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[Animals as carriers of information on the environment [use of mayfly larvae (Baetis rhodani) as indicator species in monitoring of inland water acidification]]
Raddum, G.G. | Fjellheim, A. (Bergen Univ. (Norway). Zoologisk Museum)
Effects of environmental stress on forest crown condition in Europe. Part I: hypotheses and approach to the study
Vries, W. de | Klap, J.M. | Erisman, J.W.
Effects of environmental stress on forest crown condition in Europe. Part III: estimation of critical deposition and concentration levels and their exceedances
Vries, W. de | Reinds, G.J. | Klap, J.M. | Leeuwen, E.P. van | Erisman, J.W.
An evaluation of New York State lake liming data and the application of models from Scandinavian lakes to Adirondack lakes
Gloss, S.P. | Schofield, C.L. | Sherman, R.E.
Atmospheric deposition in Fenno-Scandia: characteristics and trends
Semb, A. (Norwegian Inst. for Air Research, Lillestroem (Norway)) | Dovland, H.
Acidic deposition and its effects on the forests of Nordic Europe
Andersson, F. (Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Research)
Acid deposition and effects in Nordic Europe; damage to fish populations in Scandinavia continue to apace
Rosseland, B.O. (Directorate for Nature and Management, Trondheim (Norway). Fish Research Div.) | Skogheim, O.K. | Sevaldrud, I.H.
Effects of forests and other vegetation; mechanisms
Huttunen, S. (Oulu Univ. (Finland). Dept. of Botany)
Outlines of the results from the report: Acid deposition and forest decline in Central Europe: an appraisal of the Scandinavian situation
Johnson, I.
Summarizing comments on air pollution and forest decline
Henriksen, H.A.