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Life-history traits of ten commercially important small indigenous fish species (SIFS) in the Oxbow lake (Southwestern Bangladesh): key for sound management
Samad, Md Abdus | Rahman, Md Ataur | Mahfuj, Md Sarower-E | Yeasmin, Syeda Maksuda | Sultana, Mst Farzana | Md. Habibur Rahman, | Ahmed, Fee Faysal | Hossain, Md Yeamin
For the first time, we revealed the life-history traits including growth pattern (length–weight relationships, LWRs), condition factors, form factor (a₃.₀), first sexual maturity (Lₘ), age at first sexual maturity (tₘ), life span (tₘₐₓ), natural mortality (Mw), asymptotic length (L∞), and optimum catchable length (Lₒₚₜ) of ten commercially important small indigenous fish species (SIFS) in the Oxbow lake (Baor), southwestern regions of Bangladesh. A total of 1651 specimens were sampled during January to December 2020 with traditional fishing gears including seine nets, gill nets, and lift nets. Individual total length (TL) and body weight (BW) were measured by digital slide calipers and digital balance, respectively. To calculate the Lₘ, empirical maximum length-based model was considered, and Lₒₚₜ was calculated based on L∞. The TL vs. BW relationship indicated positive allometric growth for Chanda nama (Hamilton 1822), Channa punctata (Bloch 1793), Channa striata (Bloch 1793), Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Hamilton 1822), Macrognathus pancalus (Hamilton 1822), and Puntius sophore (Hamilton 1822), but negative allometric growth for Badis badis (Hamilton 1822), Gudusia chapra (Hamilton 1822), Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton 1822), and Hyporhamphus limbatus (Valenciennes, 1847). All r² values exceed 0.910 that indicated all LWRs were highly significant (P < 0.001). According to Spearman correlation test, Fulton’s condition factor (KF) vs. BW was highly correlated (P < 0.001), indicating better well-being for these species. Moreover, a₃.₀ indicates B. badis, C. punctata, C. striata, G. giuris, H. limbatus, L. guntea were elongated; C. nama, P. sophore, were short and deep; G. chapra was fusiform, and M. pancalus was eel-like body shape respectively. The minimum tₘ and tₘₐₓ were obtained as 0.74 year and 2.66 year for C. striata and maximum were 0.93 year and 3.31 year for B. badis, respectively. This study provided information on tₘ and tₘₐₓ for ten SIFS that is globally absent. From empirical models, the smallest mean value of Lₘ was found for B. badis (3.98 cm), and the greatest was found for C. striata (16.96 cm). The minimum Lₒₚₜ was obtained as 3.78 cm TL for B. badis and maximum was 14.09 cm TL for C. punctata. The minimum Mw was documented as 1.39 for B. badis and maximum was 1.73 for C. striata. The output of this research will be helpful for developing sustainable management policies and protection of SIFS through the application of mesh size based on Lₘ and Lₒₚₜ in the Oxbow lakes, Bangladesh and neighboring countries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Toxicological impacts of herbicide paraquat dichloride on histological profile (gills, liver, and kidney) of freshwater fish Channa punctatus (Bloch)
Badroo, Irfan Ashraf | Nandurkar, Hemlata Pradeep | Khanday, Ashiq Hussain
Paraquat dichloride is a broad-spectrum herbicide used worldwide. It is very fast acting and used to kill a wide range of grasses and broad-leaved weeds. Paraquat dichloride gets run off to aquatic water bodies, and its presence has been reported by various researchers, where its effect is certain on aquatic organisms. Fish are vulnerable to aquatic pollutants as they are in direct contact with their environment. Therefore, our study was designed to evaluate the effects of herbicide paraquat dichloride on histology of vital organs (gills, liver, and kidney) of the fresh water fish Channa punctatus (Bloch). Toxicity effects are evaluated under static renewal test conditions, and histological alterations were detected microscopically. Fish were exposed to acute dose (96hLC₅₀/₂ = 32.93 mg/L) for 96 h of paraquat dichloride. Simultaneous control was also maintained. Principal histopathological alterations in gills during acute exposure showed curling of secondary lamellae, aneurysm, gill bridging, and enlargement of the cartilaginous core. The tissue damages like melanomacrophage centers, pyknotic nucleus, large sinusoidal congestion, and cell fusion are some histological alterations observed in the liver after acute exposure. The changes in histoarchitecture observed in the kidney include an increase in Bowman’s space, necrosis of glomeruli, and damage to collecting duct at acute exposure. The histopathological changes were more prominent with the duration of exposure in the experimental groups. The present study demonstrated that the vital organs exhibited significant damage, among all gill histology specifically got altered being directly exposed to paraquat dichloride. Paraquat dichloride exposure affects the histology of gills, liver, and kidney, thus impairing the vital functions like respiration, excretion, and metabolic regulation which in turn will affect the fish health and is a serious threat. Histopathological alteration in gills, liver, and kidney can be regarded as sensitive biomarkers of paraquat dichloride toxicological manifestations and thus can be utilized for ecotoxicological biomonitoring of aquatic bodies. Graphical abstract
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of chlorpyrifos on behavior and histopathological indices in different tissues of freshwater fish Channa punctatus (Bloch)
Stalin, Arumugam | Suganthi, Palani | Mathivani, Subramanian | Paray, Bilal Ahmad | Al-Sadoon, Mohammad K. | Gokula, Varadharajan | Musthafa, Mohamed Saiyad
The present systematic experiment was conducted to estimate the impact of behavioral and pathological indices on freshwater fish Channa punctatus exposed to sub-lethal concentration (5 ppm) of an organophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF). Fish were segregated into four experimental groups (G1, control; G2, 10 days; G3, 20 days; and G4, 30 days exposure), each group comprises 15 fish in triplicate. The behavioral and histological changes were assessed in each group. Severe behavioral changes were observed in the 30 days, moderate changes in the 20 days, and mild changes in the 10 days exposure groups respectively when compared with the control group. The pathologic lesions such as inter lamellae space, necrotic lamellae, fused lamellae, and lifting of lamellae epithelium in gills; vacuolation, blood conjunctions, and necrotic hepatocytes in the liver; and lamina propria, fusion of villi, and flattened villi in the intestine were observed. These structural alterations of the gills, liver, and intestine could affect respiration, osmotic and ionic regulation; absorption, storage and secretion; digestion; and absorption of nutrients respectively, which in turn could adversely affect the growth and survival of freshwater fish Channa punctatus. This study serves as a biomonitoring tool for the effects of organophosphorus insecticide CPF on the aquatic biota.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Widely used non-ionic surfactant 4-nonylphenol: showing genotoxic effects in various tissues of Channa punctatus
Sharma, Madhu | Chadha, Pooja
The present study investigated the intertissue differences in genotoxicity induction in the fish, Channa punctatus, in response to 4-nonylphenol. The lethal concentration of 50 (LC₅₀) was estimated using a semi-static system. Fish were subjected to three sublethal concentrations of 4-nonylphenol (NP) for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. Liver, gill, and kidney tissues were analyzed, and the genotoxicity was estimated using the micronucleus test and the comet assay. The frequency of micronucleated cells (MNCs), binucleated cells (BNCs), aberrant cells, and tail moment (TM) increased significantly. The time for maximum induction of genotoxicity for all the parameters considered in the micronucleus assay was 72 h of exposure, whereas the TM was highest at 24 h of exposure followed by a decline. The gill and liver showed higher genotoxicity than kidney tissue demonstrating organ-specific susceptibilities to NP in fish C. punctatus.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Heavy metal accumulation in edible fish species from Rawal Lake Reservoir, Pakistan
Malik, Riffat Naseem | Hashmi, Muhammad Zaffar | Huma, Yasmin
The aim of the present study was to describe the accumulation of trace metals in the liver, kidney, gills, muscles, and skin of four edible fish species (Tor putitora, Cirrhinus mrigala, Labeo calbasu, and Channa punctatus) of Rawal Lake Reservoir, Pakistan. The fish samples were collected in the pre-monsoon (May 2008) and post-monsoon (October 2007) seasons and were analyzed for heavy metals by using an atomic absorption spectrometer. Kidney and liver showed relatively high concentrations of heavy metals. The accumulation of metals in the different organs of the fish (skin, muscles, and gills) in post-monsoon was higher than in pre-monsoon. In pre-monsoon, the metals followed the trend Zn > Pb > Fe > Cr > Ni > Mn > Co > Cu > Cd > Li, while in the post-monsoon season, the trend was Fe > Pb > Cr > Ni > Zn > Cu > Co > Mn > Cd > Li. The concentrations of Ni, Cr, and Pb in the muscle of all fish species were higher than the WHO guideline values of heavy metals in fishes for human consumption except in T. putitora. Cu level was nearly equal to the WHO maximum levels in C. mrigala and L. calbasu, while it was lower in T. putitora and C. punctatus. It is strongly advocated that risk assessment studies should be conducted and there is an urgent need for water quality restoration and management of Rawal Lake Reservoir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Distinctive fingerprints of genotoxicity induced by As, Cr, Cd, and Ni in a freshwater fish
Singh, Meenu | Khan, Huma | Verma, Yeshvandra | Rana, Suresh Vir Singh
Genotoxicity of three toxic elements (chromium, cadmium, nickel) and a metalloid (arsenic) has been studied in a freshwater fish, Channa punctatus using micronuclei (MN) test, comet assay, and erythrocyte nuclear alterations (ENAs) as fingerprints of genotoxicity. These tests yielded different results suggesting involvement of different mechanisms for their genotoxicity. While highest frequency of blebbed nuclei was observed in chromium-treated fish (6.5 ± 0.76), lowest was observed in cadmium-treated fish (4.0 ± 1.0). Maximum number of notched nuclei was recorded in arsenic-treated fish (5.5 ± 1.15) whereas highest numbers of lobed nuclei were found in cadmium-treated fish (4.5 ± 0.13). These differences might be attributed to selective bioaccumulation and chemodynamics of each element. Other parameters used to determine genotoxicity viz.: lipid peroxidation and DNA damage also suggested different mechanisms of their genotoxicity. It is suggested that an integrative approach, using a battery of tests for determining genotoxicity, should be made while making environmental health risk assessment and ecotoxicological studies of these toxic elements.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]96 h LC50, behavioural alterations and histopathological effects due to wastewater toxicity in a freshwater fish Channa punctatus
Rājabīra Kaura, | Dua, Anish
The aim of the study was to evaluate the toxic impact of wastewater from sites 1 and 2 of Tung Dhab drain in the state of Punjab, India, on fish behaviour, morphology and gill histopathological biomarkers in comparison to control group. Static non-renewal tests were conducted for 96 h to determine LC50 of the wastewater for both sites using five concentrations (6.25–100 %). Fish were regularly noticed for any deviation in behaviour and external morphology. Physico-chemical analysis of wastewater was done using standard methods recommended by APHA/AWWA/WEF (2005). Chronic toxicity tests were conducted for 15 and 30 days with sublethal concentrations of wastewater (50–90 % of LC50) and gill histopathology was assessed. Wastewater near a paper mill was more toxic as observed from LC50 values of 72.45 %. There was evident deterioration of water quality as the recorded values of some parameters were higher than the standard discharge limits. The test fish exhibited increased air gulping and surfacing, erratic movements initially and decreased opercular movements as the exposure period increased. Morphological observations include increased body colouration, mucus secretion, scale loss and haemorrhages on the skin and lower lip. Alterations in the gill histology such as complete lamellar fusion, epithelial lifting and intraepithelial oedema, haemorrhages, lamellar necrosis and aneurysm were noted in the test fish. Results demonstrate that the fish exposed to wastewater from both sites showed significantly greater change in gill organ index (IG) as compared to control fish for 15 and 30 days.
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