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Effects of broadband sound exposure on the interaction between foraging crab and shrimp – A field study
Hubert, Jeroen | Campbell, James | van der Beek, Jordy G. | den Haan, Manon F. | Verhave, Rik | Verkade, Laura S. | Slabbekoorn, Hans
Aquatic animals live in an acoustic world in which they often rely on sound detection and recognition for various aspects of life that may affect survival and reproduction. Human exploitation of marine resources leads to increasing amounts of anthropogenic sound underwater, which may affect marine life negatively. Marine mammals and fishes are known to use sounds and to be affected by anthropogenic noise, but relatively little is known about invertebrates such as decapod crustaceans. We conducted experimental trials in the natural conditions of a quiet cove. We attracted shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) and common shrimps (Crangon crangon) with an experimentally fixed food item and compared trials in which we started playback of a broadband artificial sound to trials without exposure. During trials with sound exposure, the cumulative count of crabs that aggregated at the food item was lower, while variation in cumulative shrimp count could be explained by a negative correlation with crabs. These results suggest that crabs may be negatively affected by artificially elevated noise levels, but that shrimps may indirectly benefit by competitive release. Eating activity for the animals present was not affected by the sound treatment in either species. Our results show that moderate changes in acoustic conditions due to human activities can affect foraging interactions at the base of the marine food chain.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Trophodynamics of inorganic pollutants in a wide-range feeder: The relevance of dietary inputs and biomagnification in the Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis)
Ramos, Raúl | Ramirez, Francisco | Jover, Lluís
The suitability of sentinel species to monitor environmental pollution is often hampered by an insufficient knowledge on pollutant trophodynamics. We simultaneously evaluated the influence of individuals' trophic position (as revealed by δ15N values) and dietary exploitation of particular systems (using δ13C and δ34S as proxies) on inorganic pollutant concentrations measured on fledglings' feathers of a wide-range feeder, the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis), sampled at four locations throughout the Western Mediterranean. Concentrations of total Hg and Se in fledgling feathers (2.43 ± 1.30 and 1.16 ± 0.43 μg/g, respectively) were under the threshold points for deleterious effects on seabirds. On the contrary, alarming Pb concentrations were found in one colony (mean: 1.57 ± 2.46 μg/g, range: 0.16–12.13). With the exception of Pb, pollutant concentrations were positively influenced by consumption of marine resources (as suggested by the positive relationship with δ34S values), whereas trophic position played a minor role in determining pollutant body burdens.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Influence of trophic ecology on the accumulation of dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), non-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Mediterranean gulls (Larus michahellis and L. audouinii): A three-isotope approach
Roscales, Jose L. | Vicente, Alba | Muñoz-Arnanz, Juan | Morales Diez de Ulzurrun, Laura | Abad, Esteban | Aguirre, Jose I. | Jiménez, Begoña
The impact of pollution caused by severe anthropogenic pressure in the Mediterranean Sea, an important biodiversity hotspot, requires continuous research efforts. Sources of highly toxic chemicals such as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are misunderstood in representative Mediterranean species, which limits our capability to establish proper conservation strategies. In the present study, eggs of Audouin's and yellow-legged gulls (Larus audouinii and L. michahellis) were used to investigate the trophic sources, as measured by δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S, of legacy POPs, in particular, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and non-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls (no-PCBs), as well as recently-regulated POPs, e.g., polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Special attention was paid to the usefulness of rarely-explored δ34S ratios in explaining POP exposure in wildlife, and δ34S was the isotopic ratio that best explained POP variations among gulls in most cases, thus demonstrating its usefulness for understanding POP exposure in wildlife. Significant relationships between stable isotope signatures and POP concentrations revealed increasing levels of no-PCBs and low halogenated PCDD/Fs and PBDEs in Mediterranean gulls as the consumption of marine resources increases. In contrast, highly chlorinated and brominated congeners appeared to preferentially accumulate in gulls feeding primarily on refuse from dump sites and terrestrial food webs. The use of suitable dietary tracers in the study of POPs in yellow-legged gulls revealed the importance of dump sites as a source of POPs in Mediterranean seabirds, which has not previously been reported. In contrast, the preferential accumulation through marine food webs of low chlorinated PCCD/Fs and no-PCBs, which show the highest toxic equivalents factors (TEFs), led to a significantly greater toxicological concern in Audouin's as compared to yellow-legged gulls. Audouin's gull exposure to POPs appears primarily related to the pelagic food webs commonly exploited by fisheries, highlighting the need for further research given the potential impact on human consumption.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The role of tropical small-scale fisheries in trace element delivery for a Small Island Developing State community, the Seychelles
Sabino, Magali A. | Lamboy, Nathalie Bodin | Govinden, Rodney | Arrisol, Rona | Churlaud, Carine | Pethybridge, Heidi | Bustamante, Paco
The concentrations of 13 trace elements were determined in 1032 muscles of 54 small-scale fisheries species collected from the Seychelles waters between 2013 and 2019. Overall, profiles were dominated by zinc (Zn) > arsenic (As) > iron (Fe) > copper (Cu) > selenium (Se), with the spiny lobsters, spanner crab and octopus exhibiting the highest levels of As, Cu and Zn while fish had higher Fe concentrations. Both taxonomy-dependent processes and ecological factors explained the interspecific differences of trace element profiles observed. A benefit-risk assessment revealed that crustaceans and cephalopods were good sources of Cu and Zn. One portion of any fish could provide 30–100 % of daily Se needs, and one portion of demersal and pelagic teleost fish could bring 5–20 % of Cu, Fe and Zn needs, especially for young adult and adult women. Finally, our analysis showed that there was very low health risks associated with small-scale fisheries consumption for the Seychelles population.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Community Marine Monitoring Toolkit: A tool developed in the Pacific to inform community-based marine resource management
Johnson, Johanna E. | Hooper, Eryn | Welch, David J.
In the Pacific region, community engagement, participation and empowerment are key to effective and sustainable marine resource management at the local level. With the prevalence of a local marine tenure systems and the widespread decline of coastal resources, communities need to be part of the solution to facilitate recovery. A novel marine monitoring toolkit was developed in Vanuatu with the participation of community resource monitors to inform local management actions. The Toolkit includes simplified versions of established monitoring methods for marine habitats and resources to achieve a balance between robust science and methods appropriate for communities. Key to its success is that it was developed in response to community needs using a participatory approach and implemented through a series of training workshops with local environmental leaders. Of particular note, the Toolkit includes a standardised process for communities to use monitoring results instantly, without the need for complex data analyses or external support. Using the Toolkit, communities are able to adapt their traditional management to address immediate and medium-term issues in their local marine environment. The observed benefits of the Toolkit include increased local awareness through community-led environmental outreach, increased ownership of and motivation for local monitoring and management, implementation of local management actions, expansion of traditional marine managed areas, and new local ecotourism initiatives to generate revenue to support environmental stewardship.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]De- facto marine protection from a Navy bombing range: Farallon De Medinilla, Mariana Archipelago, 1997 to 2012
Smith, Stephen H. | Marx, Donald E.
Fourteen surveys were conducted at Farallon De Medinilla (a U.S. Department of Defense bombing range in the Mariana Archipelago) between 1997 and 2012; annual surveys were conducted from 1999 through 2012. There was no evidence that the condition of the biological resources assessed had changed, or been adversely impacted to a significant degree by the training activities being conducted there. Restricted access has resulted in a de-facto preserve effect and outweighs minor negative impacts from training. The health, abundance and biomass of fishes, corals and other marine resources are comparable to or superior to those in similar habitats at other locations within the Mariana Archipelago. Our research suggests that the greatest threat to FDM's marine resources is from fishermen, not military training activities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Towards adaptive management of the natural capital: Disentangling trade-offs among marine activities and seagrass meadows
Bas Ventín, Leticia | de Souza Troncoso, Jesús | Villasante, Sebastián
This paper investigates the ecological, social and institutional dimensions of the synergies and trade-offs between seagrasses and human activities operating in the Natura 2000 protected site of San Simón Bay (Galicia, NW Spain). By means of a multidisciplinary approach that brings together the development of a biological inventory combined with participatory mapping processes we get key spatial and contextual understanding regarding how, where and why marine users interact with seagrasses and how seagrasses are considered in policy making. The results highlight the fisheries' reliance on seagrass meadows and the controversial links with shellfisheries. The study also reveals unresolved conflicts among those management plans that promote the protection of natural values and those responsible for the exploitation of marine resources. We conclude that the adoption of pre-planning bottom-up participatory processes is crucial for the design of realistic strategies where both seagrasses and human activities were considered as a couple system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Baseline arsenic levels in marine and terrestrial resources from a pristine environment: Isabel Island, Solomon Islands
Grinham, Alistair | Kvennefors, Charlotte | Fisher, Paul L. | Gibbes, Badin | Albert, Simon
Baseline records are crucial in understanding how chemicals of concern impact on the receiving environment. We analysed terrestrial and marine resources from a pristine site on Isabel Island, Solomon Islands, to provide environmental baseline levels for total arsenic and arsenic species composition for commonly consumed marine resources. Our data show that levels of the more toxic inorganic arsenic species were very low or below detectable limits, with the exception of the seaweed Sargassum sp. that contained pentavalent inorganic arsenic levels of 4.63μgg−1. Total arsenic concentrations in the majority of marine and terrestrial samples collected were below 2μgg−1. The less toxic arsenobetaine was the predominant arsenic species present in all marine fauna samples analysed. This work highlights the need for arsenic speciation analysis to accurately assess potential toxicity of marine resources and provides a crucial baseline to assess the impact of future development within this region.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Microplastic pollution at the intersection of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas: A study of the Datça Peninsula (Turkey)
Yabanlı, Murat | Yozukmaz, Aykut | Şener, İdris | Ölmez, Özge Tokul
This study aims to reveal microplastic pollution. It is the first to be conducted in the South Aegean Region and one of the limited numbers of such studies in Turkey. To this aim, in September 2018 microplastic particles (MP's) pollution was evaluated on the sandy beaches along the coastline of the Datça Peninsula (Southern Aegean coast of Turkey) located at the intersection of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. MP's were analyzed using standard operating procedure along with some experimental techniques. Prior to the identification process, microplastics ranging from 1 to 5 mm were exposed to an experimental pre-treatment and efficient polymer scanning. The results showed that fragments (72%) were the dominant category from all the beaches exposed to dominant winds and surface currents and that MP contamination in the Datça Peninsula was higher than that reported in the literature from similar locations around the world (1154.4 ± 700.3 particles kg⁻¹ dw). More specifically the highest contamination was found in Aktur Beach (2073.3 ± 648.6 particles kg⁻¹ dw) which could be considered as a hotspot for the whole region in terms of MP pollution. As a result of the study, as sampling stations are remote from major cities and industrial zones, maritime activities increase during summer season and tar has been observed on particles during analyses, it can be asserted that the pollution may be caused by marine resources.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Post-breeding dispersal of frigatebirds increases their exposure to mercury
Mott, Rowan | Herrod, Ashley | Clarke, Rohan H.
Migration and dispersal can expose wildlife to threats in different parts of their range, particularly for localized anthropogenic threats. Wildlife exposure to metal contaminants may correlate with local anthropogenic emissions. Feather mercury concentrations of adult and juvenile Lesser Frigatebirds (Fregata ariel) and Great Frigatebirds (F. minor) were determined for individuals breeding in the eastern Indian Ocean. Low mercury concentration in juveniles relative to adults, higher mercury concentration in adult females than adult males, and a trend for Lesser Frigatebirds to have higher mercury concentration than Great Frigatebirds implicate non-breeding ground exposure as the major influence on mercury burden. Aspects of foraging ecology are congruent with high exposure occurring in inshore waters of the non-breeding range, particularly in the South China Sea. These findings highlight the need for tighter mercury emission regulations in southeast Asia to minimise the potential threat to frigatebirds and other species dependent on marine resources including humans.
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