AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 1-7 de 7

Impact of chronic cadmium exposure at environmental dose on escape behaviour in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.; Teleostei, Moronidae)


Faucher, Karine | Fichet, Denis | Miramand, Pierre | Lagardere, Jean-paul

Ifremer - France

Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in female common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from western European seas: Geographical trends, causal factors and effects on reproduction and mortality


Pierce, G | Santos, M | Murphy, S | Learmonth, J | Zuur, A | Rogan, E | Bustamante, Paco | Caurant, Florence | Lahaye, V | Ridoux, Vincent | Zegers, B | Mets, A | Addink, M | Smeenk, C | Jauniaux, T | Law, R | Dabin, W | Lopez, A | Farre, J | Gonzalez, A | Guerra, A | Garcia Hartmann, M | Reid, R | Moffat, C | Lockyer, C | Boon, J

Ifremer - France

PCDD/F and PCB multi-media ambient concentrations, congener patterns and occurrence in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Etang de Thau, France)


Castro Jimenez, Javier | Deviller, Genevieve | Ghiani, A | Loos, R | Mariani, G | Skejo, H | Umlauf, G | Wollgast, J | Laugier, Thierry | Heas Moisan, K | Leaute, Frederique | Munschy, Catherine | Tixier, Celine | Tronczynski, Jacek

Ifremer - France

Accumulation of nine metals and one metalloid in the tropical scallop Comptopallium radula from coral reefs in New Caledonia


Metian, M. | Bustamante, Paco | Hedouin, L. | Warnau, M.

Ifremer - France

Does the Phaeocystis bloom affect the diel migration of the suprabenthos community?


Dauvin, J | Desroy, Nicolas | Denis, L | Ruellet, T

Ifremer - France

Influence of oyster culture practices and environmental conditions on the ecological status of intertidal mudflats in the Pertuis Charentais (SW France): A multi-index approach


Bouchet, Vincent | Sauriau, Pierre-guy

Ifremer - France

Cs-137 baseline levels in the Mediterranean and Black Sea: A cross-basin survey of the CIESM Mediterranean Mussel Watch programme


Thebault, Herve | Baena, A | Andral, Bruno | Barisic, D | Albaladejo, J | Bologa, A | Boudjenoun, R | Delfanti, R | Egorov, V | Khoukhi, T | Florou, H | Kniewald, G | Noureddine, A | Patrascu, V | Pham, M | Scarpato, A | Stokozov, N | Topcuoglu, S | Warnau, M

Ifremer - France