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Effects of waste water irrigation on soil properties and soil fauna of spinach fields in a West African urban vegetable production system
Stenchly, Kathrin | Dao, Juliane | Lompo, Désiré Jean-Pascal | Buerkert, Andreas
The usage of inadequately processed industrial waste water (WW) can lead to strong soil alkalinity and soil salinization of agricultural fields with negative consequences on soil properties and biota. Gypsum as a soil amendment to saline-sodic soils is widely used in agricultural fields to improve their soil physical, chemical and hence biological properties. This study aimed at analysing the effects of intensive WW irrigation on the structure and composition of soil-dwelling arthropods on spinach fields (Spinacia oleracea L.) in a West African urban vegetable production system. We used gypsum as a soil amendment with the potential to alleviate soil chemical stress resulting in a potentially positive impact on soil arthropods. A total of 32 plots were established that showed a gradient in soil pH ranging from slight to strong soil alkalinity and that were irrigated with WW (n = 12) or clean water (CW; n = 20), including eight plots into which gypsum was incorporated. Our study revealed a high tolerance of soil-dwelling arthropods for alkaline soils, but spinach fields with increased soil electrical conductivity (EC) showed a reduced abundance of Hymenoptera, Diptera and Auchenorrhyncha. Arthropod abundance was positively related to a dense spinach cover that in turn was not affected by WW irrigation or soil properties. Gypsum application reduced soil pH but increased soil EC. WW irrigation and related soil pH affected arthropod composition in the investigated spinach fields which may lead to negative effects on agronomical important arthropod groups such as pollinators and predators.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The effects of simulated acid rain on growth and susceptibility to predation of Phratora polaris (Col., Chrysomelidae)
Palokangas, P. | Neuvonen, S. | Haapala, S. (Kevo Subarctic Research Institute, University of Turku, A777 Kevo, FIN-99800 Ivalo (Finland))
Life in extreme habitats: the number of prepupae per nest of the crabronid wasp Pemphredon fabricii is constant even under pressure from high concentrations of toxic elements
Heneberg, Petr | Bogusch, Petr | Astapenková, Alena | Rezac, Milan
Anthropogenic habitats that are contaminated by toxic elements were recently shown to host abundant and diverse assemblages of bees and wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata), including numerous threatened species. However, toxic elements adversely affect insect fitness. We address the effects of toxic elements on aculeate inquilines that occupy Lipara lucens-induced galls on the common reed, Phragmites australis. We hypothesized that contamination of potential nesting and feeding habitats is associated with adverse changes in bee and wasp populations that are attracted in these environments. To address this hypothesis, we analyzed the contents of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, and S in site-matched samples of soil, reed galls, and crabronid wasp bodies and correlated them with abundance and species richness of aculeate hymenopterans in reed galls and with the number of larvae in nests of the eudominant hymenopteran, Pemphredon fabricii. The common reed was present at all the examined sites, and L. lucens-induced galls were present at all but one sampling site; the single exception was the sampling site with the highest contents of four of the seven analyzed elements. The alpha diversity of gall-associated aculeate inquilines, abundance of P. fabricii, and number of prepupae per nest of P. fabricii were not correlated with the contents of any of the seven analyzed toxic elements. We found P. fabricii to be abundantly present in habitats with extreme concentrations of toxic elements. Exposed P. fabricii accumulated Cd, Cu, and Pb, while they eliminated Fe and Zn. The obtained data did not support the hypothesis that heavy metal contamination of anthropogenic sites affects P. fabricii and other reed gall-associated aculeates.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Toxic effects of hexaflumuron on the development of Cocccinella septempunctata
Caihong, Yu | Maoran, Fu | Ronghua, Lin | Yan, Zhang | Liu, Yongquan | Hui, Jiang | Brock, T.C.M.
Studying the toxic risk of pesticide exposure to ladybird beetles is important from an agronomical and ecological perspective since larval and adult ladybirds are dominant predators of herbivorous pest insects (e.g., aphids) in various crops in China. This article mainly deals with the long-term effects of a single application of the insect growth regulator hexaflumuron on Coccinella septempunctata. A 72- h and a 33-day toxicity test with hexaflumuron (single application) were performed, starting with the second instar larvae of C. septempunctata. Exposure doses in the long-term experiment were based on the estimated 72-h acute LR50 (application rate causing 50 % mortality) value of 304 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1 for second instar larvae of C. septempunctata. The long-term test used five hexaflumuron doses as treatment levels (1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/400, and 1/800 of the 72-h acute LR50), as well as a solvent control and blank control treatment. The measurement endpoints used to calculate no observed effect application rates (NOERs) included development time, hatching, pupation, adult emergence, survival, and number of eggs produced. Analyzing the experimental data with one-way analysis of variance showed that the single hexaflumuron application had significant effects on C. septempunctata endpoints in the 33-day test, including effects on development duration (NOER 1.52 g a.i. ha-1), hatching (NOER 3.04 g a.i. ha-1), pupation (NOER 3.04 g a.i. ha-1), and survival (NOER 1.52 g a.i. ha-1). These NOERs are lower than the reported maximum field application rate of hexaflumuron (135 g a.i. ha-1) in cotton cultivation, suggesting potential risks to beneficial arthropods.
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