AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 21-30 de 39

Soil Solution Nitrogen and Cations Influenced by (NH4)2SO4 Deposition in a Coniferous Forest


Carnol, Monique | Ineson, Phil | Dickinson, A. L.

University of Liège - Belgium

Partial recovery of macrozoobenthos on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea.


Chevalier, Séverine | Beauchard, Olivier | Teacă, Adrian | Soetaert, Karline | Grégoire, Marilaure

University of Liège - Belgium

Partial recovery of macrozoobenthos on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea.


Chevalier, Séverine | Beauchard, Olivier | Teacă, Adrian | Soetaert, Karline | Grégoire, Marilaure

University of Liège - Belgium

Trace elements in migratory species arriving to Antarctica according to their migration range


Padilha, J A | Carvalho, G O | Espejo, W | Pessôa, A R L | Cunha, L S T | Costa, E S | Torres, J P M | Lepoint, Gilles | Das, Krishna | Dorneles, Paulo Renato

University of Liège - Belgium

A phospho-compost biological-based approach increases phosphate rock agronomic efficiency in faba bean as compared to chemical and physical treatments.


Chtouki, Mohamed | Bargaz, Adnane | Lyamlouli, Karim | Oukarroum, Abdallah | Zeroual, Youssef

University of Liège - Belgium

Habitat selection by marine larvae in changing chemical environments


Lecchini, David | Dixson, Danielle L. | Lecellier, Gael | Roux, Natacha | Frederich, Bruno | Besson, Marc | Tanaka, Y. | Banaigs, Bernard | Nakamura, Yohei | AFFISH-RC - Applied and Fundamental FISH Research Center - ULiège

University of Liège - Belgium

Toothed whales in the northwestern Mediterranean: Insight into their feeding ecology using chemical tracers


Praca, Emilie | Laran, Sophie | Lepoint, Gilles | Thomé, Jean-Pierre | Quetglas, Antoni | Belcari, Paola | Sartor, Paolo | Dhermain, Frank | Ody, Denis | Tapie, Nathalie | Budzinski, Hélène | Das, Krishna

University of Liège - Belgium

Plastic burdens in northern fulmars from Svalbard: Looking back 25 years


Collard, France | Bangjord, Georg | Herzke, Dorte | Gabrielsen, Geir W

University of Liège - Belgium

Magnetic resonance imaging for non-invasive measurement of plastic ingestion in marine wildlife


Anderssen, Kathryn E | Gabrielsen, Geir Wing | Kranz, Mathias | Collard, France

University of Liège - Belgium

Baseline study of perfluorochemicals in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Northern Europe


Van de Vijver, Kristin Inneke | Hoff, P. T. | Das, Krishna | Van Dongen, Walter | Esmans, Eddy Louis | Siebert, Ursula | Bouquegneau, Jean-Marie | Blust, Ronny | De Coen, Wim | MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège

University of Liège - Belgium