AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 1-10 de 15

Spatial variations in trace element concentrations of the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, a first reference study in the Mediterranean Sea


Ternengo, Sonia | Marengo, Michel | El Idrissi, Ouafa | Yepka, Joseph | Pasqualini, Vanina | Gobert, Sylvie | FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège

University of Liège - Belgium

Bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: A review on current knowledge and future prospects


Sanganyado, Edmond | Rajput, Imran Rashid | Liu, Wenhua

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Major threats of pollution and climate change to global coastal ecosystems and enhanced management for sustainability


Lü, Yonglong | Yuan, Jingjing | Lu, Xiaotian | Su, Chao | Zhang, Yueqing | Wang, Chenchen | Cao, Xianghui | Li, Qifeng | Su, Jilan | Ittekkot, Venugopalan | Garbutt, Richard Angus | Bush, Simon | Fletcher, Stephen | Wagey, Tonny | Kachur, Anatolii | Sweijd, Neville

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Marine environment microfiber contamination: Global patterns and the diversity of microparticle origins


Barrows, A.P.W. | Cathey, S.E. | Petersen, C.W.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Liver melanomacrophage centres and CYP1A expression as response biomarkers to environmental pollution in European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) from the western Mediterranean Sea


Basilone, Gualtiero | Gargano, Antonella | Corriero, Aldo | Zupa, Rosa | Santamaria, Nicoletta | Mangano, Salvatore | Ferreri, Rosalia | Pulizzi, Maurizio | Mazzola, Salvatore | Bonanno, Angelo | Passantino, Letizia

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Biomonitoring coastal environments with transplanted macroalgae: A methodological review


García-Seoane, R. | Aboal, J.R. | Boquete, M.T. | Fernández, J.A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Spatial variations in trace element concentrations of the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, a first reference study in the Mediterranean Sea


Ternengo, S. | Marengo, M. | El Idrissi, O. | Yepka, J. | Pasqualini, V. | Gobert, S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Linking water quality impacts and benefits of ecosystem services in the Great Barrier Reef


De Valck, Jeremy | Rolfe, John

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Perspectives on using marine species as bioindicators of plastic pollution


Bonanno, Giuseppe | Orlando Bonaca, Martina

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparative analysis of trace element accumulation in seagrasses Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa: Biomonitoring applications and legislative issues


Bonanno, Giuseppe | Borg, Joseph A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America