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Associations of exposure to multiple trace elements with the risk of goiter: A case-control study
He, Jia-liu | Li, Guo-ao | Zhu, Zhen-yu | Hu, Ming-jun | Wu, Hua-bing | Zhu, Jin-liang | Zhao, Huan-huan | Zhang, Han-Shuang | Huang, Fen
Goiter is one of common endocrine diseases, and its etiology has not been fully elucidated. The changes in trace elements' levels have an important impact on the thyroid. We designed a case-control study, which involved 383 goiter cases and 383 matched controls. We measured these elements in the urine of participants by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) and As³⁺-Ce⁴⁺ catalytic spectrophotometry. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) regression was used to select the elements into multi-element models, conditional logistic regression models were applied to analyze the association between elements and goiter risk. Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR) model was used to depict elements’ mixtures and evaluate their joint effects. Finally, 7 elements were included in the multi-element model. We found that the concentrations of lithium (Li), strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) had a negative effect with goiter risk, and lead (Pb) and iodine (I) showed an extreme positive effect. Additionally, compared with the lowest levels, patients with highest quartiles of I and Pb were 6.49 and 1.94 times more likely to have goiter, respectively. On the contrary, in its second and third quartiles, arsenic (As) showed a negative effect (both OR<1). BKMR model showed a certain interaction among Pb, As, Sr and Li on goiter risk. Further large sample studies are needed to confirm these findings in the future.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]From mine to mind and mobiles – Lithium contamination and its risk management
Bolan, Nanthi | Hoang, Son A. | Tanveer, Mohsin | Wang, Lei | Bolan, Shiv | Sooriyakumar, Prasanthi | Robinson, Brett | Wijesekara, Hasintha | Wijesooriya, Madhuni | Keerthanan, S. | Vithanage, Meththika | Markert, Bernd | Fränzle, Stefan | Wünschmann, Simone | Sarkar, Binoy | Vinu, Ajayan | Kirkham, M.B. | Siddique, Kadambot H.M. | Rinklebe, Jörg
With the ever-increasing demand for lithium (Li) for portable energy storage devices, there is a global concern associated with environmental contamination of Li, via the production, use, and disposal of Li-containing products, including mobile phones and mood-stabilizing drugs. While geogenic Li is sparingly soluble, Li added to soil is one of the most mobile cations in soil, which can leach to groundwater and reach surface water through runoff. Lithium is readily taken up by plants and has relatively high plant accumulation coefficient, albeit the underlying mechanisms have not been well described. Therefore, soil contamination with Li could reach the food chain due to its mobility in surface- and ground-waters and uptake into plants. High environmental Li levels adversely affect the health of humans, animals, and plants. Lithium toxicity can be considerably managed through various remediation approaches such as immobilization using clay-like amendments and/or chelate-enhanced phytoremediation. This review integrates fundamental aspects of Li distribution and behaviour in terrestrial and aquatic environments in an effort to efficiently remediate Li-contaminated ecosystems. As research to date has not provided a clear picture of how the increased production and disposal of Li-based products adversely impact human and ecosystem health, there is an urgent need for further studies on this field.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Substantially higher concentrations of mercury are detected in airborne particulate matter when using a preservation agent during sample preparation steps
Budanovic, Maja | Tessensohn, Malcolm E. | Webster, Richard D.
Inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of airborne particulate bound mercury was carried out utilizing a high sulfur containing organic compound as a preservation agent to limit the negative bias that affects the determination of low levels of mercury. Between 600% and 1000% more Hg was detected with the use of the additive, lithium tetrathiafulvalene carboxylate (LiCTTF), during the microwave assisted acid digestion sample processing step without influencing the determination of other trace elements. The average Hg concentration was 0.05 ng m⁻³ and 0.4 ng m⁻³ in the absence and presence of LiCTTF, respectively. Stabilization of the mercury ions with the preservation agent resulted in higher precision for ICP-MS measurements with relative standard deviation (RSD) values ranging from 1.07% to 4.36%. The results obtained in this study emphasize the necessity of using a preservation agent in the atomic spectroscopic determination of mercury to prevent losses and is especially critical in low-level analyses such as those routinely performed in environmental mercury pollution trend assessments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Trace elements in hazardous mineral fibres
Both occupational and environmental exposure to asbestos-mineral fibres can be associated with lung diseases. The pathogenic effects are related to the dimension, biopersistence and chemical composition of the fibres. In addition to the major mineral elements, mineral fibres contain trace elements and their content may play a role in fibre toxicity. To shed light on the role of trace elements in asbestos carcinogenesis, knowledge on their concentration in asbestos-mineral fibres is mandatory. It is possible that trace elements play a synergetic factor in the pathogenesis of diseases caused by the inhalation of mineral fibres. In this paper, the concentration levels of trace elements from three chrysotile samples, four amphibole asbestos samples (UICC amosite, UICC anthophyllite, UICC crocidolite and tremolite) and fibrous erionite from Jersey, Nevada (USA) were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). For all samples, the following trace elements were measured: Li, Be, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Pb, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Th, U. Their distribution in the various mineral species is thoroughly discussed.The obtained results indicate that the amount of trace metals such as Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn is higher in anthophyllite and chrysotile samples, whereas the amount of rare earth elements (REE) is higher in erionite and tremolite samples. The results of this work can be useful to the pathologists and biochemists who use asbestos minerals and fibrous erionite in-vitro studies as positive cyto- and geno-toxic standard references.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Multivariate statistical analysis to characterize/discriminate between anthropogenic and geogenic trace elements occurrence in the Campania Plain, Southern Italy
Busico, Gianluigi | Cuoco, Emilio | Kazakis, Nerantzis | Colombani, Nicolò | Mastrocicco, Micòl | Tedesco, Dario | Voudouris, Konstantinos
Shallow aquifers are the most accessible reservoirs of potable groundwater; nevertheless, they are also prone to various sources of pollution and it is usually difficult to distinguish between human and natural sources at the watershed scale. The area chosen for this study (the Campania Plain) is characterized by high spatial heterogeneities both in geochemical features and in hydraulic properties. Groundwater mineralization is driven by many processes such as, geothermal activity, weathering of volcanic products and intense human activities. In such a landscape, multivariate statistical analysis has been used to differentiate among the main hydrochemical processes occurring in the area, using three different approaches of factor analysis: (i) major elements, (ii) trace elements, (iii) both major and trace elements. The elaboration of the factor analysis approaches has revealed seven distinct hydrogeochemical processes: i) Salinization (Cl⁻, Na⁺); ii) Carbonate rocks dissolution; iii) Anthropogenic inputs (NO₃⁻, SO₄²⁻, U, V); iv) Reducing conditions (Fe²⁺, Mn²⁺); v) Heavy metals contamination (Cr and Ni); vi) Geothermal fluids influence (Li⁺); and vii) Volcanic products contribution (As, Rb). Results from this study highlight the need to separately apply factor analysis when a large data set of trace elements is available. In fact, the impact of geothermal fluids in the shallow aquifer was identified from the application of the factor analysis using only trace elements. This study also reveals that the factor analysis of major and trace elements can differentiate between anthropogenic and geogenic sources of pollution in intensively exploited aquifers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Metabolic, immunologic, and histopathologic responses on premetamorphic American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) following exposure to lithium and selenium
Pinto-Vidal, Felipe Augusto | Carvalho, Cleoni dos Santos | Abdalla, Fábio Camargo | Ceschi-Bertoli, Letícia | Moraes Utsunomiya, Heidi Samantha | Henrique da Silva, Renan | Salla, Raquel Fernanda | Jones-Costa, Monica
The presence of chemicals and the destruction of freshwater habitats have been addressed as one of the reasons for the decline in the amphibians’ populations worldwide. Considering the threat that these animals have been suffering in tropical regions, the present study tested if the Brazilian legislation, concerning the permissive levels of lithium and selenium in water bodies and effluents, warrants the protection of aquatic life. To do so, we assessed the metabolic, immunologic, and histopathologic alterations in liver samples of American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), at the premetamorphic stage, through biomarkers indicative of general energetic status, i.e., glucose, lipid, and protein metabolism using biochemical and histochemical approaches. The immunologic responses were assessed by the quantification of melanomacrophage centres (MMCs); the histopathologic evaluation of the liver sections was also performed. The assay was carried out over 21 days with two periods of sampling (after 7 and 21 days) to assess the effects of exposure over time. The animals were exposed to the considered safe levels of lithium (2.5 mg L⁻¹) and selenium (10 μg L⁻¹), both, isolated and mixed. The exposed animals showed alterations in glucose and lipid metabolism throughout the experiment. The intense presence of MMCs and histopathological responses are compatible with hepatotoxicity. The toxicity expressed by the employed animal model indicates that the Brazilian environmental legislation for the protection of aquatic life needs to be updated. With this study, we intend to provide data for better environmental policies and bring attention to sublethal effects triggered by the presence of contaminants in the aquatic environment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]How safe are the new green energy resources for marine wildlife? The case of lithium
Viana, Thainara | Ferreira, Nicole | Henriques, Bruno | Leite, Carla | De Marchi, Lucia | Amaral, Joana | Freitas, Rosa | Pereira, Eduarda
Considering the increasing use of Lithium (Li) and the necessity to fulfil this demand, labile Li occurrence in the environment will be enhanced. Thus, additional research is needed regarding the presence of this element in marine environment and its potential toxic impacts towards inhabiting wildlife. The aim of the present study was to evaluate Li toxicity based on the exposure of Mytilus galloprovincialis to this metal, assessing the biochemical changes related with mussels’ metabolism, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity. For this, organisms were exposed to different Li concentrations (100, 250, 750 μg/L) for 28 days. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that Li lead to mussels’ metabolism depression. The present study also revealed that, especially at the highest concentrations, antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes were not activated, leading to the occurrence of lipid peroxidation and loss of redox homeostasis, with increased content in oxidized glutathione in comparison to the reduced form. Furthermore, after 28 days, higher Li exposure concentrations induced neurotoxic effects in mussels, with a decrease in acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity. The responses observed were closely related with Li concentrations in mussels’ tissues, which were more pronounced at higher exposure concentrations. Such results highlight the potential toxic effects of Li to marine species, which may even be higher under predicted climate changes and/or in the presence of other pollutants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Health risks associated with multiple metal(loid)s in groundwater: A case study at Hetao Plain, northern China
Chen, Liuzhu | Ma, Teng | Wang, Yanxin | Zheng, Jiejun
To compare the health risks of multiple metal(loid)s in groundwater, and discuss the feasibility of drinking water standards, 66 groundwater samples were collected from the Hetao Plain in October 2017. Eighteen metal(loid) species (boron (B), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), lithium (Li), scandium (Sc), titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), selenium (Se), rubidium (Rb), molybdenum (Mo), uranium (U)) were analyzed, and the related non-carcinogenic risks were assessed. The results showed that 83.3% of the groundwater samples had As and Fe contents above the maximum allowed contaminant levels (MCLs) in drinking water standards, followed by Mn (70.2%), B (65.2%), Se (60.6%), U (18.2%), Ni (18.2%) and Mo (1.50%). Compared with the dermal exposure pathway, oral ingestion made a risk contribution of more than 99% for all target metal(loid)s. Site-specific hazard quotient (HQ) values ranged from 2.30E+00 to 1.75E+02, indicating that multiple metal(loid)s in the drinking groundwater cause a serious non-carcinogenic risk to the local people. The risk contributions (mean value) were ranked as As (55.2%) > U (25.5%) > Li (10.8%) > other total metal(loid)s (8.60%), and the contributions of U and Li could reach 91.7% (site 20) and 69.8% (site 56), respectively. The calculation of specific health risks further indicated that the MCLs of metal(loid)s do not match the corresponding health risk well. Some metal(loid)s such as Li that showed high exposure risks in this study, still have no MCL values until now. Therefore, current drinking water standards need to be updated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Regional differences in plant levels and investigations on the phytotoxicity of lithium
Franzaring, Jürgen | Schlosser, Sonja | Damsohn, Walter | Fangmeier, Andreas
The growing use of lithium (Li) in industrial and energetic applications and the inability to completely recycle the alkali metal will most likely increase anthropogenic emissions and environmental concentrations in the future. Although non-essential to plants, Li+ is an important ultra-trace element in the animal and human diet and is also used in the treatment of e.g. mental disorders. Most of the lithium is consumed with the drinking water and vegetables, but concentrations in foodstuffs vary with the geochemistry of the element. In order to identify potential risks and to avoid an overmedication due to consumption of Li rich or Li contaminated foods it is advisable to identify background levels and to derive recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for the element. Although Germany does not possess large amounts of primary or secondary resources of lithium, geochemical investigations (mineral and ground waters and soils) in this country confirm a wide variation of environmental concentrations with generally higher levels in the southwest. Despite the large number of soil and water data, only very few data exist on lithium concentrations in plants and its phytotoxicity. Within the scope of present study common grassland plant species were sampled in regions of SW-Germany with reportedly high geogenic levels of Li. The data are discussed with regard to literature surveys and existing reference values. Since lithium has phytotoxic effects a greenhouse experiment was performed with different Li salts (LiCl and Li2CO3) and plant species (maize, bean and buckwheat) to derive dose-response relationships for the endpoint shoot growth. While corn growth was not reduced significantly by soil concentrations of 118 ppm, EC50 values in buckwheat were 47 and 16 ppm for lithium derived from LiCl and Li2CO3, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]History of mercury use and environmental contamination at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant
Brooks, Scott C. | Southworth, George R.
Between 1950 and 1963 approximately 11 million kilograms of mercury (Hg) were used at the Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12 NSC) for lithium isotope separation processes. About 3% of the Hg was lost to the air, soil and rock under facilities, and East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) which originates in the plant site. Smaller amounts of Hg were used at other Oak Ridge facilities with similar results. Although the primary Hg discharges from Y-12 NSC stopped in 1963, small amounts of Hg continue to be released into the creek from point sources and diffuse contaminated soil and groundwater sources within Y-12 NSC. Mercury concentration in EFPC has decreased 85% from ∼2000ng/L in the 1980s. In general, methylmercury concentrations in water and in fish have not declined in response to improvements in water quality and exhibit trends of increasing concentration in some cases.
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