AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 1-10 de 17

Artificial breakwaters as garbage bins: Structural complexity enhances anthropogenic litter accumulation in marine intertidal habitats


National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Trophic structures of artificial reef communities off the southern coast of the Korean peninsula as determined using stable isotope analyses


Kang, Hee Yoon | Lee, Byeong-Gweon | Park, Hyun Je | Yun, Sung-Gyu | Kang, Chang-Keun

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A centuries-old manmade reef in the Caribbean does not substitute natural reefs in terms of species assemblages and interspecific competition


Hill, Claudia E.L. | Lymperaki, Myrsini M. | Hoeksema, Bert W.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Assessment of the benthic macrofauna in an artificial shell reef zone in Shuangdao Bay, Yellow Sea


Liu, Guoshan | Li, Wen-Tao | Zhang, Xiumei

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Assessment of the effects of cage fish-farming on damselfish-associated food chains using stable-isotope analyses


Zhan, Ronggui | Kao, Shuh-Ji | Dai, Chang-Feng | Ho, Cheng-Tze

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Spatial variability in community composition on a granite breakwater versus natural rocky shores: Lack of microhabitats suppresses intertidal biodiversity


Aguilera, Moisés A. | Broitman, Bernardo R. | Thiel, Martin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Microplastics in different tissues of caught fish in the artificial reef area and adjacent waters of Haizhou Bay


Gao, Shike | Li, Zheng | Wang, Na | Lu, Yanan | Zhang, Shuo

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The patterns of trophic transfer of microplastic ingestion by fish in the artificial reef area and adjacent waters of Haizhou Bay


Zhang, Shuo | Wang, Na | Gong, Siming | Gao, Shike

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of artificial reefs on the meiofaunal community and benthic environment - A case study in Bohai Sea, China


Yang, Xinyuan | Lin, Chenggang | Song, Xiaoyue | Xu, Min | Yang, Hongsheng

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of artificial reef habitats as reconstruction or enhancement tools of benthic fish communities in northern Yellow Sea


Song, Minpeng | Wang, Jiahao | Nie, Zhaoyi | Wang, Lu | Wang, Jinxiao | Zhang, Jiating | Wang, Yuxin | Guo, Zhansheng | Jiang, Zhaoyang | Liang, Zhenlin

National Agricultural Library - United States of America