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Monitoring polymer degradation under different conditions in the marine environment
Beltrán-Sanahuja, Ana | Casado-Coy, Nuria | Simó-Cabrera, Lorena | Sanz-Lázaro, Carlos
The perdurability of plastics in the environment is one of the major concerns of plastic pollution and, as a consequence, oceans are accumulating large amounts of plastic. The degradation of conventional and biobased materials was evaluated through a laboratory experiment for a year simulating four different conditions in the marine environment. The water column environmental compartment was simulated under euphotic and aphotic (with and without light availability) conditions. The seafloor environmental compartment was simulated with sediment under non-polluted and polluted conditions. By combining weight loss (%), spectroscopic and thermal analyses, the degradation patterns regarding the polymer structure were assessed. The studied biobased materials were polylactic acid (PLA) based materials and showed higher degradability than conventional ones. The weight loss of conventional materials was not influenced by the water column or sediment, while in PLA-based materials, the degradation rates were ca. 5 times greater in the sediment than in the water column. The absorbance (Abs) value at 3400 cm⁻¹ for polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and carbonyl (CO) index for PET and PLA could be useful to detect early signs of degradation. The crystallization index could be a useful parameter to discriminate degradation stages. The obtained results highlight the different degradability rates of materials depending on the specific environmental marine conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Analysis of microbeads in cosmetic products in the United Arab Emirates
Habib, Rana Zeeshan | Salim Abdoon, Morog Mohammed | Al Meqbaali, Reem Mohammed | Ghebremedhin, Furtuna | Elkashlan, Marim | Kittaneh, Wajeeh Faris | Cherupurakal, Nizamudeen | Mourad, Abdel-Hamid Ismail | Thiemann, Thies | Al Kindi, Ruwaya
The microparticle content of 37 common facial and body scrubs commercially available in the United Arab Emirates was analyzed. The chemical composition, ash content, physical characteristics, loading, particle size and shape of the microparticles were determined. Only 11 out of 37 products were found to have microplastic content. Many of the remaining products exhibited microparticles composed of microcrystalline cellulose and crushed walnut shells. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that microplastic products had softening points as low as 84 °C. Plastic microbeads of 2 products were found to fuse at 100 °C. The fusion altered the flotation characteristics of the microbeads of one product. Heat treatment of the product at 100 °C in the presence of silica gel led to entrainment of the silica and partial fragmentation of the beads upon cooling. This may be understood as one mechanism of fragmentation of a microplastic with a low softening point in the presence of hard soil particles under temperature cycling.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]To what extent are microplastics from the open ocean weathered?
ter Halle, Alexandra | Ladirat, Lucie | Martignac, Marion | Mingotaud, Anne-Françoise | Boyron, Olivier | Perez, Emile
It is necessary to better characterize plastic marine debris in order to understand its fate in the environment and interaction with organisms, the most common type of debris being made of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). In this work, plastic debris was collected in the North Atlantic sub-tropical gyre during the Expedition 7th Continent sea campaign and consisted mainly in PE. While the mechanisms of PE photodegradation and biodegradation in controlled laboratory conditions are well known, plastic weathering in the environment is not well understood. This is a difficult task to examine because debris comes from a variety of manufactured objects, the original compositions and properties of which vary considerably. A statistical approach was therefore used to compare four sample sets: reference PE, manufactured objects, mesoplastics (5–20 mm) and microplastics (0.3–5 mm). Infrared spectroscopy showed that the surface of all debris presented a higher oxidation state than the reference samples. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis revealed that the microplastics were more crystalline contrarily to the mesoplastics which were similar to references samples. Size exclusion chromatography showed that the molar mass decreased from the references to meso- and microplastics, revealing a clear degradation of the polymer chains. It was thus concluded that the morphology of marine microplastic was much altered and that an unambiguous shortening of the polymer chains took place even for this supposedly robust and inert polymer.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Identification of marine microplastics in Eastern Harbor, Mediterranean Coast of Egypt, using differential scanning calorimetry
Shabaka, Soha Hamdy | Ghobashy, Mohamed | Marey, Rasha Saad
Microplastic pollution has gained significant attention, and there are growing concerns about its potential effects on aquatic environments. The lack of proper solid waste management in Egypt has resulted in the accumulation of plastic litter and its deposition in waterways. However, no attempts have been made to identify or assess marine plastic litter in Egypt. We provide, for the first time, a precise, simple, and cost-effective method to identify microplastics in Eastern Harbor by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). This screening revealed the presence of ten polymers in seawater and shoreline sediments. Most of the extracted microplastics are secondary microplastics, as they appear to be remnants of larger plastic fragments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]One-Pot Construction of Titania-γ-AlOOH Nanocomposites Employed for Photocatalytic Degradation
Zhang, Fei | Zhang, Min | Wang, Gang | Shi, Wenjian | Hu, Xuefeng
A series of aluminum oxyhydroxide-incorporated titania composites were prepared by a one-pot synthetic procedure using aluminum tri-sec-butoxide as a precursor. The as-synthesized samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, nitrogen physisorption, and scanning electron microscopy. It was identified that aluminum oxyhydroxide (γ-AlOOH, or boehmite) was produced as aluminum matrix into which titania, commercially available P25, was incorporated. Photocatalytic activity of all nanocomposites was evaluated with respect to the photodecolorization of methyl orange under UV irradiation and almost complete decolorization was eventually achieved under optimum experimental conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Characterization of biodegradable poly-3-hydroxybutyrate films and pellets loaded with the fungicide tebuconazole
Volova, Tatiana G. | Zhila, Natalia | Vinogradova, Olga | Shumilova, Anna | Prudnikova, Svetlana | Shishatskaya, Ekaterina
Biodegradable polymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) has been used as a matrix to construct slow-release formulations of the fungicide tebuconazole (TEB). P3HB/TEB systems constructed as films and pellets have been studied using differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray structure analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. TEB release from the experimental formulations has been studied in aqueous and soil laboratory systems. In the soil with known composition of microbial community, polymer was degraded, and TEB release after 35 days reached 60 and 36 % from films and pellets, respectively. That was 1.23 and 1.8 times more than the amount released to the water after 60 days in a sterile aqueous system. Incubation of P3HB/TEB films and pellets in the soil stimulated development of P3HB-degrading microorganisms of the genera Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Variovorax, and Streptomyces. Experiments with phytopathogenic fungi F. moniliforme and F. solani showed that the experimental P3HB/TEB formulations had antifungal activity comparable with that of free TEB.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Preparation of PCL/Clay and PVA/Clay Electrospun Fibers for Cadmium (Cd+2), Chromium (Cr+3), Copper (Cu+2) and Lead (Pb+2) Removal from Water
Fibrous mats of polymer/clay were obtained by electrospinning method, and their capacity for heavy metals removal from water was evaluated. Four different fibrous mats were prepared from a corresponding polymer/clay solutions. The precursor materials employed were poly-ε-caprolactone, polyvinyl alcohol polymers, kaolin, and metakaolin clays. Raw materials and the prepared fiber mats characterization were carried out using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, termogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. Elemental composition of the materials was obtained using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The environmental applications of polymer/clay materials were tested for water treatment by heavy metals (cadmium (Cd⁺²), chromium (Cr⁺³), copper (Cu⁺²), and lead (Pb⁺²)) sorption. Kinetic adsorption studies were conducted employing heavy metal solutions with initial concentration of 200 mg/L, and the amount of heavy metal adsorbed and kinetics parameters was determined using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). According to the kinetic data, the adsorption process of Cd⁺², Cr⁺³, Cu⁺², and Pb⁺² onto polymer/clay is favorable for the prepared materials and they follow a pseudo-first-order model according to the kinetic analysis. Additionally, the intraparticle diffusion was evaluated by applying the Morris and Weber model; in order to investigate the contribution of film resistance to the kinetics of the heavy metals adsorption, the adsorption kinetic data was further analyzed by Boyd’s film-diffusion model.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigation of toxic effects of amorphous SiO2 nanoparticles on motility and oxidative stress markers in rainbow trout sperm cells
Özgür, Mustafa Erkan | Ulu, Ahmet | Özcan, İmren | Balcioglu, Sevgi | Ateş, Burhan | Köytepe, Süleyman
In this study, we investigated the effects of SiO₂ nanoparticles (SiO₂-NPs) (1, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg/L) for 24 h in vitro on the motility parameters and oxidative stress markers such as total glutathione (TGSH), catalase (CAT), and malondialdehyde (MDA) of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss sperm cells. Therefore, SiO₂-NPs were synthesized with sol-gel reaction from tetraethoxy orthosilicate (TEOS). The prepared nanoparticle structures were characterized for chemical structure, morphology and thermal behavior employing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron micrograph, and thermal analysis (DTA/TGA/DSC) techniques. After exposure, there was statistically significant (p < 0.05) decreases in velocities of sperm cells. CAT activity significantly (p < 0.05) decreased by 9.6% in sperm cell treated with 100 mg/L. In addition, MDA level significantly increased by 70.4% and 77.5% in sperm cell treated with 50 and 100 mg/L SiO₂-NPs, respectively (p < 0.05). These results showed that SiO₂-NPs may have toxic effect on rainbow trout sperm cells in 50 mg/L and more.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A critical approach to the toxic metal ion removal by hazelnut and almond shells
Cataldo, Salvatore | Gianguzza, Antonio | Milea, Demetrio | Muratore, Nicola | Pettignano, Alberto | Sammartano, Silvio
The adsorption capacity of ground hazelnut (HS) and almond (AS) shells towards Pb(II) and Cd(II) has been studied at pH = 5, in NaNO₃ and NaCl ionic media, in the ionic strength range 0.05–0.5 mol L⁻¹. Kinetic and equilibrium experiments were carried out by using the Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry technique to check the amount of the metal ion removed by HS and AS materials. Different kinetic and equilibrium equations were used to fit experimental data and a statistical study was done to establish the suitable model for the data fitting. A speciation study of the metal ions in solution was also done in order to evaluate the influence of the ionic medium on the adsorption process. TGA-DSC, FT-IR, and SEM-EDX techniques were used to characterize the adsorbent materials. The mechanism of metal ions adsorption was explained on the basis of the results obtained by the metal ions speciation study and the characterization of materials.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Green separation and characterization of fatty acids from solid wastes of leather industry in supercritical fluid CO2
Onem, Ersin | Renner, Manfred | Prokein, Michael
Considerable tannery waste is generated by leather industry around the world. Recovery of the value-added products as natural fats from the solid wastes gained interest of many researchers. In this study, supercritical fluid separation method was applied for the fatty acid isolation from leather industry solid wastes. Pre-fleshing wastes of the double-face lambskins were used as natural fat source. Only supercritical CO₂ was used as process media without any solvent additive in high-pressure view cell equipment. The effect of different conditions was investigated for the best separation influence. The parameters of pressure (100 to 200 bar), temperature (40 to 80 °C), and time (1 to 3 h) were considered. Extraction yields and fat yields of the parameters were statistically evaluated after the processes. Maximum 78.57 wt% fat yield was obtained from leather industry fleshings in supercritical fluid CO₂ at 200 bar, 80 °C, and 2 h. Morever, conventional Soxhlet and supercritical CO₂ extracted fatty acids were characterized by using gas chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) and flame ionization detector (FID). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) characterizations were also done. The results showed that supercritical fluid CO₂ extraction was highly effective for the fat separation as green solvent and leather industry tannery wastes could be used for the value-added products.
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