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Occurrence and partitioning behavior of perfluoroalkyl acids in wastewater effluent discharging into the Long Island Sound
Elmoznino, Joanne | Vlahos, Penny | Whitney, Michael
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) were measured in aqueous and suspended particulate matter (SPM) fractions in the final effluents from 12 wastewater treatment facilities located around the Connecticut shoreline. Aqueous phase concentrations ranged from 53 to 198 ng/L for ∑PFAAs with ≤7 perfluorinated carbons (CF₂) and 2–73 ng/L for >7 CF₂ PFAAs. Predominant PFAAs associated with effluent derived SPM were perfluorodecanoic acid and perflurorooctane sulfonic acid, detected in 48% and 52% of samples in concentrations ranging from <LOQ–1770 ng/g and <LOQ–2750 ng/g respectively. Based on the range of concentrations detected and the average flow of final effluent to the Long Island Sound (LIS), average total annual PFAA mass loads from wastewater treatment facilities to the LIS is estimated in the range of 70–315 kg/year, with 4–100 kg/year consisting of >7 CF₂ PFAAs. Partitioning coefficients (log KOC) derived for effluent water and SPM phases (4.2 ± 0.3, 4.4 ± 0.4, 5.1 ± 0.2 and 5.3 ± 0.2 for PFOA, PFNA PFDA and PFUnA; 4.5 ± 0.2 and 5.2 ± 0.2 for PFOS and PFHsX respectively) were found to be of similar magnitude to aeration tank particles, though 0.5 to 2 log units greater than sludge solids and to natural system particulates including riverine SPM, estuarine SPM and sediments. Results from this study suggest that effluent derived suspended particulate matter could be an effective vector in the transport of long-chained PFAAs through wastewater treatment into receiving waters, and a potential vector to the local food chain.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Using experiential marine debris education to make an impact: Collecting debris, informing policy makers, and influencing students
Owens, Katharine A.
The Shore to Statehouse project supported the creation of an open-source, replicable, undergraduate experiential course on marine debris. Funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the course allowed undergraduate students in Connecticut, USA, to collect marine debris locally, then create a policy report for state legislators. Here we share the results of the project including data on four accumulation surveys on the Long Island Sound, as well as the impact on student motivation, attitudes, and behavior levels. Results include finding over 1600 individual pieces of debris totaling 19.4kg (42.8lb). In addition, the students experienced statistically significant improvements in knowledge and behavior scores. This open-source course can be replicated, empowering students to remove debris, provide important information to local policy makers, and improve knowledge and behavior.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Remediation of Soil and Ground Water Contaminated with PAH using Heat and Fe(II)-EDTA Catalyzed Persulfate Oxidation
Nadim, Farhad | Huang, Kun-Chang | Dahmani, Amine M
The feasibility of degrading 16 USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic (PAH) hydrocarbons (PAHs) with heat and Fe(II)-EDTA catalyzed persulfate oxidation was investigated in the laboratory. The experiments were conducted to determine the effects of temperature (i.e. 20 [composite function (small circle)]C, 30 [composite function (small circle)]C and 40 [composite function (small circle)] C) and iron-chelate levels (i.e., 250 mg/L-, 375 mg/L- and 500 mg/L-Fe(II)) on the degradation of dissolved PAHs in aqueous systems, using a series of amber glass jars as the reactors that were placed on a shaker inside an incubator for temperature control. Each experiment was run in duplicate and had two controls (i.e., no persulfate in systems). Samples were collected after a reaction period of 144 hrs and measured for PAHs, pH and sodium persulfate levels. The extent of degradation of PAHs was determined by comparing the data for samples with the controls. The experimental results showed that persulfate oxidation under each of the tested conditions effectively degraded the 16 target PAHs. All of the targeted PAHs were degraded to below the instrument detection limits (~4 μ/L) from a range of initial concentration (i.e., 5 μ/L for benzo(a)pyrene to 57 μ/L for Phenanthrene) within 144 hrs with 5 g/L of sodium persulfate at 20 [composite function (small circle)] C, 30 [composite function (small circle)]C and 40 [composite function (small circle)]C. The data indicated that the persulfate oxidation was effective in degrading the PAHs and that external heat and iron catalysts might not be needed for the degradation of PAHs. The Fe(II)-EDTA catalyzed persulfate also effectively degraded PAHs in the study. In addition, the data on the variation of persulfate concentrations during the experiments indicated that Fe(II)-EDTA accelerated the consumption of persulfate ions. The obtained degradation data cannot be used to evaluate the influence of temperature and Fe(II) levels on the PAH degradation because the PAHs under each of the tested conditions were degraded to below the instrument detection limit within the first sampling point. However, these experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of degrading PAHs in aqueous systems with persulfate oxidation. Additional tests are being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of treating PAHs in soils and obtaining the rate of degradation of PAHs with persulfate oxidation. Two sets of laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the ability of sodium persulfate in oxidizing real world PAH-contaminated soils collected from a Superfund site in Connecticut. The first set of soil sample were treated only with persulfate and to the second batch, mixture of persulfate and Fe(II)-EDTA solutions were added. The results of the second test showed that within 24 hours, 75% to 100% of the initial concentrations of seven PAH compounds detected in the soil samples were degraded by sodium persulfate mixed with FE(II)-EDTA.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mapping the Distribution of the Bioaccessible Fraction of Trace Metals in the Sediments of an Urban Stream, Park River Watershed, Connecticut
Semrod, Kelsey A. | Gourley, Jonathan R.
The Park River watershed (PRW), a sub-basin of the Lower Connecticut River watershed, has experienced increased urbanization over the last century as the city of Hartford and its surrounding towns have grown and developed. We present watershed-wide and outflow scale maps of the trace metals Cd, Cu, Zn, and Pb to determine patterns of contamination in fine (<63 μm) stream sediment. Results are compared to established sediment quality guidelines (SQG) and probable effect concentrations (PEC) for each metal. Throughout the watershed, higher concentrations of trace metals are observed in the more urbanized south branch of the PRW. In this sub-basin, there are more industries that use, and waste, metals in their manufacturing processes that contribute to acutely high concentrations of metals in the fine bedload sediments. Impervious surfaces are examined as well in the context of the entire watershed. While an increase in metals can be attributed to an increase in impervious surfaces, these increases do not generally exceed SQGs and PECs. Two focused mapping studies were conducted at the storm water outflow of the West Hartford Landfill and the Trout Brook Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO). The purpose of these studies was to analyze the local effects of natural stream features such as channel bar deposits next to the outfalls. We determined that the sediment directly below the two outfalls often exceeded the PEC, while the accumulated sediment around the channel bar deposits was not contaminated beyond background stream levels. We believe mapping at both the small (watershed) and large (outfall) scale can be helpful in future urban studies to determine the extent of trace metal sediment contamination in both channelized and natural sections and may provide a useful method for sediment mitigation endeavors.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mobilization of Radium and Radon by Deicing Salt Contamination of Groundwater
McNaboe, Lukas A. | Robbins, Gary A. | Dietz, Michael E.
Elevated radium (Ra) concentrations have been observed in aquifers with high naturally occurring salinity. The flux of radon (Rn) gas from the decay of Ra out of saline aquifers can be enhanced owing to salting-out effects. This raises the issue as to whether increased salinization of groundwater from road deicing practices can enhance Ra and Rn mobility to the extent that they become a human health concern. Continued use of salt (NaCl) as a road deicing agent has resulted in a gradual salinization of groundwater systems in snow-affected regions. This study presents groundwater data from a monitoring well field installed around a permeable pavement parking lot at the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus. The data suggest a connection between road salting and (a) the mobilization of dissolved Ra as well as (b) enhanced Rn gas flux from the water table. A positive correlation (R ² = 0.92) was identified between dissolved Na⁺ and isotopes of Ra; a negative relationship was observed between specific conductance and dissolved Rn. In two monitoring locations, concentrations of Ra were detected that exceeded the EPA MCL of 5 pCi/L. Concentrations of Rn in the groundwater were found to be at a level that theoretically could generate gas concentrations in the vadose zone that exceed the indoor Rn standard by orders of magnitude. Given these findings, it appears that salt contamination of groundwater could increase the potential for human exposure to these radioactive and carcinogenic elements. Graphical Abstract Photo of the study area taken 1/14/16
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Trend and Variability of Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) in the State of Connecticut, U.S.A. during 1997–1999
Chen, Hao | Yang, Xiusheng | Perkins, Christopher
A statewide total gaseous mercury (TGM) monitoring campaign was conducted from January 1997 to December 1999 in the State of Connecticut, U.S.A. Eight monitoring sites with different characteristics of geographical location (coastal vs. interior) and land use (rural vs. urban) were included in the monitoring program. Statistical procedures were utilized to evaluate the temporal trend and spatial distribution of the TGM concentration in the State, and the influence of long-range transport from non-local sources. The statewide mean TGM concentration was 2.08 ng m⁻³. The annual mean concentration had no significant differences among the three years of measurements for all the sites. Weak seasonal variations were detected in the State with higher ambient TGM concentration found in warmer seasons. Urban areas in general had higher TGM concentrations than rural areas. The effect of site location of the monitoring sites on TGM concentration was interacted with land use characteristics. Waterbury site with extremely high concentration measurements was the major cause for this interaction. The long-range transport of TGM from remote sources showed an important influence on local ambient concentrations, by explaining over 45% of the total variance of the ambient TGM concentration for most sites. Local sources were responsible for the extremely high TGM concentration in the Waterbury site. The TGM concentrations at Voluntown, Hammonasset and Avery Point in southeast Connecticut were likely to be affected by some local sources.
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