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La normalisation en qualite de l' air: la situation en France.
Mienville P.
Caracterisation de l' environnement atmospherique en zone forestiere. Station laboratoire du Donon.
Biren J.M. | Elichegaray C. | Vidal J.P.
La surveillance de la qualite de l' air en Republique Federale d' Allemagne.
Lahmann E.
1992 air quality in French urban, industrial and rural areas
Stroebel, R. (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie, Paris (France))
[Air quality standards: the case of France]
Mienville, P. (Association Francaise de Normalisation, Paris (France))
[Air quality survey in the Federal Republic of Germany]
Lahmann, E. (Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany, F.R.). Institut fuer Wasser Boden und Lufthygiene)
[Characterization of the atmospheric environment in a forestry area. Donon laboratory station]
Biren, J.M. (Agence pour la Qualite de l'Air, Paris (France)) | Elichegaray, C. | Vidal, J.P.
Air quality and its possible impacts on the terrestrial ecosystems of the North American Great Plains: an overview
Krupa, S.V. | Legge, A.H. (Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St Paul, Minnesota 55108 (USA))
The effect of simulated acid rain and ozone on the yield and quality of glasshouse-grown alfalfa
Rebbeck, J. | Brennan, E. (Dep. Pl. Path., Cook Coll., New Jersey Agric. Exp. Sta., New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (USA))
Optimizing air quality management in Europe and North America: justification for integrated management of both oxidized and reduced forms of nitrogen
Cowling, E.B. | Erisman, J.W. | Smeulders, S.M. | Holman, S.C. | Nicholson, B.M. (College of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, Box 8002, Raleigh, NC 27695 (USA))