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Suspect and non-targeted screening-based human biomonitoring identified 74 biomarkers of exposure in urine of Slovenian children
Tkalec, Žiga | Codling, Garry | Tratnik, Janja Snoj | Mazej, Darja | Klánová, Jana | Horvat, Milena | Kosjek, Tina
Human exposure to organic contaminants is widespread. Many of these contaminants show adverse health effects on human population. Human biomonitoring (HBM) follows the levels and the distribution of biomarkers of exposure (BoE), but it is usually done in a targeted manner. Suspect and non-targeted screening (SS/NTS) tend to find BoE in an agnostic way, without preselection of compounds, and include finding evidence of exposure to predicted, unpredicted known and unknown chemicals. This study describes the application of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS)-based SS/NTS workflow for revealing organic contaminants in urine of a cohort of 200 children from Slovenia, aged 6–9 years. The children originated from two regions, urban and rural, and the latter were sampled in two time periods, summer and winter. We tentatively identified 74 BoE at the confidence levels of 2 and 3. These BoE belong to several classes of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, plasticizers and plastic related products, volatile organic compounds, nicotine, caffeine and pesticides. The risk of three pesticides, atrazine, amitraz and diazinon is of particular concern since their use was limited in the EU. Among BoE we tentatively identified compounds that have not yet been monitored in HBM schemes and demonstrate limited exposure data, such as bisphenol G, polyethylene glycols and their ethers. Furthermore, 7 compounds with unknown use and sources of exposure were tentatively identified, either indicating the entry of new chemicals into the market, or their metabolites and transformation products. Interestingly, several BoE showed location and time dependency. Globally, this study presents high-throughput approach to SS/NTS for HBM. The results shed a light on the exposure of Slovenian children and raise questions on potential adverse health effects of such mixtures on this vulnerable population.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biological, histological and immunohistochemical studies on the toxicity of spent coffee grounds and caffeine on the larvae of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Miranda, Franciane Rosa | Fernandes, Kenner Morais | Bernardes, Rodrigo Cupertino | Martins, Gustavo Ferreira
The mosquito Aedes aegypti is a primary vector for major arboviruses, and its control is mainly based on the use of insecticides. Caffeine and spent coffee grounds (CG) are potential agents in controlling Ae. aegypti by reducing survival and blocking larval development. In this study, we analyzed the effects of treatment with common CG (CCG: with caffeine), decaffeinated CG (DCG: with low caffeine), and pure caffeine on the survival, behavior, and morphology of the midgut of Ae. aegypti under laboratory conditions. Third instar larvae (L3) were exposed to different concentrations of CCG, DCG, and caffeine. All compounds significantly affected larval survival, and sublethal concentrations reduced larval locomotor activity, delayed development, and reduced adult life span. Damage to the midgut of treated larvae included changes in epithelial morphology, increased number of peroxidase-positive cells (more abundant in DCG-treated larvae), and caspase 3-positive cells (more abundant in CCG-treated larvae), suggesting that the treatments triggered cell damage, leading to activation of cell death. In addition, the treatments reduced the FMRFamide-positive enteroendocrine cells and dividing cells compared to the control. CG and caffeine have larvicidal effects on Ae. aegypti that warrant field testing for their potential to control mosquitoes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Emerging organic compounds in European groundwater
Bunting, S.Y. | Lapworth, D.J. | Crane, E.J. | Grima-Olmedo, J. | Koroša, A. | Kuczyńska, A. | Mali, N. | Rosenqvist, L. | van Vliet, M.E. | Togola, A. | López, B.
In Europe, emerging organic compounds (EOCs) in groundwater is a growing research area. Prioritisation for monitoring EOCs in Europe was formalised in 2019 through the development of the first voluntary groundwater watch list (GWWL). Despite this, groundwater occurrence data in the peer reviewed literature for Europe has not been reviewed to date. Questions surrounding the effect, toxicity, movement in the subsurface and unsaturated zone make the process of regulating EOC use difficult. The aim in Europe is to develop a unified strategy for the classification, and prioritisation of EOCs to be monitored in groundwater. This paper compiles evidence from the recent published studies from across Europe, since 2012, when the last major literature global review of EOCs in groundwater took place. A total of 39 studies were identified for review based on specific selection criteria (geography, publication date, sample size>10, inclusion of EOCs data). Data on specific compounds, and associated meta-data, are compiled and reviewed. The two most frequently detected EOCs, carbamazepine and caffeine, occurred in groundwater at concentrations of up to 2.3 and 14.8 μg/L, respectively.The most frequently reported category of compounds were ‘Pharmaceuticals’; a highly studied group with 135 compounds identified within 31 of the 39 studies. In Europe, the majority of reviewed studies (23) were at a regional scale, looking specifically at EOCs in a specific city or aquifer. The use of analytical methods is not uniform across Europe, and this inevitably influences the current assessment of EOCs in groundwater. A correlation between the number of compounds analysed for, and the number detected in groundwater highlights the need for further studies, especially larger-scale studies throughout Europe. For the development of EU and national regulation, further work is required to understand the occurrence and impacts of EOCs in groundwater throughout Europe and elsewhere.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An assessment of contamination fingerprinting techniques for determining the impact of domestic wastewater treatment systems on private well supplies
Fennell, Christopher | Misstear, Bruce | O’Connell, David | Dubber, Donata | Behan, Patrice | Danaher, Martin | Moloney, Mary | Gill, Laurence
Private wells in Ireland and elsewhere have been shown to be prone to microbial contamination with the main suspected sources being practices associated with agriculture and domestic wastewater treatment systems (DWWTS). While the microbial quality of private well water is commonly assessed using faecal indicator bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, such organisms are not usually source-specific, and hence cannot definitively conclude the exact origin of the contamination. This research assessed a range of different chemical contamination fingerprinting techniques (ionic ratios, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, fluorescent whitening compounds, faecal sterol profiles and pharmaceuticals) as to their use to apportion contamination of private wells between human wastewater and animal husbandry wastes in rural areas of Ireland. A one-off sampling and analysis campaign of 212 private wells found that 15% were contaminated with E. coli. More extensive monitoring of 24 selected wells found 58% to be contaminated with E. coli on at least one occasion over a 14-month period. The application of fingerprinting techniques to these monitored wells found that the use of chloride/bromide and potassium/sodium ratios is a useful low-cost fingerprinting technique capable of identifying impacts from human wastewater and organic agricultural contamination, respectively. The artificial sweetener acesulfame was detected on several occasions in a number of monitored wells, indicating its conservative nature and potential use as a fingerprinting technique for human wastewater. However, neither fluorescent whitening compounds nor caffeine were detected in any wells, and faecal sterol profiles proved inconclusive, suggesting limited suitability for the conditions investigated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Contributions of dietary, demographic, disease, lifestyle and other factors in explaining variabilities in concentrations of selected monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urine: Data for US children, adolescents, and adults
Jain, Ram B.
Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for 2003–2014 for US children aged 6–11 years (N = 2097), adolescents aged 12–19 ears (N = 2642), and adults aged ≥ 20 years (N = 9170) were analyzed to investigate the effects of dietary, demographic, disease, lifestyle, and other factors on concentrations of nine metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in urine. PAHs analyzed were: 1-hydroxynaphthalene, 2-hydroxynaphthalene, 2-hydroxyfluorene, 3-hydroxyfluorene, 9-hydroxyfluorene, 1-hydroxyphenanthrene, 2-hydroxyphenanthrene, 3-hydroxyphenanthrene, and 1-hydroxypyrene. Adults with diabetes were found to have higher adjusted levels of 1-hydroxynaphthalene (4139 vs. 3622 ng/L, p < 0.01) than nondiabetics. Adults with albuminuria had higher adjusted levels of 1-hydroxynaphthalene (4140 vs.3621 ng/L, p < 0.01) and 2-hydroxynaphthalene (6039 vs. 5468 ng/L, p < 0.01) than those without albuminuria. Children with albuminuria had lower adjusted levels of 9-hydroxyfluorene (162 vs. 187 ng/L, p = 0.04), 1-hydroxyphenanthrene (92 vs. 108 ng/L, p < 0.01), and 1-hydroxypyrene (118 vs. 138 ng/L, p < 0.01) than those without albuminuria. The ratios of smoker to nonsmoker adjusted levels for adults varied from a low of 1.4 for 2-hydroxyphenanthrene to a high of 5.6 for 3-hydroxyfluorene. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at home was associated with higher levels of most OH-PAHs among children, adolescents, and adults. Consumption of red meat not processed at high temperatures was associated with increased levels of 1-hydroxypyrene (β = 0.00040, p = 0.01), 1-, 2-, and 3-hydroxyphenanthrene, 3-, and 9-hydroxyfluorene. Consumption of red meat processed at high temperatures was associated with increased levels of 2-hydroxynaphthalene (β = 0.00046, p = 0.02) among adults. Consumption of fish processed at high temperatures was associated with decreased levels of 1-hydroxynaphtahlene (β = − 0.00088, p < 0.01), 2-, 3-, and 9-hydroxyfluorene, 1-, 2-, and 3-hydroxyphenanthrene. Among adults, alcohol consumption and caffeine may be associated with increased levels of certain OH-PAHs. Oxidative stress and inflammation associated with exposure to PAHs are associated with albuminuria and have the potential to lead to the development of diabetes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Occurrence, fate, and mass balance of selected pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in an urbanized river
Yuan, Xiao | Hu, Jiatang | Li, Shiyu | Yu, Mianzi
The identification and quantification of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in aquatic ecosystems is critical to further studies and elucidation of their fate as well as the potential threats to aquatic ecology and human health. This study used mass balances to analyse the sources, transformation, and transport of PPCPs in rivers based on the population and consumption habits of residents, the removal level of sewage treatment, the persistence and partitioning mechanisms of PPCPs, hydrological conditions, and other natural factors. Our results suggested that in an urbanized river of Guangzhou City, China, the daily consumption of PPCPs was the main reason for the variety of species and concentrations of PPCPs. Through the determination of PPCPs in the river water samples and a central composite design (CCD) methodology, the dominant elimination mechanisms of caffeine and carbamazepine from river water were photolysis and biodegradation, but that of triclosan was sorption rather than biodegradation. The mass data of 3 PPCPs were estimated and corroborated using the measured data to evaluate the accuracy of the mass balance. Finally, caffeine, carbamazepine and triclosan discharged from the Shijing River into the Pearl River accounted for 97.81%, 99.52%, and 28.00%, respectively, of the total mass of these three compounds in the surface water of Shijing River. The results suggest that photolysis are the main process of natural attenuation for selected PPCPs in surface waters of river systems, and the transfer processes of PPCPs is mainly attributed to riverine advection. In addition, the low concentration of dissolved oxygen inhibited the degradation of PPCPs in the surface water of Shijing River.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Long-term exposure of polychaetes to caffeine: Biochemical alterations induced in Diopatra neapolitana and Arenicola marina
Pires, Adília | Almeida, Angela Maria da | Calisto, Vânia | Schneider, Rudolf J. | Esteves, Valdemar I. | Wrona, Frederick J. | Soares, Amadeu M.V.M. | Figueira, Etelvina | Freitas, Rosa
In the last decade studies have reported the presence of several pharmaceutical drugs in aquatic environments worldwide and an increasing effort has been done to understand the impacts induced on wildlife. Among the most abundant drugs in the environment is caffeine, which has been reported as an effective chemical anthropogenic marker. However, as for the majority of pharmaceuticals, scarce information is available on the adverse effects of caffeine on marine benthic organisms, namely polychaetes which are the most abundant group of organisms in several aquatic ecossystems. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the biochemical alterations induced by environmentally relevant concentrations of caffeine on the polychaete species Diopatra neapolitana and Arenicola marina. The results obtained demonstrated that after 28 days exposure oxidative stress was induced in both species, especially noticed in A. marina, resulting from the incapacity of antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes to prevent cells from lipid peroxidation. The present study further revealed that D. neapolitana used glycogen and proteins as energy to develop defense mechanisms while in A. marina these reserves were maintained independently on the exposure concentration, reinforcing the low capacity of this species to fight against oxidative stress.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biodegradability of pharmaceutical compounds in agricultural soils irrigated with treated wastewater
Grossberger, Amnon | Hadar, Y. (Yitzhak) | Borch, Thomas | Chefetz, Benny
Pharmaceutical compounds (PCs) are introduced into agricultural soils via irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW). Our data show that carbamazepine, lamotrigine, caffeine, metoprolol, sulfamethoxazole and sildenafil are persistent in soils when introduced via TWW. However, other PCs, namely diclofenac, ibuprofen, bezafibrate, gemfibrozil and naproxen were not detected in soils when introduced via TWW. This is likely due to rapid degradation as confirmed in our microcosm studies where they exhibited half-lives (t1/2) between 0.2–9.5 days when soils were spiked at 50 ng/g soil and between 3 and 68 days when soils were spiked at 5000 ng/g soil. The degradation rate and extent of PCs observed in microcosm studies were similar in soils that had been previously irrigated with TWW or fresh water. This suggests that pre-exposure of the soils to PCs via irrigation with TWW does not enhance their biodegradation. This suggests that PCs are probably degraded in soils via co-metabolism.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Behavior of pharmaceuticals and drugs of abuse in a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) using combined conventional and ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis (UF/RO) treatments
Boleda, M(a) Rosa | Galceran, M(a) Teresa | Ventura, Francesc
The behavior along the potabilization process of 29 pharmaceuticals and 12 drugs of abuse identified from a total of 81 compounds at the intake of a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) has been studied. The DWTP has a common treatment consisting of dioxychlorination, coagulation/flocculation and sand filtration and then water is splitted in two parallel treatment lines: conventional (ozonation and carbon filtration) and advanced (ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis) to be further blended, chlorinated and distributed. Full removals were reached for most of the compounds. Iopromide (up to 17.2 ng/L), nicotine (13.7 ng/L), benzoylecgonine (1.9 ng/L), cotinine (3.6 ng/L), acetaminophen (15.6 ng/L), erythromycin (2.0 ng/L) and caffeine (6.0 ng/L) with elimination efficiencies ≥94%, were the sole compounds found in the treated water. The advanced treatment process showed a slightly better efficiency than the conventional treatment to eliminate pharmaceuticals and drugs of abuse.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Occurrence of pharmaceutical, recreational and psychotropic drug residues in surface water on the northern Antarctic Peninsula region
González-Alonso, Silvia | Moreno Merino, Luis | Esteban, Sara | López de Alda, Miren | Barceló, Damià | Durán, Juan José | López Martínez, Jerónimo | Aceña, Jaume | Pérez, Sandra | Mastroianni, Nicola | Silva, Adrián | Catalá, Myriam | Valcárcel, Yolanda
Human presence in the Antarctic is increasing due to research activities and the rise in tourism. These activities contribute a number of potentially hazardous substances. The aim of this study is to conduct the first characterisation of the pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs present in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region, and to assess the potential environmental risk they pose to the environment. The study consisted of a single sampling of ten water samples from different sources, including streams, ponds, glacier drains, and a wastewater discharge into the sea. Twenty-five selected pharmaceuticals and 21 recreational drugs were analysed. The highest concentrations were found for the analgesics acetaminophen (48.74 μg L−1), diclofenac (15.09 μg L−1) and ibuprofen (10.05 μg L−1), and for the stimulant caffeine (71.33 μg L−1). All these substances were detected in waters that were discharged directly into the ocean without any prior purification processes. The hazard quotient (HQ) values for ibuprofen, diclofenac and acetaminophen were far in excess of 10 at several sampling points. The concentrations of each substance measured and used as measured environmental concentration values for the HQ calculations are based on a one-time sampling. The Toxic Unit values indicate that analgesics and anti-inflammatories are the therapeutic group responsible for the highest toxic burden.This study is the first to analyse a wide range of substances and to determine the presence of pharmaceuticals and psychotropic drugs in the Antarctic Peninsula region. We believe it can serve as a starting point to focus attention on the need for continued environmental monitoring of these substances in the water cycle, especially in protected regions such as the Antarctic. This will determine whether pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs are hazardous to the environment and, if so, can be used as the basis for risk-assessment studies to prioritise the exposure to risk.
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