AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 1-10 de 33

Automated mineralogy for quantification and partitioning of metal(loid)s in particulates from mining/smelting-polluted soils


Tuhý, Marek | Hrstka, Tomáš | Ettler, Vojtéch

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Selenite sorption by carbonate substituted apatite


Moore, Robert C. | Rigali, Mark J. | Brady, Patrick

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Aspergillus niger-mediated release of phosphates from fish bone char reduces Pb phytoavailability in Pb-acid batteries polluted soil, and accumulation in fenugreek


Tauqeer, Hafiz Muhammad | Basharat, Zeeshan | Adnan Ramzani, Pia Muhammad | Farhad, Muniba | Lewińska, Karolina | Turan, Veysel | Karczewska, Anna | Khan, Shahbaz Ali | Faran, Gull-e | Iqbal, Muhammad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The influence of dissolved phosphorus molecular form on recalcitrance and bioavailability


Li, Bo | Brett, Michael T.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Phosphorus removal by apatite in horizontal flow constructed wetlands: kinetics and treatment reliability


Harouiya, N. | Molle, Pascal | Prost Boucle, S. | Liénard, A.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Geochemical characteristics of phosphorus in surface sediments of two major Chinese mariculture areas: The Laizhou Bay and the coastal waters of the Zhangzi Island


Zhuang, Wen | Gao, Xuelu | Zhang, Yong | Xing, Qianguo | Tosi, Luigi | Qin, Song

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effect of application mode (capping and amendment) on the control of cadmium release from sediment by apatite/calcite mixture and its phosphorus release risk


Liu, Chi | Lin, Jianwei | Zhang, Zhibin | Zhan, Yanhui | Hu, Dazhu

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Improvement of water recovery from phosphate sludge at the M'Dhilla Mine, Tunisia


Ettoumi, Mouna | Jouini, Marouen | Neculita, Carmen Mihaela | Bouhlel, Salah | Coudert, Lucie | Benzaazoua, Mostafa

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of the Impacts of Marine Salts and Asian Dust on the Forested Yakushima Island Ecosystem, a World Natural Heritage Site in Japan


Nakano, Takanori | Yokoo, Yoriko | Okumura, Masao | Jean, Seo-Ryong | Satake, Kenichi

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Behavior of fast and slow phosphorus release from sewage sludge–derived biochar amended with CaO


Liu, Qiang | Li, Jiayi | Fang, Zheng | Liu, Yangyang | Xu, Yunfeng | Ruan, Xiuxiu | Zhang, Xiaolei | Cao, Weimin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America