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Automated mineralogy for quantification and partitioning of metal(loid)s in particulates from mining/smelting-polluted soils
Tuhý, Marek | Hrstka, Tomáš | Ettler, Vojtéch
Topsoils near active and abandoned mining and smelting sites are highly polluted by metal(loid) contaminants, which are often bound to particulates emitted from ore processing facilities and/or windblown from waste disposal sites. To quantitatively determine the contaminant partitioning in the soil particulates, we tested an automated mineralogy approach on the heavy mineral fraction extracted from the mining- and smelting-polluted topsoils exhibiting up to 1920 mg/kg As, 5840 mg/kg Cu, 4880 mg/kg Pb and 3310 mg/kg Zn. A new generation of automated scanning electron microscopy (autoSEM) was combined and optimized with conventional mineralogical techniques (XRD, SEM/EDS, EPMA). Parallel digestions and bulk chemical analyses were used as an independent control of the autoSEM-calculated concentrations of the key elements. This method provides faster data acquisition, the full integration of the quantitative EDS data and better detection limits for the elements of interest. We found that As was mainly bound to the apatite group minerals, slag glass and metal arsenates. Copper was predominantly hosted by the sulfides/sulfosalts and the Cu-bearing secondary carbonates. The deportment of Pb is relatively complex: slag glass, Fe and Mn (oxyhydr)oxides, metal arsenates/vanadates and cerussite were the most important carriers for Pb. Zinc is mainly bound to the slag glass, Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, smithsonite and sphalerite. Limitations exist for the less abundant contaminants, which cannot be fully quantified by autoSEM due to spectral overlaps with some major elements (e.g., Sb vs. Ca, Cd vs. K and Ca in the studied soils). AutoSEM was found to be a useful tool for the determination of the modal phase distribution and element partitioning in the metal(loid)-bearing soil particulates and will definitely find more applications in environmental soil sciences in the future.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Selenite sorption by carbonate substituted apatite
Moore, Robert C. | Rigali, Mark J. | Brady, Patrick
The sorption of selenite, SeO32−, by carbonate substituted hydroxylapatite was investigated using batch kinetic and equilibrium experiments. The carbonate substituted hydroxylapatite was prepared by a precipitation method and characterized by SEM, XRD, FT-IR, TGA, BET and solubility measurements. The material is poorly crystalline, contains approximately 9.4% carbonate by weight and has a surface area of 210.2 m2/g. Uptake of selenite by the carbonated hydroxylapatite was approximately an order of magnitude higher than the uptake by uncarbonated hydroxylapatite reported in the literature. Distribution coefficients, Kd, determined for the carbonated apatite in this work ranged from approximately 4200 to over 14,000 L/kg. A comparison of the results from kinetic experiments performed in this work and literature kinetic data indicates the carbonated apatite synthesized in this study sorbed selenite 23 times faster than uncarbonated hydroxylapatite based on values normalized to the surface area of each material. The results indicate carbonated apatite is a potential candidate for use as a sorbent for pump-and-treat technologies, soil amendments or for use in permeable reactive barriers for the remediation of selenium contaminated sediments and groundwaters.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Aspergillus niger-mediated release of phosphates from fish bone char reduces Pb phytoavailability in Pb-acid batteries polluted soil, and accumulation in fenugreek
Tauqeer, Hafiz Muhammad | Basharat, Zeeshan | Adnan Ramzani, Pia Muhammad | Farhad, Muniba | Lewińska, Karolina | Turan, Veysel | Karczewska, Anna | Khan, Shahbaz Ali | Faran, Gull-e | Iqbal, Muhammad
Soil receiving discharges from Pb-acid batteries dismantling and restoring units (PBS) can have a high concentration of phytoavailable Pb. Reducing Pb phytoavailability in PBS can decline Pb uptake in food crops and minimize the risks to humans and the environment. This pot study aimed to reduce the concentration of phytoavailable Pb in PBS through Aspergillus niger (A. niger)−mediated release of PO₄³⁻ from fish bone [Apatite II (APII)] products. The PBS (Pb = 639 mg kg⁻¹ soil) was amended with APII powder (APII−P), APII char (APII−C), and A. niger inoculum as separate doses, and combining A. niger with APII−P (APII−P + A. niger) and APII−C (APII−C + A. niger). The effects of these treatments on reducing the phytoavailability of Pb in PBS and its uptake in fenugreek were examined. Additionally, enzymatic activities and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in the PBS and the indices of plant physiology, nutrition, and antioxidant defense machinery were scoped. Results revealed that the APII−C + A. niger treatment was the most efficient one. Compared to the control, it significantly reduced the Pb phytoavailability (DTPA-extractable Pb fraction) in soil and its uptake in plant shoots, roots, and grain, up to 61%, 83%, 74%, and 92%. The grain produced under APII−C + A. niger were safe for human consumption as Pb concentration in grain was 4.01 mg kg⁻¹ DW, remaining within the permissible limit set by WHO/FAO (2007). The APII−C + A. niger treatment also improved soil pH, EC, CEC, MBC, available P content and enzymatic activities, and the fenugreek quality parameters. A. niger played a significant role in solubilizing PO₄³⁻ from APII−C, which reacted with Pb and formed insoluble Pb-phosphates, thereby reducing Pb phytoavailability in PBS and its uptake in plants. This study suggests APII−C + A. niger can remediate Pb-polluted soils via reducing Pb phytoavailability in them.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The influence of dissolved phosphorus molecular form on recalcitrance and bioavailability
Li, Bo | Brett, Michael T.
Several studies have shown Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) analyses provide a poor index of dissolved phosphorus (P) bioavailability in natural systems. We tested 21 inorganic and organic P containing compounds with series of nutrient uptake and bioavailability bioassay experiments and chemical characterizations. Our results show that in 81% of cases, these compounds did not fit the classic assumption that SRP approximately equals Bioavailable P (BAP). Many organic compounds were classified as non-reactive, but had very rapid uptake kinetics and were nearly entirely bioavailable (e.g., several nucleic acids, ATP, RNA, DNA and phosphatidylcholine). Several inorganic compounds also classified as non-reactive but had high bioavailability (i.e., sodium tripolyphosphate and phosphorus pentoxide). Conversely, apatite was operationally classified as reactive, but had low bioavailability. Due to their tendency to alias as SRP, but recalcitrance and very low bioavailability, humic-(Al/Fe)-phosphorus complexes may play an especially important role in the dissolved phosphorus dynamics of natural systems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Phosphorus removal by apatite in horizontal flow constructed wetlands: kinetics and treatment reliability
Harouiya, N. | Molle, Pascal | Prost Boucle, S. | Liénard, A.
Phosphorus removal in constructed wetlands have received particular attention last decades by using specific materials promoting adsorption/precipitation mechanisms. Recent studies have shown interest in using apatite materials to promote P precipitation onto the particle surface. As previous trials were mainly done by lab experiments, this present study aims to evaluate the real potential of apatites to remove P from wastewater in pilots and a full-scale plant. Two different apatites have been studied in 1.5 m² pilots fed with wastewater from the outlet of a trickling filter. They were monitored to follow inlet/oulet flows, hydraulic gradient, meteorological conditions, pH, temperature, and redox potential. Treatment performances were evaluated by regular complete analysis (COD, BOD, SS, nitrogen and phosphorus forms, Ca) as well as PO4-P by a WTW online analyser. At the same time a full-scale experiment study have been done to point out P retention properties in real conditions over a 2 years period. P retention kinetics of two qualities of apatites are presented and discussed according to the temperature dependence. In this work apatite appears to have high retention capacity and is still an interesting way for P removal in constructed wetlands. However, other qualities of apatite must be studied for a better reliability of treatment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Geochemical characteristics of phosphorus in surface sediments of two major Chinese mariculture areas: The Laizhou Bay and the coastal waters of the Zhangzi Island
Zhuang, Wen | Gao, Xuelu | Zhang, Yong | Xing, Qianguo | Tosi, Luigi | Qin, Song
Phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of the Laizhou Bay (LB) and the coastal waters around the Zhangzi Island (ZI) was analyzed. Six forms of P were separated — exchangeable or loosely sorbed P (Ads–P), aluminum-bound P (Al–P), iron-bound P (Fe–P), authigenic apatite plus CaCO3-bound P plus biogenic apatite (Ca–P), detrital apatite plus other inorganic P (De–P) and organic P (OP). The average contents of P in the LB were in the order: De–P>OP>Ca–P>Fe–P>Ads–P>Al–P; in the ZI, the corresponding order was De–P>OP>Fe–P>Ca–P>Ads–P>Al–P. Due to the high nutrient loadings from the surrounding rivers, TP contents in sediments of the LB were higher than in those of the ZI. The potential bio-available P (Ads–P and OP) accounted for 14.7% and 24.2% of TP in sediments of the LB and the ZI, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of application mode (capping and amendment) on the control of cadmium release from sediment by apatite/calcite mixture and its phosphorus release risk
Liu, Chi | Lin, Jianwei | Zhang, Zhibin | Zhan, Yanhui | Hu, Dazhu
In this research, the influence of application mode (capping and amendment) on the control of cadmium (Cd) liberation from sediment by apatite/calcite mixture and its phosphorus release risk were investigated. The results showed that calcite addition had a limited effect on the speciation of Cd in sediment, but apatite addition had a significant impact on the fractionation of Cd in sediment. Apatite amendment could effectively immobilize the most readily mobilized Cd by transferring the acid-soluble fraction to the reducible and residual fractions. Apatite addition also could effectively reduce the concentration of toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)-leachable Cd in sediment, and apatite had a much higher reduction efficiency of TCLP-leachable Cd than calcite. Apatite/calcite mixture capping could reduce the risk of Cd liberation from sediment into the overlying water, and the controlling efficiency of apatite/calcite mixture capping was higher than that of apatite/calcite mixture amendment. The effect of apatite/calcite mixture addition on the concentration of reactive soluble phosphorus (SRP) in the overlying water was limited. The introduction of calcite into the apatite capping layer could lower the risk of phosphorus release from apatite to the overlying water as compared to single apatite capping. However, the apatite/calcite mixture capping layer still had a relatively high risk of phosphorus liberation into the overlying water. Results of this work suggest that apatite/calcite mixture has a high potential to be used as a capping material to control Cd release from sediment from the perspective of controlling efficiency and application convenience.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improvement of water recovery from phosphate sludge at the M'Dhilla Mine, Tunisia
Ettoumi, Mouna | Jouini, Marouen | Neculita, Carmen Mihaela | Bouhlel, Salah | Coudert, Lucie | Benzaazoua, Mostafa
In Tunisia, phosphate beneficiation from ores by the Gafsa Phosphate Company (GPC) is a water-intensive process that generates large amounts of sludge. Responsible mining minimizes water use and prioritizes its recycling and reuse to limit the impact on water resources. Recovery of water from the phosphate sludge (PS) using the densification with adapted flocculants—a low-energy consuming process—is plausible for efficient management of water resources. The objective of this study was to improve low-cost water recovery from PS produced at the M’Dhilla Mine plant operated by GPC in Tunisia. Representative samples of PS were first collected and characterized for physicochemical and mineralogical properties. To maximize water recovery, densification based on flocculation was then performed using two different flocculants (Slim Floc vs Flomin 905) with different doses (0.1 g/L vs 0.3 g/L), consumption (100–1200 g per ton of dry sludge g/tds), sludge concentration (50 g/L vs 60 g/L), and settling time (15–1200 s). Results showed that PS particles were fine-grained and contained carbonates, silicates, and significant residual fluorapatite (59%) that could be valorized. Up to 91% of water was recovered using anionic flocculant Flomin 905. These findings show an improvement of 24% relative to the current water recovery at M’Dhilla plant (66%) while using a flocculant dose three times lower than the conventional flocculent Sim Floc (0.1 g/L vs 0.3 g/L). The best sludge settlement conditions were obtained with 0.1 g/L Flomin 905 at 600 g/tds and 10 min of settling time. The densification process using Flomin 905 proved efficient in maximizing water recovery (91%) with a consumption of flocculant that could be decreased by up to 70% annually in comparison with Slim Floc, thus decreasing treatment costs by 63%. Results will help to prevent exhaustion of groundwater resources and limit land exploitation while decreasing the volume of settling ponds.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of the Impacts of Marine Salts and Asian Dust on the Forested Yakushima Island Ecosystem, a World Natural Heritage Site in Japan
Nakano, Takanori | Yokoo, Yoriko | Okumura, Masao | Jean, Seo-Ryong | Satake, Kenichi
To elucidate the influence of airborne materials on the ecosystem of Japan’s Yakushima Island, we determined the elemental compositions and Sr and Nd isotope ratios in streamwater, soils, vegetation, and rocks. Streamwater had high Na and Cl contents, low Ca and HCO₃ contents, and Na/Cl and Mg/Cl ratios close to those of seawater, but it had low pH (5.4 to 7.1), a higher Ca/Cl ratio than seawater, and distinct ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios that depended on the bedrock type. The proportions of rain-derived cations in streamwater, estimated by assuming that Cl was derived from sea salt aerosols, averaged 81 % for Na, 83 % for Mg, 36 % for K, 32 % for Ca, and 33 % for Sr. The Sr value was comparable to the 28 % estimated by comparing Sr isotope ratios between rain and granite bedrock. The soils are depleted in Ca, Na, P, and Sr compared with the parent materials. At Yotsuse in the northwestern side, plants and the soil pool have ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr ratios similar to that of rainwater with a high sea salt component. In contrast, the Sr and Nd isotope ratios of soil minerals in the A and B horizons approach those of silicate minerals in northern China’s loess soils. The soil Ca and P depletion results largely from chemical weathering of plagioclase and of small amounts of apatite and calcite in granitic rocks. This suggests that Yakushima’s ecosystem is affected by large amounts of acidic precipitation with a high sea salt component, which leaches Ca and its proxy (Sr) from bedrock into streams, and by Asian dust-derived apatite, which is an important source of P in base cation-depleted soils.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Behavior of fast and slow phosphorus release from sewage sludge–derived biochar amended with CaO
Liu, Qiang | Li, Jiayi | Fang, Zheng | Liu, Yangyang | Xu, Yunfeng | Ruan, Xiuxiu | Zhang, Xiaolei | Cao, Weimin
The pyrolyzation of sewage sludge (SS) could efficiently transform inherent phosphorus (P) into bioavailable phosphate forms, which endows SS-derived biochar (SSB) the potential as a soil fertilizer. However, the details about the release behavior of P in SSB have not been systematically investigated. This study evaluated the fast and slow P releasing behaviors from SSB and CaO-amended SSB prepared under different pyrolysis temperature. The higher pyrolysis temperature and CaO addition could enhance the conversion of non-apatite inorganic phosphorus (NAIP) into more bioavailable apatite inorganic phosphorous (AP). Acidic and alkaline conditions were favorable for the fast release of P from SSB. Higher ionic strength condition gave greater releasing amounts of TP and the SO₄²⁻ facilitating a rapid release of TP than those for Cl⁻ and NO₃⁻. SSBs with CaO addition showed a much slower TP release than those without CaO both in fast release (24 h, with CaO: 0.05~0.4 mg TP g⁻¹ SSB, e.g., without CaO 0.5~5 mg TP g⁻¹ SSB) and slow release tests (21 days, with CaO: 1.2~4.1 mg TP g⁻¹ SSB, e.g., without CaO 1.8~5.7 mg TP g⁻¹ SSB). Ortho-P release was more remarkable for the SSB amended with CaO (~54% of TP), which was likely due to the formation of orthophosphate. The results of this study suggested that SSB prepared by high pyrolysis temperature and CaO addition had high potential as a slow P-releasing fertilizer for the soil.
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