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Assessing the relationship and influence of black carbon on distribution status of organochlorines in the coastal sediments from Pakistan
ʻAlī, ʻUs̲mān | Syed, Jabir Hussain | Junwen, Liu | Sánchez-García, Laura | Malik, Riffat Naseem | Chaudhry, Muhammad Jamshed Iqbal | Arshad, Masood | Li, Jun | Zhang, Gan | Jones, K. C. (Kevin C.)
Levels of total organic carbon (TOC) and black carbon (BC) were determined together with those of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the selected eighteen coastal sites (n = 285) along the Arabian Sea from Pakistan. Results showed that the total concentration of TOC, BC, ∑OCPs and ∑26PCBs ranged between 0.3 and 2.9% dw, 0.1–0.2% dw, 0.9–110 ng g−1 dw and 6.2–1200 ng g−1 dw, respectively. Correlation analysis of BC (r = 0.26–0.89) and TOC (r = 0.06–0.69) revealed a stronger association with studied compounds. The sedimentary depositional fluxes (D) for ∑OCPs and ∑26PCBs were calculated as 1.7 and 4.9 tons yr−1, respectively. In the coastal belt of Pakistan, sedimentary mass inventories (I) indicated the presence of 13 and 37 metric tons of ∑OCPs and ∑26PCBs, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seawater intrusion decreases the metal toxicity but increases the ecological risk and degree of treatment for coastal groundwater: An Indian perspective
Bhagat, Chandrashekhar | Manish Kumar, | Mahlknecht, Jürgen | Hdeib, Rouya | Mohapatra, Pranab Kumar
Contaminant vulnerability in the critical zones like groundwater (GW)-seawater (SW) continuum along the entire Gujarat coast was investigated for the first time through an extensive water monitoring survey. The prime focus of the study was to evaluate whether or not: i) seawater intrusion induced metal load translates to toxicity; ii) in the coastal groundwater, metal distribution follows the pattern of other geogenic and anthropogenic contaminants like NO₃- and F-; and iii) what future lies ahead pertaining to metal fate in association with saturation conditions of the coastal aquifers. The spatial distribution of contaminants depicts that the Gulf of Khambhat area is highly contaminated. Ecological risk assessment (ERA) indicates that the Gujarat coast is experiencing a high ecological risk compared to the southeast coast of India. Investigation results revealed that metals, pH, NO₃, and CO₃ are more vulnerable at the SW-GW mixing interface. An increase in pH is reflected in fewer ionic species of metals in the GW. Salinity ingress due to seawater intrusion (SWI) reduces the toxicities of all trace metals except Cu, attributed to the increase of Ca in GW, leading to dissociation of CuCO₃. Reactive species are dominant for Zn and Cd; and M-CO₃ ligands are dominant for Cu and Pb owing to the undersaturation of dolomite and calcite in the aquifer system. SWI tends to increase the metal load but the toxicity of metals varies with the density of industries, anthropogenic activities, changes in the mixing-induced saturation conditions, and intensive salt production across the coast. Multivariate analysis confirmed that the hydrogeochemical processes change due to GW-SW mixing and dictates over natural weathering. The ecological risk index (ERI) for the Arabian sea is experiencing moderate (300 ≥ ERI>150) to high ecological risk (ERI >600). Children population is likely to encounter a high health risk through ingestion and dermal exposure than adults. Overall, the study emphasizes the complexity of toxicity-related health impacts on coastal communities and suggests the dire need for frequent water monitoring along the coastal areas for quick realization of sustainable development goals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An appraisal of early stage biofilm-forming bacterial community assemblage and diversity in the Arabian Sea, India
Kumar, Madhav | Kumar, Raghawendra | Chaudhary, Doongar R. | Jha, Bhavanath
The community composition and distribution of early-stage (24 h) biofilm-forming bacteria on two different surfaces (glass slide and polystyrene plastic slide) at three different locations (Diu, Alang and Sikka) were studied using a culture-dependent and next-generation sequencing (NGS) approach in the Arabian Sea, Gujarat, India. The most dominant phyla observed using the NGS approach were the Proteobacteria among the sampling sites. Gammaproteobacteria class dominated both the surfaces among the sites and accounted for 46.7% to 89.2% of total abundance. The culture-dependent analysis showed Proteobacteria and Firmicutes as the dominant phyla on the surfaces within the sampling sites. During the initial colonization, hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial strains have also attached to the surfaces. The outcome of this study would be of great importance for targeting the early stage biofilm-forming and hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial isolates may help to degrade plastic in the marine environment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Microplastics particles in seafloor sediments along the Arabian Sea and the Andaman Sea continental shelves: First insight on the occurrence, identification, and characterization
Goswami, Prasun | Vinithkumar, Nambali Valsalan | Dharani, Gopal
Microplastics (MPs) are widely-recognized contaminants and marine sediments act as a sink of MPs and therefore may cause a potential threat to benthic communities. We aim to analyze the MPs abundances and characteristics in the seafloor sediments from the continental shelves of the Arabian and Andaman seas. Twenty-two seafloor sediments were collected from 8 and 14 locations of the Arabian and Andaman seas, respectively. MPs concentrations varied from not detected (ND) to 267 particles kg⁻¹ with mean values of 128.02 ± 33.92 and 15.36 ± 2.61 particles kg⁻¹, respectively for the Arabian and Andaman seas. Among different shapes, fiber had the highest distribution over fragments and pellet. FT-IR analysis revealed acrylic was most dominant polymer, followed by polyethylene, and nylon. Mean MP concentration at the Arabian Sea was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than in the Andaman Sea. The present study revealed the wide-spread occurrence of MPs throughout the Indian seas.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An assessment of microplastics in the ecosystem and selected commercially important fishes off Kochi, south eastern Arabian Sea, India
James, Keziya | Vasant, Kripa | Padua, Shelton | Gopinath, Vineetha | K.S., Abilash | R., Jeyabaskaran | Babu, Akhil | John, Seban
A preliminary report on the abundance of microplastic in the coastal waters in the depth zone 5 to 20 m in the surface waters, sediment and in selected fishes occurring off Kochi, India is presented. Spatial and temporal variation in microplastic abundance was observed with higher abundance in surface water indicating threats to pelagic ecosystem. The relative concentration of microplastic was highest during monsoon season. The major microplastics were fragments of 1-5 mm in white and blue colours. Gut content analysis of 16 species (653 individuals) comprising pelagic (8 species) and demersal (8 species) indicated occurrence (4.6%) of microplastics (fragment>filament>pellet) of size 0.27mm to 3.2 mm in Sardinella longiceps, S. gibbosa, Stolephorus indicus Rastrelliger kanagurta and Cyanoglossus macrostomus. Raman spectroscopy indicated that Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP) were the polymer types of microplastics from the fish gut.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Blooming of Gonyaulax polygramma along the southeastern Arabian Sea: Influence of upwelling dynamics and anthropogenic activities
Sathish Kumar, P. | Kumaraswami, M. | Ezhilarasan, P. | Durga Rao, G. | Sivasankar, R. | Ranga Rao, V. | Ramu, K.
The influence of upwelling on the phytoplankton community was examined during the upwelling-relaxation period in the southeastern Arabian Sea. Elevated upwelling intensity during the summer monsoon season of 2016 resulted in the re-suspension of harmful dinoflagellates into the surface water. Further, the surplus of phosphorus (P) inputs into the coastal waters from estuarine runoff during the upwelling-relaxation period induced blooming of Gonyaulax polygramma (4.9 × 10⁶ cells L⁻¹). Results from canonical correspondence analysis revealed that elevated upwelling intensity, P and salinity during the year 2016 likely triggered the bloom of G. polygramma in the study region. HABs like G. polygramma threaten fish stocks such as sardines which have a vital role in the ecosystem. Studies on phytoplankton communities and nutrient dynamics in upwelling systems would be useful in predicting the incidence/toxic effects of harmful algal blooms as these regions have a high potential for fisheries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Variability of organic nitrogen and its role in regulating phytoplankton in the eastern Arabian Sea
Shetye, Suhas S. | Kurian, Siby | Nāyaka, Hemā Puṇḍalīka | Gauns, Mangesh | Chndrasekhararao, A.V. | Kumar, Ashwini | Naik, Bhagyashri
The relative importance of organic nitrogen (ON) and inorganic nitrogen (IN) as nitrogen sources for the phytoplankton communities were studied through a seasonal time series of nitrogen species in the eastern Arabian Sea. Seasonal data on nitrogen species showed that ON dominates the system throughout the year and account for >90% of the total nitrogen (TN) during north east monsoon (NEM). The average ON concentration in the study region was 11.5 μM during NEM as compared to 7.2 μM during south west monsoon (SWM). The contribution of picoplankton to the total phytoplankton pool (fpico) increased from 19% during SWM to 36% in NEM. Along with cyanobacteria, the diatoms Thalassionema nitzchoides and Thalassiosira sp. and among the dinoflagellates Pronoctiluca sp. were found to proliferate in ON rich waters. We suggest atmospheric deposition, riverine-input, resuspension of bottom sediment and ground water intrusion as the possible sources of ON in the study region.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Understanding how physical-biological coupling influences harmful algal blooms, low oxygen and fish kills in the Sea of Oman and the Western Arabian Sea
Harrison, Paul J. | Piontkovski, Sergey | Al-Hashmi, Khalid
In the last decade, green Noctiluca scintillans with its symbiont and other dinoflagellates such as Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Prorocentrum micans and Scrippsiella trochoidea have become the dominant HABs, partially replacing the previously dominant diatoms and red Noctiluca scintillans, especially during the northeast monsoon. Fish kills in the Sea of Oman are linked to a slow seasonal decline in oxygen concentration from January to November, probably due to the decomposition of a series of algal blooms and the deep, low oxygen waters periodically impinging the Omani shelf. In the western Arabian Sea, cyclonic eddies upwell low oxygen, nutrient-rich water and the subsequent algal bloom decays and lowers the oxygen further and leads to fish kills. Warming of the surface waters by 1.2°C over the last 5 decades has increased stratification and resulted in a shoaling of the oxycline. This has increased the probability and frequency of upwelling low oxygen water and subsequent fish kills.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ecological risk assessment of trace metal accumulation in sediments of Veraval Harbor, Gujarat, Arabian Sea
Sundararajan, S. | Khadanga, Mukunda Kesari | Kumar, J Prince Prakash Jeba | Raghumaran, S. | Vijaya, R. | Jena, Basanta Kumar
In this study, different types of indices were used to assess the ecological risk of trace metal contamination in sediments on the basis of sediment quality guidelines at Veraval Fishery Harbor. Sediment samples were collected from three sectors in pre-, post-, and monsoon seasons in 2006. Trace metal concentrations were higher in the inner sector during post-monsoon, and it showed the highest statistical significance (p<0.01) among the stations. Pollution load index was higher than unity, indicating alternation by effluent discharge from industries. Enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index showed that Cd, Pb, and Zn were enriched in the northern part of the harbor and Pb had accumulated in the harbor sediment. The ecological risk assessment index revealed that Ni, Zn, and Pb were higher than the effect range median values, indicating their potential toxicity to the aquatic environment in the Veraval Harbor. Hence, the harbor is dominated by anthropogenic activities rather than natural process.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Regional variation in the structure and function of parrotfishes on Arabian reefs
Hoey, Andrew S. | Feary, David A. | Burt, John A. | Vaughan, Grace | Pratchett, Morgan S. | Berumen, Michael L.
Parrotfishes (f. Labridae) are a unique and ubiquitous group of herbivorous reef fishes. We compared the distribution and ecosystem function (grazing and erosion) of parrotfishes across 75 reefs in Arabia. Our results revealed marked regional differences in the abundance, and taxonomic and functional composition of parrotfishes between the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Arabian Gulf. High densities and diversity of parrotfishes, and high rates of grazing (210%year−1) and erosion (1.57kgm−2year−1) characterised Red Sea reefs. Despite Arabian Sea and Red Sea reefs having broadly comparable abundances of parrotfishes, estimates of grazing (150%year−1) and erosion (0.43kgm−2year−1) were markedly lower in the Arabian Sea. Parrotfishes were extremely rare within the southern Arabian Gulf, and as such rates of grazing and erosion were negligible. This regional variation in abundance and functional composition of parrotfishes appears to be related to local environmental conditions.
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