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Multi-criteria decision analysis of optimal planting for enhancing phytoremediation of trace heavy metals in mining sites under interval residual contaminant concentrations
Lu, Jingzhao | Lu, Hongwei | Li, Jing | Liu, Jia | Feng, Sansan | Guan, Yanlong
As one of the most cost-effective and sustainable methods for contaminants' removal, sequestration and/or detoxification, phytoremediation has already captured comprehensive attention worldwide. Nevertheless, the accurate effects of various spatial pattern in enhancing phytoremediation efficiency is not yet clear, especially for the polluted mining areas. This study designed nine planting patterns (monocropping, double intercropping and triple intercropping) of three indigenous plant species (Setaria viridis (L.), Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) to further explore the effects of plants spatial pattern on phytoremediation efficiency. Considering the uncertainties of the residual contaminants' concentration (RCC) caused by soil anisotropy, permeability and land types, the interval transformation was introduced into the plant uptake model to simulate the remediation efficiency. Then multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were applied to optimal the planting patterns, with the help of criteria of (a) the amount of heavy metal absorption; (b) the concentration of residual contaminant in soil; (c) root tolerance of heavy metals; (d) the total investment cost. Results showed that (1) the highest concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Pb of the polluted area were 7320.02, 14.30, 1650.51 mg kg⁻¹ (2) During the 180 days simulation, the highest RMSE of residue trace metals in soil are 3.02(Zn), 2.67(Pb), 2.89(Cd), respectively. (3) The result of IMCDA shows that the planting patterns of Setaria viridis, Echinochloa crus-galli and Phragmites australis in alternative a9 (269 mg kg⁻¹ year⁻¹) had the highest absorption rate of heavy metals compared with a7 (235 mg kg⁻¹ year⁻¹) and a2 (240 mg kg⁻¹ year⁻¹). After 20 years of remediation, the simulated RCC in a9 is far below the national standard, and the root toxicity is 0.12 (EC ≤ EC₂₀). In general, the optimal alternative derived from interval residual contaminant concentration can effectively express the dynamic of contaminant distribution and then can be effectively employed to evaluate the sustainable remediation methods.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of N2O emission from rainfed wheat field in northwest agricultural land in China
Yang, Yue | Tong, Yan’an | Gao, Pengcheng | Htun, Yin Min | Feng, Tao
The net greenhouse gas (NGHG) emissions and net greenhouse gas intensity (NGHGI) were investigated via the determination of nitrous oxide (N₂O) emission in loess soil under rainfed winter wheat monocropping system during 3 years of field study in Northwest China. Five treatments were carried out: control (N₀), conventional nitrogen (N) application (NCₒₙ), optimized N application with straw (SNOₚₜ), optimized N application with straw and 5% of dicyanodiamide (SNOₚₜ + DCD), and optimized N rate of slow release fertilizer with straw (SSRFOₚₜ). Over a 3-year period, the NGHG emissions were achieved 953, 1322, 564, and 1162 kg CO₂-eq ha⁻¹, simultaneously, and the NGHGI arrived 158, 223, 86, and 191 kg CO₂-eq t⁻¹ grain in NCₒₙ, SNOₚₜ, SNOₚₜ + DCD, and SSROₚₜ grain, respectively. Contrasted with conventional farming system, optimized farming methods reduced 32% of N fertilizer use without significant decrease in grain yield, but brought about 38% increase in N₂O emissions, up to 28% gained in soil CH₄ uptake. Thus, it was observed that the straw incorporation performs noticeable increased in N₂O emissions in the winter wheat cropping season. Among the optimized N fertilizer rates compared with the SNOₚₜ treatment, the SNOₚₜ +DCD and SSROₚₜ treatments decreased in N₂O emissions by approximately 55% and 13%, respectively. Additionally, the N₂O emission factor across over a 3-year period was 0.41 ± 0.08% derived from N fertilizer, and it was half of IPCC default values for upland corps. It is expected possibly due to low precipitation and soil moisture with the monocropping system. The 25% higher in the amount of rainfall (almost 300 mm in 2013–2014) during a cropping season underwent into 1–2-fold increase in N₂O emissions from N-fertilized plots. As the statistical differences among annual cumulative emissions coincided with that during winter wheat growing season, it can be concluded that crop growing season is a vital important period for the determination of N₂O emissions from under rainfed monocropping system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of neural network and multivariate statistics in the assessment of pellets produced from the exploitation of agro-industrial residues
Resende, Dieimes Ribeiro | da Silva Araujo, Elesandra | Lorenço, Mário Sérgio | Lira Zidanes, Uasmim | Akira Mori, Fábio | Fernando Trugilho, Paulo | Lúcia Bianchi, Maria
The production of pellets from residual biomass generated monocropping by Brazilian agribusiness is an environmentally and economically interesting alternative in view of the growing demand for clean, low-cost, and efficient energy. In this way, pellets were produced with sugarcane bagasse and coffee processing residues, in different proportions with charcoal fines, aiming to improve the energy properties and add value to the residual biomass. The pellets had their properties compared to the commercial quality standard. Artificial neural networks and multivariate statistical models were used to validate the best treatments for biofuel production. The obtained pellets presented the minimum characteristics required by DIN EN 14961–6. However, the sugarcane bagasse biomass distinguished itself for use in energy pellets, more specifically, the treatment with 20% of fine charcoal because of its higher net calorific value (17.85 MJ·kg⁻¹) and energy density (13.30 GJ·m⁻³), achieving the characteristics required for type A pellets in commercial standards. The statistical techniques were efficient and grouped the treatments with similar properties, as well as validated the sugarcane biomass mixed with charcoal fines for pellet production. Thus, these results demonstrate that waste charcoal fines mixed with agro-industrial biomass have great potential to integrate the production chain for energy generation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of soil improvement technology on soil quality in solar greenhouse
Xiao, Wan-li | Wang, Zhe-xin | Wu, Feng-zhi | Zhou, Xin-gang
Currently, cucumber cultivation is mainly through monoculture, as continuous culture leads to the decrease of crop yield and soil quality. In order to improve soil quality to achieve continuous monocultures, soil physicochemical properties, microbial biomass, content of phenolic compounds, and the size of bacterial, fungal, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and Fusarium oxysporum were first evaluated in cucumber monoculture solar greenhouse. Soil improvement technology, including catch wheat (CW), calcium cyanamide disinfection (LN), and straw reactor technology (SR) during summer fallow period, was compared with conventional fallow (CK). Results showed that CW, LN, and SR all significantly increased soil pH, and LN and SR increased soil electrical conductivity (EC); however, CW decreased soil EC. Meanwhile, LN increased soil available N content significantly and SR increased available P content significantly. CW had negative effect on the accumulation of soil available nutrients, conversely, CW and SR had positive effect on the accumulation of microbial biomass carbon (MBC). All the treatments increased the total phenol content in the soil compared with CK. While CW increased the size of bacteria, AOB in the soil inhibited fungal and wilt pathogen size. LN also increased the size of soil bacteria and reduced the size of fungi. The comprehensive evaluation of all treatments showed that CW could control soil nutrient loss and improve the continuous cropping soil, making the soil transform from fungi to bacteria type. All the treatments accelerate the accumulation of phenolic compound, while whether or not developing autotoxicity requires further investigation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Nutrient Removal from Simulated Wastewater Using Canna indica and Schoenoplectus validus in Mono- and Mixed-Culture in Wetland Microcosms
Zhang, Zhenhua | Rengel, Zdenko | Meney, Kathy
Emergent wetland plant species may exhibit different nutrient removal efficiencies when grown in monoculture and mixed stands in constructed wetlands for tertiary purification of wastewater. A glasshouse study was conducted to investigate the influence of mono- and mixed-culture between Canna indica Linn and Schoenoplectus validus (Vahl) A. Löve & D. Löve on their growth in, and nutrient removal from, simulated wastewater in the surface water of vertical-flow wetland microcosms. Plants were grown for 50 days before imposing nutrient treatments that simulated secondary-treated municipal wastewater effluent with either low (17.5 mg N and 10 mg P per litre) or high (35.0 mg N and 20 mg P per litre) nutrient concentrations. Treatment solutions were renewed in weekly intervals. After 65 days of nutrient and plant treatments, the total and above-ground biomass was significantly (P < 0.01) greater in the high compared with the low nutrient treatment, but there were no significant differences in below-ground biomass. Significant (P < 0.01) differences in above-ground and below-ground biomass were observed, but no significant difference in total biomass was detected among plant treatments. The highest below-ground biomass was in monoculture of C. indica, whereas the highest above-ground biomass was in the monoculture of S. validus. The biomass of mixed-culture was intermediate to that in the two monoculture treatments. There was significant interspecific competition between C. indica and S. validus in mixed-culture, with C. indica being the superior competitor. The concentrations of N and P in plant tissues (except P in above-ground tissues) were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in the high than in the low nutrient treatment. The accumulation of N and P in above- and below-ground tissues largely reflected patterns of biomass allocation. No significant difference was observed between the nutrient treatments in nutrient removal efficiencies. Plant uptake was the major nutrient removal pathway in the wetland microcosms. Nutrient removal from simulated wastewater in mixed-culture was not greater than in mono-cultures, due to interspecific competition. The results suggested that plant nutrient uptake was the major removal mechanism at the establishment stands in the constructed wetlands.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sugarcane monoculture drives microbial community composition, activity and abundance of agricultural-related microorganisms
Tayyab, Muhammad | Yang, Ziqi | Zhang, Caifang | Islam, Waqar | Lin, Wenxiong | Zhang, Hua
Sugarcane monoculture (SM) often leads to soil problems, like soil acidification, degradation, and soil-borne diseases, which ultimately pose a negative impact on agricultural productivity and sustainability. Understanding the change in microbial communities’ composition, activities, and functional microbial taxa associated with the plant and soil under SM is unclear. Using multidisciplinary approaches such as Illumina sequencing, measurements of soil properties, and enzyme activities, we analyzed soil samples from three sugarcane fields with different monoculture histories (1-, 2-, and 4-year cultivation times, respectively). We observed that SM induced soil acidity and had adverse effects on soil fertility, i.e., soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN), total carbon (TC), and available potassium (AK), as well as enzyme activities indicative for carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen cycles. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis showed that SM time greatly affected soil attribute patterns. We observed strong correlation among soil enzymes activities and soil physiochemical properties (soil pH, OM, and TC). Alpha diversity analysis showed a varying response of the microbes to SM time. Bacterial diversity increased with increasing oligotrophs (e.g., Acidobacteria and Chloroflexi), while fungal diversity decreased with reducing copiotrophs (e.g., Ascomycota). β-Diversity analysis showed that SM time had a great influence on soil microbial structure and soil properties, which led to the changes in major components of microbial structure (soil pH, OM, TC, bacteria and soil pH; TC, fungi). Additionally, SM time significantly stimulated (four bacterial and ten fungal) and depleted (12 bacterial and three fungal) agriculturally and ecologically important microbial genera that were strongly and considerably correlated with soil characteristics (soil pH, OM, TC, and AK). In conclusion, SM induces soil acidity, reduces soil fertility, shifts microbial structure, and reduces its activity. Furthermore, most beneficial bacterial genera decreased significantly due to SM, while beneficial fungal genera showed a reverse trend. Therefore, mitigating soil acidity, improving soil fertility, and soil enzymatic activities, including improved microbial structure with beneficial service to plants and soil, can be an effective measure to develop a sustainable sugarcane cropping system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Microbial flora analysis for the degradation of beta-cypermethrin
Qi, Zhang | Wei, Zhang
In the Xinjiang region of Eurasia, sustained long-term and continuous cropping of cotton over a wide expanse of land is practiced, which requires application of high levels of pyrethroid and other classes of pesticides—resulting in high levels of pesticide residues in the soil. In this study, soil samples were collected from areas of long-term continuous cotton crops with the aim of obtaining microbial resources applicable for remediation of pyrethroid pesticide contamination suitable for the soil type and climate of that area. Soil samples were first used to culture microbial flora capable of degrading beta-cypermethrin using an enrichment culture method. Structural changes and ultimate microbial floral composition during enrichment were analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. Four strains capable of degrading beta-cypermethrin were isolated and preliminarily classified. Finally, comparative rates and speeds of degradation of beta-cypermethrin between relevant microbial flora and single strains were determined. After continuous subculture for 3 weeks, soil sample microbial flora formed a new type of microbial flora by rapid succession, which showed stable growth by utilizing beta-cypermethrin as the sole carbon source (GXzq). This microbial flora mainly consisted of Pseudomonas, Hyphomicrobium, Dokdonella, and Methyloversatilis. Analysis of the microbial flora also permitted separation of four additional strains; i.e., GXZQ4, GXZQ6, GXZQ7, and GXZQ13 that, respectively, belonged to Streptomyces, Enterobacter, Streptomyces, and Pseudomonas. Under culture conditions of 37 °C and 180 rpm, the degradation rate of beta-cypermethrin by GXzq was as high as 89.84% within 96 h, which exceeded that achieved by the single strains GXZQ4, GXZQ6, GXZQ7, and GXZQ13 and their derived microbial flora GXh.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ecological risk of long-term chlorimuron-ethyl application to soil microbial community: an in situ investigation in a continuously cropped soybean field in Northeast China
Zhang, Xiaoli | Li, Xu | Zhang, Chenggang | Li, Xinyu | Zhang, Huiwen
Introduction Chlorimuron-ethyl has been widely used for the soybean production of China, but less information is available on the possible risk of long-term application of this herbicide. Materials and methods In this paper, soil samples were collected from the plots having been received 30 g active component of chlorimuron-ethyl/ha per year for 5 and 10 years in a continuously cropped soybean field of Northeast China, with their microbial community analyzed by plate counting, PCR-DGGE, and cloning library. Chlorimuron-ethyl had a higher accumulation in test soils, and the accumulation decreased the CFU of soil bacteria and increased the CFU of soil fungi significantly. The CFU of soil actinomycetes only had a significant decrease in the plot having been received chlorimuron-ethyl for 10 years. Results and discussion Under the long-term stress of chlorimuron-ethyl, the diversity and evenness of soil microbial community decreased, and more importantly, some bacterial and fungal species that possibly benefited soybean's growth, e.g., Acidobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, Cortinarius violaceu, Acarospora smaragdula, and Xerocomus chrysenteron decreased or demised, while some species that could induce the obstacle of soybean's continuous cropping, e.g., Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani, and Phytophthora sojae, increased or appeared. Some actinomycetes were inhibited having negative effects on the antagonism between soil microbes. It is considered that due to the longer half-life of chlorimuron-ethyl in soil and the resistance and resilience of soil microbes to short-term environmental stress, long-term in situ investigation rather than laboratory microcosm test or short-term field experiment would be more appropriate to the accurate assessment of the ecological risk of long-term chlorimuron-ethyl application. Further studies should be made on the application mode and duration of chlorimuron-ethyl to reduce the possible ecological risk of applying this herbicide on continuously cropped soybean field.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Chromium removal efficiency of plant, microbe and media in experimental VSSF constructed wetlands under monocropped and co-cropped conditions
Kumar, Paritosh | Kaur, Ravinder | Celestin, Defo | Prakash Kumar,
Chromium (Cr), one of the most abundant and hazardous heavy metals, is generally observed to be widely distributed in environment, primarily due to the inter-mixing of the untreated domestic and industrial wastewaters. There has been an increased interest to replace conventional centralized treatment technologies with the low energy, low cost, and zero sludge producing decentralized constructed wetland technology. Therefore, a long-term investigation on the comparative metal removal efficiency of the experimental vertical sub-surface flow (VSSF) constructed wetland systems, irrigated with Cr-spiked ground waters, under both mono and mixed-culture conditions planted with five different macrophytes viz. Typha (T), Phragmites (P), Acorus (V), Arundo (A), and Vetiver (K), in as mono- and {viz. (TP), (PA), (KV), (AT), and (VT)} as co-cropped combinations along with unplanted (U) systems as controls was conducted at the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Long-term investigations revealed significant differences between metal removal efficiencies of the planted (61.6% to 78.5%) and the unplanted systems (32.8% to 47.9%). However, these long-term average metal removal efficiencies were found to be insignificantly different for the mono (78.5%) and the co-cropped systems (77.6%). On further compartmentalization of the experimental wetland system’s Cr-removal efficiencies amongst the major components viz. plant, microbe, and substrate, it was observed that vegetation contributed the maximum (i.e., 33–48%) while the microbes and the substrate contributed only 4–20% and 8–28%, respectively. It was further observed that due to reduced microbial diversity under unplanted conditions, the planted systems were associated with 2–7% higher microbial and equivalently lower substrate removal efficiencies. Thus, microbial activity-mediated metal mobilization and plant uptake were observed to be the principal processes governing Cr removal in the test VSSF constructed wetland systems exposed to varying Cr concentrations. Amongst all test macrophytes and their combinations, Arundo (81.9%) and Acorus (84.5%) based monocropped systems and Arundo+Typha (89.3%) based co-cropped systems emerged to be the most superior Cr-removing systems. Graphical abstarct
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