AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
Recherche avancée
Mots clés AGROVOC

Résultats 1-9 de 9

Solid-solution partitioning of Rare Earth Elements in mine-tailings and soils in China: experimental results and multi-surface modelling


Janot, Noemie | Huot, Hermine | Otero-Fariña, Alba | Leguédois, Sophie | Groenenberg, Jan E.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Les espaces périurbains : entre pollution des villes et pollution des champs aux échelles régionale et locale


Stella, Patrick | Bedos, Carole | Génermont, Sophie, | Loubet, Benjamin | Personne, Erwan | Petit, Caroline, | Saint-Jean, Sébastien

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Thermodynamics and kinetic processes at coal interface for CO2 geological storage


Charriere, Delphine | Pokryszka, Zbigniew | Behra, Philippe

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Long-term pollution by chlordecone of tropical volcanic soils in the French West Indies: New insights and improvement of previous predictions


Comte, Irina | Pradel, Alice | Crabit, Armand | Mottes, Charles | Pak, Lai Ting | Cattan, Philippe

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Assessing Migration of Uranium through Chalk Substrate: Field Study and Reactive Transport Modelling


Crançon, Pierre | Mangeret, Arnaud | De Windt, Laurent

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Effects of Vegetation Removal and Urea Application on Iron and Nitrogen Redox Chemistry in Riparian Forested Soils


Shrestha, Junu | Clement, Jean-Christophe | Ehrenfeld, Joan, | Jaffe, Peter,

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Marine hydrodynamical and biogeochemical model: general 3D circulation model of the Western Mediterranean Sea | EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System)


Nihoul, Jacques | Beckers, Jean-Marie | Brasseur, P. | Deleersnijder, E. | Djenidi, Salim | Lagasse, B. | Robe, F. | Smitz, J.

University of Liège - Belgium

Measurements of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-A, YV-B) in Nagano city [Japan]


Harada, T. (Nagano-ken. Research Inst. for Health and Pollution (Japan))

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan