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With the noose around the neck: Marine debris entangling otariid species
Franco-Trecu, Valentina | Drago, Massimiliano | Katz, Helena | Machín, Emanuel | Marín, Yamandú
Plastic debris in marine environments and its impact on wildlife species is becoming a problem of increasing concern. In pinnipeds, entanglements commonly consist of loops around the neck of non-biodegradable materials from fishing gear or commercial packaging, known as “neck collars”. These entanglements can cause injuries, death by suffocation and starvation, and therefore they may add to the overall decrease in population. Our objective was to describe the entanglement of two species of otariids (Arctocephalus australis and Otaria flavescens) in the South West Atlantic Ocean. These two species have widely different population sizes and contrasting trends, being the O. flavescens population one order of magnitude lower in abundance with a negative population trend. A total number of 47 entangled individuals and the ingestion of a fishing sinker were recorded (A. australis: n = 26; O. flavescens: n = 22). For A. australis about 40% of the objects came from industrial fishing with which this species overlap their foraging areas, although also its lost or discarded gear can travel long distances. In O. flavescens 48% of observed injuries were very severe, which might indicate that they had been entangled for a long time. More than 60% of the objects came from artisanal and recreational fishing that operates within 5 nautical miles off the coast, which is probably related to coastal foraging habits of this species. Due to the frequent interaction between artisanal fisheries and O. flavescens, it is possible that entangled nets could be active gears. An important contribution to mitigate entanglements can be the development of education programs setting the scenario for effective communication, and exchange with involved fishermen to collect and recycle old fishing nets. Returning to natural fibers or replacement of the current materials used in fishing gear for biodegradable materials can also be a recommended mitigation measure.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Dietary exposure assessment for arsenic and mercury following submarine tailings placement in Ratatotok Sub-district, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Bentley, Keith | Soebandrio, Amin
The Mesel gold mine in the Ratatotok Sub-district operated between 1996 and 2004 with tailings disposal via an engineered submarine tailings placement (STP) into Buyat Bay. This operation raised concerns of increased levels of arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) associated disease in the local communities from consumption of seafood contaminated with anthropogenic As and Hg. This report uses the dietary exposure to As and Hg, from local fishermen and market-purchased Codex “as consumed” and environmental fish results from the pre-mining baseline (1990–1995), the mine operational (1996–2004) and post-closure monitoring (2007–2016) to examine the potential health effects. The Ratatotok Sub-district consumers total As average daily intake from fish was between 152 and 317 μg/day (adults) and 58 and 105 μg/day (infants). The average daily intake of inorganic arsenic (Asi) from the dietary staples fish and rice and drinking water consumption was 77 μg/day (adults) and 35 μg/day (infants) at Buyat Pantai and 39 μg/day (adults) and 19 μg/day (infants) at Ratatotok township. Fish consumption contributed 8.2% (adults) and 6.5% (infants) to total daily Asi intake. Average Hg intake from fish consumption, exceeded the FAO WHO PTWI for methylmercury (MeHg) for all age and gender groups at Buyat Pantai 4.6 μg/kg bw/wk (adults) and 7.3 μg/kg bw/wk (infants) and for the infants at Buyat village and Ratatotok township (2.5 and 2.8 μg/kg bw/wk respectively). The Manado City consumers had average intakes below the MeHg PTWI. The Hg exceedances resulted from the high fish consumption in coastal communities and not elevated levels of Hg in fish. Hg exposure levels from the pre-mining baseline, Mesel STP operation and post-closure monitoring, confirmed that exceedances were unrelated to the tailings deposited into Buyat Bay.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment of sediment quality using different pollution indicators and statistical analyses, Hurghada area, Red Sea coast, Egypt
Nour, Hamdy E. | El-Sorogy, Abdelbaset S. | ʻAbd al-Wahhāb, Muḥammad | Almadani, Sattam | Alfaifi, Hussain | Youssef, Mohamed
Thirty bottom sediment samples were collected from northern Hurghada coast, Red Sea, Egypt to evaluate the level of anthropogenic pollutants, using enrichment factor (EF), potential ecological risk index (PERI), soil pollution index (SPI), potential contamination index (Cp) and multivariate statistical analysis (correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis). Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Co and Cd were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Results indicated that the average values of Pb and Cd were greater than the ones recorded from many other worldwide coastal areas. The studied sediments are extremely severe enrichment with Pb and Cd (EF > 50), severe enrichment with Zn (EF = 10–25), very high risk with Cd (PERI ≥ 320), high risk with Pb (160 ≤ PERI ˂ 320), highly contaminated with Pb (SPI > 3), a severe contamination with Pb (Cp > 3). The accumulation of pollutants is associated with the muddy and fine sediment; especially the studied area is a semi-closed bay, characterized by long time of water retention. Possible sources of metals pollution in the studied area are shipment operations and anticorrosive and antifouling paints, dredging and land filling, municipal wastewater from tourist centers and fishermen cargo boats.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impacts of the traditional baited basket fishing trap “gargoor” on green sea turtles Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae) Linnaeus, 1758 from two case reports in the United Arab Emirates
Yaghmour, Fadi | Al Bousi, Marwa | Whittington-Jones, Brendan | Pereira, John | García-Nuñez, Soledad | Budd, Jane
The United Arab Emirates fisheries consist of highly diverse fish communities, and the most popular equipment used by fishermen to harvest them is a traditional baited basket fishing trap known locally as “gargoor”. Gargoors are dome-shaped traps made from galvanized steel; they have a circular supporting base and a funnel-like entrance. Unintended impacts of gargoors on marine fauna include bycatch of non-target species and, when lost, ghost fishing. However, there is very little information on sea turtle interaction with gargoors. In this paper we present two case reports from the eastern coast of the UAE of green sea turtle strandings associated with gargoor interactions. The first case report describes a turtle that was discovered trapped inside a lost or abandoned gargoor. The second case report describes another turtle that suffered from extensive perforation of the gastrointestinal tract resulting from the ingestion of 32 pieces of rusty gargoor fragments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Environmental changes in Ariake Sea of Japan and their relationships with Isahaya Bay reclamation
Jia, Rui | Lei, Huayang | Hino, Takenori | Arulrajah, Arul
This paper reviews the recent environmental deterioration in Ariake Sea, Japan, including an increased frequency of red tides and hypoxic waters and decreased fishery production. Analysis of the mechanisms of environmental deterioration suggests that it is possibly induced by the decrease in tidal flat area, decreases in the tide and tidal current and changes in the sediment environment. The Isahaya Bay reclamation project resulted in the loss of 1550 ha of tidal flats, and is one of the possible reasons for the decreases in the tide and tidal current. Therefore, some fishermen and researchers believe that opening the reclamation project dike's floodgates is an effective environmental restoration countermeasure for Ariake Sea. However, the central government decided not to open the floodgates at present due to strong opposition from local farmers, and some researchers believe that the influences of the Isahaya Bay reclamation project on the environmental changes outside of Isahaya Bay are minor. Several lawsuits regarding these relationships and the opening of the dike's floodgates are currently under dispute. To revive Ariake Sea as a sustainable ecosystem, other countermeasures for environmental restoration are suggested and discussed in this paper.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Navigational threats by derelict fishing gear to navy ships in the Korean seas
Hong, Sunwook | Lee, Jongmyoung | Lim, Sehan
This study assessed the impact of derelict fishing gear (DFG) on navigation. The Republic of Korea's navy (ROKN) recorded every case of approximately 170 naval ships associated with propeller entanglement by DFG from January 2010 to December 2015. The frequency of cases was 2.3 per ship and 397.7 (±37.5) per year. The amount of DFG disentangled was 0.025tons per ship and 10.0 (±1.7) tons per year. The frequency temporally decreased whereas the amount increased over these six years. To disentangle propellers, 3.1 divers were needed on average per case. Propeller entanglement occurred in all local seas and some of these areas showed increases over time. Our study highlights that the impact of DFG on navigational threats has been persistent and ubiquitous and can potentially be reduced by preventing DFG in fishing areas, with a focus on improved management by fishermen and government and with more efficient retrieval of DFG.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]De- facto marine protection from a Navy bombing range: Farallon De Medinilla, Mariana Archipelago, 1997 to 2012
Smith, Stephen H. | Marx, Donald E.
Fourteen surveys were conducted at Farallon De Medinilla (a U.S. Department of Defense bombing range in the Mariana Archipelago) between 1997 and 2012; annual surveys were conducted from 1999 through 2012. There was no evidence that the condition of the biological resources assessed had changed, or been adversely impacted to a significant degree by the training activities being conducted there. Restricted access has resulted in a de-facto preserve effect and outweighs minor negative impacts from training. The health, abundance and biomass of fishes, corals and other marine resources are comparable to or superior to those in similar habitats at other locations within the Mariana Archipelago. Our research suggests that the greatest threat to FDM's marine resources is from fishermen, not military training activities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Isahaya Bay, freshwater lake to an estuary again
Hayami, Yuichi | Hamada, Takaharu
The inner 1/3 of Isahaya Bay which is a tributary of Ariake Sea in Japan was shut off from the sea by a dike for the reclamation and disaster prevention in 1997. On the other hand, several environmental and fisheries problems occurred in Ariake Sea after 1990s. Some fishermen insisted that the major reason for the decrease of fishing must be the influence of the dike construction and filed lawsuits. Now the court decision is fixed and Japanese government must open the gates to reintroduce sea water into the reservoir. We made numerical simulations of currents, hydrography and sediment transport to assess the influences of the gate opening. To choose the environmentally wise procedure of gate opening, it is needed to reduce the erosion and deposition of bottom sediments caused by the enhanced tidal current and to minimize the occurrence of hypoxia in the reservoir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Environmental risk assessments and spatial variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments in Yangtze River Estuary, China
Yu, Wenwen | Liu, Ruimin | Xu, Fei | Shen, Zhenyao
In this study, based on sampling data from 30 sites in August 2010, the environmental risks associated with 16 priority PAHs were estimated in surface sediments from the Yangtze River Estuary (YRE). The results indicated that the toxic equivalent quantities of the benzo[a]pyrene (TEQBap) from 30 sites were in the range of 1.93–75.88ngg−1, and the low-molecular-weight PAHs were the dominated species with higher potential toxicity. The results of the Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk (ILCR) model indicated that the ILCR values of dermal contact were higher than 10−6 in the northeast region, suggesting that there were significant potential carcinogenic health risks for fishermen exposure to sedimentary PAHs via dermal contact in these areas. RQ values of PAHs indicated the various distributions of ecological risk levels in the study area. These variations might be caused by the natural and anthropogenic inputs and currents in the YRE.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The destructive date-mussel fishery and the persistence of barrens in Mediterranean rocky reefs
Guidetti, Paolo
The illegal and destructive fishery of date mussels (i.e. the endolithic mollusc Lithophaga lithophaga) reduces the bio-physical complexity of Mediterranean rocky reefs and dramatically impacts biodiversity. Although date-mussel fishermen do not directly impact sea urchins, these echinoids dramatically increase in abundance on rocky reefs impacted by date-mussel fishery (DMF). The recovery of rocky reefs affected by DMF is hampered by the intense unselective grazing of sea urchins on benthic organisms. No evidence is available, however, about the mechanisms that cause the increase in the population density of sea urchins. I demonstrated here that DMF creates a new microhabitat, i.e. the holes left empty after date mussels are extracted, where small-sized sea urchins take refuge and escape predation. This study thus sheds light on a mechanism through which DMF may locally increase sea urchin population density, contributing to maintain the rocks bare on the long term.
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