AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 1-10 de 10

N-fluxes and efficiencies on farms in Styria, Austria


Kuderna, M. | Blum, W.E.H. (Institute of Soil Science, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna (Austria))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Environmental performance indicators for nitrogen


Hanegraaf, M.C. (Centre for Agriculture and Environment, P.O. Box 10015, 3505 AA Utrecht (Netherlands))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Accumulation and egestion of dietary copper and cadmium by the grasshopper Locusta migratoria R and F (Orthoptera: Acrididae)


Crawford, L.A. | Lepp, N.W. | Hodkinson, I.D. (School of Biological and Earth Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF (United Kingdom))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Effects of enhanced O3 and CO2 enrichment on plant characteristics in wheat and corn


Rudorff, B.F.T. | Mulchi, C.L. | Lee, E.H. | Rowland, R. | Pausch, R. (National Institute for Space Research, Remote Sensing Division, C.P. 515, 12201 S.J., Campos, SP (Brazil))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Plant uptake of radionuclides in lysimeter experiments


Gerzabek, M.H. | Strebl, F. | Temmel, B. (Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf, Division of Life Sciences, A-2444 Seibersdorf (Austria))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Characterization of biogenic nitric oxide source strength in the southeast United States


Aneja, V.P. | Roelle, P.A. | Robarge, W.P. (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 (USA))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Thallium in French agrosystems-II. Concentration of thallium in field-grown rape and some other plant species


Tremel, A. | Masson, P. | Garraud, H. | Donard, O.F.X. | Baize, D. | Mench, M. (Unite d'Agronomie, INRA, Centre Bordeaux-Aquitaine, BP 81, F-33883 Villenave d'Ornon (France))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Comparison of lead tolerance in Allium cepa with other plant species


Wierzbicka, M. (Environmental Plant Pollution Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw (Poland))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Nitrogen removal in buffer strips along a lowland stream in the Netherlands: a pilot study


Hefting, M.M. | Klein, J.J.M. de (Department of Water Quality Management and Aquatic Ecology, Wageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 8080, 6700 DD Wageningen (Netherlands))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Influence of chelating agents on plant uptake of 51Cr, 210Pb and 210Po


Athalye, V.V. | Ramachandran, V. | D'Souza, T.J. (Nuclear Agriculture Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay 400 085 (India))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom