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Reductions in fish-community contamination following lowhead dam removal linked more to shifts in food-web structure than sediment pollution
Davis, Robert P. | Sullivan, Mažeika | Stefanik, Kay C.
Recent increases in dam removals have prompted research on ecological and geomorphic river responses, yet contaminant dynamics following dam removals are poorly understood. We investigated changes in sediment concentrations and fish-community body burdens of mercury (Hg), selenium (Se), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and chlorinated pesticides before and after two lowhead dam removals in the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers (Columbus, Ohio). These changes were then related to documented shifts in fish food-web structure. Seven study reaches were surveyed from 2011 to 2015, including controls, upstream and downstream of the previous dams, and upstream restored vs. unrestored. For most contaminants, fish-community body burdens declined following dam removal and converged across study reaches by the last year of the study in both rivers. Aldrin and dieldrin body burdens in the Olentangy River declined more rapidly in the upstream-restored vs. the upstream-unrestored reach, but were indistinguishable by year three post dam removal. No upstream-downstream differences were observed in body burdens in the Olentangy River, but aldrin and dieldrin body burdens were 138 and 148% higher, respectively, in downstream reaches than in upstream reaches of the Scioto River following dam removal. The strongest relationships between trophic position and body burdens were observed with PCBs and Se in the Scioto River, and with dieldrin in the Olentangy River. Food-chain length – a key measure of trophic structure – was only weakly related to aldrin body burdens, and unrelated to other contaminants. Overall, we demonstrate that lowhead dam removal may effectively reduce ecosystem contamination, largely via shifts in fish food-web dynamics versus sediment contaminant concentrations. This study presents some of the first findings documenting ecosystem contamination following dam removal and will be useful in informing future dam removals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Chemical composition and source apportionment of size fractionated particulate matter in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Kim, Yŏng-ho | Krantz, Q Todd | McGee, John | Kovalcik, Kasey D. | Duvall, Rachelle M. | Willis, Robert D. | Kamal, Ali S. | Landis, Matthew S. | Norris, Gary A. | Gilmour, M Ian
The Cleveland airshed comprises a complex mixture of industrial source emissions that contribute to periods of non-attainment for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and are associated with increased adverse health outcomes in the exposed population. Specific PM sources responsible for health effects however are not fully understood. Size-fractionated PM (coarse, fine, and ultrafine) samples were collected using a ChemVol sampler at an urban site (G.T. Craig (GTC)) and rural site (Chippewa Lake (CLM)) from July 2009 to June 2010, and then chemically analyzed. The resulting speciated PM data were apportioned by EPA positive matrix factorization to identify emission sources for each size fraction and location. For comparisons with the ChemVol results, PM samples were also collected with sequential dichotomous and passive samplers, and evaluated for source contributions to each sampling site. The ChemVol results showed that annual average concentrations of PM, elemental carbon, and inorganic elements in the coarse fraction at GTC were ∼2, ∼7, and ∼3 times higher than those at CLM, respectively, while the smaller size fractions at both sites showed similar annual average concentrations. Seasonal variations of secondary aerosols (e.g., high NO3− level in winter and high SO42− level in summer) were observed at both sites. Source apportionment results demonstrated that the PM samples at GTC and CLM were enriched with local industrial sources (e.g., steel plant and coal-fired power plant) but their contributions were influenced by meteorological conditions and the emission source's operation conditions. Taken together the year-long PM collection and data analysis provides valuable insights into the characteristics and sources of PM impacting the Cleveland airshed in both the urban center and the rural upwind background locations. These data will be used to classify the PM samples for toxicology studies to determine which PM sources, species, and size fractions are of greatest health concern.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Quantification of Pb pollution sources in complex urban environments through a multi-source isotope mixing model based on Pb isotopes in lichens and road sediment
Dietrich, Matthew | Krekeler, Mark P.S. | Kousehlar, Masoomeh | Widom, Elisabeth
Despite a growing focus on anthropogenic toxic metal pollution in urban environments, few studies have addressed the problem of quantification when more than two pollution sources are likely present, particularly within complex urban settings in the United States (U.S.). In this study, we utilize the MixSIAR package in R for source apportionment based on Pb isotopic signatures in lichen and road sediment in two urban-industrial centers in SW Ohio (OH). We show that ranges of pollutant contributions are more useful than only visualizing mean or raw values of source apportionment, because this avoids overinterpretation of data when certain sources have a large range of uncertainty. We point out both the dominance of industrial pollution as well as the legacy of leaded gasoline pollution in typical mid-sized U.S. cities, which is evident in both road sediment and lichens. Leaded gasoline contribution to Pb in Middletown, OH lichens mostly vary between ~10 and 25%, while in Hamilton, OH the contribution to lichens and road sediment tends to be relatively negligible except for two road sediment samples and one lichen sample, where median contributions are ~20–30%. Industrial combustion pollution source contributions vary between ~25 and 75% in Hamilton, and ~50–100% in Middletown, OH. Furthermore, comparing pollution sources in lichens to modern particulate matter can provide a record of how pollutant sources change over time, such as our traffic lichen (Sample Li-9) plotting closer to leaded gasoline on a bivariate mixing diagram than modern traffic particulate matter, or our coke plant lichen containing slightly less Pb contribution from industrial combustion sources relative to modern coke plant particulate matter. Lastly, when applicable, multi-source mixing models should be complimented in future studies with additional isotopic source tracers such as Cu, Zn, Nd, and Os to further elucidate unique sources of metal pollutants in addition to Pb.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Street-level emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from the wastewater collection system in Cincinnati, Ohio
Fries, Anastasia E. | Schifman, Laura A. | Shuster, William D. | Townsend-Small, Amy
Recent studies have indicated that urban streets can be hotspots for emissions of methane (CH4) from leaky natural gas lines, particularly in cities with older natural gas distribution systems. The objective of the current study was to determine whether leaking sewer pipes could also be a source of street-level CH4 as well as nitrous oxide (N2O) in Cincinnati, Ohio, a city with a relatively new gas pipeline network. To do this, we measured the carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δ2H) stable isotopic composition of CH4 to distinguish between biogenic CH4 from sewer gas and thermogenic CH4 from leaking natural gas pipelines and measured CH4 and N2O flux rates and concentrations at sites from a previous study of street-level CH4 enhancements (77 out of 104 sites) as well as additional sites found through surveying sewer grates and utility manholes (27 out of 104 sites). The average isotopic signatures for δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4 were −48.5‰ ± 6.0‰ and −302‰ ± 142‰. The measured flux rates ranged from 0.0 to 282.5 mg CH4 day−1 and 0.0–14.1 mg N2O day−1 (n = 43). The average CH4 and N2O concentrations measured in our study were 4.0 ± 7.6 ppm and 392 ± 158 ppb, respectively (n = 104). 72% of sites where fluxes were measured were a source of biogenic CH4. Overall, 47% of the sampled sites had biogenic CH4, while only 13% of our sites had solely thermogenic CH4. The other sites were either a source of both biogenic and thermogenic CH4 (13%), and a relatively large portion of sites had an unresolved source (29%). Overall, this survey of emissions across a large urban area indicates that production and emission of biogenic CH4 and N2O is considerable, although CH4 fluxes are lower than those reported for cities with leaky natural gas distribution systems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vivo and In vitro neurochemical-based assessments of wastewater effluents from the Maumee River area of concern
Arini, Adeline | Cavallin, Jenna E. | Berninger, Jason P. | Marfil-Vega, Ruth | Mills, Marc | Villeneuve, Daniel L. | Basu, Niladri
Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents contain potentially neuroactive chemicals though few methods are available to screen for the presence of such agents. Here, two parallel approaches (in vivo and in vitro) were used to assess WWTP exposure-related changes to neurochemistry. First, fathead minnows (FHM, Pimephales promelas) were caged for four days along a WWTP discharge zone into the Maumee River (Ohio, USA). Grab water samples were collected and extracts obtained for the detection of alkylphenols, bisphenol A (BPA) and steroid hormones. Second, the extracts were then used as a source of in vitro exposure to brain tissues from FHM and four additional species relevant to the Great Lakes ecosystem (rainbow trout (RT), river otter (RO), bald eagle (BE) and human (HU)). The ability of the wastewater (in vivo) or extracts (in vitro) to interact with enzymes (monoamine oxidase (MAO) and glutamine synthetase (GS)) and receptors (dopamine (D2) and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDA)) involved in dopamine and glutamate-dependent neurotransmission were examined on brain homogenates. In vivo exposure of FHM led to significant decreases of NMDA receptor binding in females (24–42%), and increases of MAO activity in males (2.8- to 3.2-fold). In vitro, alkylphenol-targeted extracts significantly inhibited D2 (66% in FHM) and NMDA (24–54% in HU and RT) receptor binding, and induced MAO activity in RT, RO, and BE brains. Steroid hormone-targeted extracts inhibited GS activity in all species except FHM. BPA-targeted extracts caused a MAO inhibition in FHM, RT and BE brains. Using both in vivo and in vitro approaches, this study shows that WWTP effluents contain agents that can interact with neurochemicals important in reproduction and other neurological functions. Additional work is needed to better resolve in vitro to in vivo extrapolations (IVIVE) as well as cross-species differences.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Factors influencing aquatic-to-terrestrial contaminant transport to terrestrial arthropod consumers in a multiuse river system
Alberts, Jeremy M. | Sullivan, Mažeika
Emerging aquatic insects are important vectors of contaminant transfer from aquatic to terrestrial food webs. However, the environmental factors that regulate contaminant body burdens in nearshore terrestrial consumers remain largely unexplored. We investigated the relative influences of riparian landscape composition (i.e., land use and nearshore vegetation structure) and contaminant flux via the emergent aquatic insect subsidy on selenium (Se) and mercury (Hg) body burdens of riparian ants (Formica subsericea) and spiders of the family Tetragnathidae along 11 river reaches spanning an urban-rural land-use gradient in Ohio, USA. Model-selection results indicated that fine-scale land cover (e.g., riparian zone width, shrub cover) in the riparian zone was positively associated with reach-wide body burdens of Se and Hg in both riparian F. subsericea and tetragnathid spiders (i.e., total magnitude of Hg and Se concentrations in ant and spider populations, respectively, for each reach). River distance downstream of Columbus, Ohio – where study reaches were impounded and flow through a large urban center – was also implicated as an important factor. Although stable-isotope analysis suggested that emergent aquatic insects were likely vectors of Se and Hg to tetragnathid spiders (but not to F. subsericea), emergent insect contaminant flux did not emerge as a significant predictor for either reach-wide body burdens of spider Hg or Se. Improved understanding of the pathways and influences that control aquatic-to-terrestrial contaminant transport will be critical for effective risk management and remediation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Year-round presence of neonicotinoid insecticides in tributaries to the Great Lakes, USA
Hladik, Michelle L. | Corsi, Steven R. | Kolpin, Dana W. | Baldwin, Austin K. | Blackwell, Brett R. | Cavallin, Jenna E.
To better characterize the transport of neonicotinoid insecticides to the world's largest freshwater ecosystem, monthly samples (October 2015–September 2016) were collected from 10 major tributaries to the Great Lakes, USA. For the monthly tributary samples, neonicotinoids were detected in every month sampled and five of the six target neonicotinoids were detected. At least one neonicotinoid was detected in 74% of the monthly samples with up to three neonicotinoids detected in an individual sample (10% of all samples). The most frequently detected neonicotinoid was imidacloprid (53%), followed by clothianidin (44%), thiamethoxam (22%), acetamiprid (2%), and dinotefuran (1%). Thiacloprid was not detected in any samples. The maximum concentration for an individual neonicotinoid was 230 ng L⁻¹ and the maximum total neonicotinoids in an individual sample was 400 ng L⁻¹. The median detected individual neonicotinoid concentrations ranged from non-detect to 10 ng L⁻¹. The detections of clothianidin and thiamethoxam significantly increased as the percent of cultivated crops in the basins increased (ρ = 0.73, P = .01; ρ = 0.66, P = .04, respectively). In contrast, imidacloprid detections significantly increased as the percent of the urbanization in the basins increased (ρ = 0.66, P = .03). Neonicotinoid concentrations generally increased in spring through summer coinciding with the planting of neonicotinoid-treated seeds and broadcast applications of neonicotinoids. More spatially intensive samples were collected in an agriculturally dominated basin (8 sites along the Maumee River, Ohio) twice during the spring, 2016 planting season to provide further information on neonicotinoid inputs to the Great Lakes. Three neonicotinoids were ubiquitously detected (clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam) in all water samples collected within this basin. Maximum individual neonicotinoid concentrations was 330 ng L⁻¹ and maximum total neonicotinoid concentration was 670 ng L⁻¹; median detected individual neonicotinoid concentrations were 7.0 to 39 ng L⁻¹.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Soil solution interactions may limit Pb remediation using P amendments in an urban soil
Obrycki, John F. | Scheckel, Kirk G. | Basta, Nicholas T.
Lead (Pb) contaminated soils are a potential exposure hazard to the public. Amending soils with phosphorus (P) may reduce Pb soil hazards. Soil from Cleveland, OH containing 726 ± 14 mg Pb kg⁻¹ was amended in a laboratory study with bone meal and triple super phosphate (TSP) at 5:1 P:Pb molar ratios. Soil was acidified, neturalized and re-acidified to encourage Pb phosphate formation. PRSTM-probes were used to evaluate changes in soil solution chemistry. Soil acidification did not decrease in vitro bioaccessible (IVBA) Pb using either a pH 1.5, 0.4 M glycine solution or a pH 2.5 solution with organic acids. PRSTM-probe data found soluble Pb increased 10-fold in acidic conditions compared to circumnetural pH conditions. In acidic conditions (p = 3-4), TSP treated soils increased detected P 10-fold over untreated soils. Bone meal application did not increase PRSTM-probe detected P, indicating there may have been insufficient P to react with Pb. X-ray absorption spectroscopy suggested a 10% increase in pyromorphite formation for the TSP treated soil only. Treatments increased soil electrical conductivity above 16 mS cm⁻¹, potentially causing a new salinity hazard. This study used a novel approach by combining the human ingestion endpoint, PRSTM-probes, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy to evaluate treatment efficacy. PRSTM-probe data indicated potentially excess Ca relative to P across incubation steps that could have competed with Pb for soluble P. More research is needed to characterize soil solutions in Pb contaminated urban soils to identify where P treatments might be effective and when competing cations, such as Ca, Fe, and Zn may limit low rate P applications for treating Pb soils.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mining web-based data to assess public response to environmental events
Cha, YoonKyung | Stow, Craig A.
We explore how the analysis of web-based data, such as Twitter and Google Trends, can be used to assess the social relevance of an environmental accident. The concept and methods are applied in the shutdown of drinking water supply at the city of Toledo, Ohio, USA. Toledo's notice, which persisted from August 1 to 4, 2014, is a high-profile event that directly influenced approximately half a million people and received wide recognition. The notice was given when excessive levels of microcystin, a byproduct of cyanobacteria blooms, were discovered at the drinking water treatment plant on Lake Erie. Twitter mining results illustrated an instant response to the Toledo incident, the associated collective knowledge, and public perception. The results from Google Trends, on the other hand, revealed how the Toledo event raised public attention on the associated environmental issue, harmful algal blooms, in a long-term context. Thus, when jointly applied, Twitter and Google Trend analysis results offer complementary perspectives. Web content aggregated through mining approaches provides a social standpoint, such as public perception and interest, and offers context for establishing and evaluating environmental management policies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Plastic cigar tips debris: Exploring use and disposal issues for Lake Erie beaches
Hardy, Scott D. | Bartolotta, Jill
Great Lakes states are increasingly faced with questions regarding how plastic debris is impacting marine and coastal ecosystems. This is especially evident along the southern beaches of Lake Erie, where high population and industrial development have contributed to the plastics problem. In Ohio, the most common items found are cigarettes and other smoking related materials, including plastic cigar tips. Given the growing awareness of the issue, and the impact of plastics on beaches throughout the Great Lakes, a focus group convened to investigate strategies to help address the problem. The group was comprised of individuals with practical knowledge of plastic cigar tip use and disposal issues, including representatives of government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, community groups, and local academic institutions. This report represents the exploratory results of the focus group, complete with information regarding the what, why, and how of plastic cigar tip debris in the region, guidance on the material and social barriers to sustaining desired behaviors (cessation of use by minors and/or proper disposal), strategies to overcome those barriers, and suggestions for management and policy actions moving forward. Group members suggest that a combination of education and government-supported financial incentives may be the most effective approach, with community-based positive messaging backed by local taxes on smoking items that have plastic tips and rebates or other rewards for properly disposing of debris.
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