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Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the tissues of south polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) and Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliea) from Ross Sea, Antarctica
Court, G.S. | Davis, L.S. | Focardi, S. | Bargargli, R. | Fossi, C. | Leonzio, C. | Marili, L. (Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand))
Antioxidant responses to simulated acid rain and heavy metal deposition in birch seedlings
Koricheva, J. | Roy, S. | Vranjic, J.A. | Haukioja, E. | Hughes, P.R. | Hanninen, O. (Laboratory of Ecological Zoology, Department of Biology, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku (Finland))
Effects of reactive hydrocarbons and hydrogen peroxide on antioxidant activity in cherry leaves
Terry, G.M. | Stokes, N.J. | Lucas, P.W. | Hewitt, C.N. (Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YQ (United Kingdom))
Glutathione status and glutathione reductase activity in spruce needles of healthy and damaged trees at two mountain sites
Schmieden, U. | Schneider, S. | Wild, A. (Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat, 55099 Mainz (Germany))
Interspecies differences in mixed function oxidase activity in birds: relationship between feeding habits, detoxification activities and organochlorine accumulation
Fossi, M.C. | Massi, A. | Lari, L. | Marsili, L. | Focardi, S. | Leonzio, C. | Renzoni, A. (Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, University of Siena, Via delle Cerchia 3, 53100, Siena (Italy))
Response of cellular antioxidants to ozone in wheat flag leaves at different stages of plant development
Bender, J. | Weigel, H.J. | Wegner, U. | Jager, H.J. (Institut fur Produktions- und Okotoxikologie, Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft, Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig (Germany))
Effect of local air pollution on the sporophore production of mycorrhizal fungi, mycorrhizae and microbial activity in Scots pine forests
Ohtonen, R. | Markkola, A.M. (Oulu University (Finland). Dep. of Botany)
Antioxidant systems and lipoperoxidation as biomarkers in the freshwater bivalve, Unio sp.
Doyotte, A. (Universite de Metz (France). Centre des Sciences de l'Environnement) | Cossu, C. | Jacquin, M.C. | Vasseur, P.
Hepatic mixed function oxidase induction in fish as an environmental monitoring technique
Addison, R.F.