ismail | Thyssen, Melilotus | Zouari, Amel | Garcia, Nicole | Tedetti, Marc | Bel Hassen, Malika

Ifremer - France