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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air from Nisyros Island (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece): Natural versus anthropogenic sources
Tassi, F. | Capecchiacci, F. | Giannini, L. | Vougioukalakis, G.E. | Vaselli, O.
This study presents the chemical composition of VOCs in air and gas discharges collected at Nisyros Island (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece). The main goals are i) to discriminate between natural and anthropogenic VOC sources and ii) to evaluate their impact on local air quality. Up to 63 different VOCs were recognized and quantitatively determined in 6 fumaroles and 19 air samples collected in the Lakki caldera, where fumarolic emissions are located, and the outer ring of the island, including the Mandraki village and the main harbor. Air samples from the crater area show significant concentrations of alkanes, alkenes, cyclic, aromatics, and S- and O-bearing heterocycles directly deriving from the hydrothermal system, as well as secondary O-bearing compounds from oxidation of primary VOCs. At Mandraki village, C6H6/Σ(methylated aromatics) and Σ(linear)/Σ(branched) alkanes ratios <1 allow to distinguish an anthropogenic source related to emissions from outlet pipes of touristic and private boats and buses.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Characterization of sorption properties of high-density polyethylene using the poly-parameter linearfree-energy relationships
Uber, Tobias H. | Hüffer, Thorsten | Planitz, Sibylle | Schmidt, Torsten C.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a known sorbent for non-ionic organic compounds in technical applications. Nevertheless, there is little information available describing sorption to industrial HDPE for a broad range of compounds. With a better understanding of the sorption properties of synthetic polymers, environmental risk assessment would achieve a higher degree of accuracy, especially for microplastic interactions with organic substances. Therefore, a robust methodology for the determination of sorbent properties for non-ionic organic compounds by HDPE is relevant for the understanding of molecular interactions for both technical use and environmental risk assessment.In this work, sorption properties of HDPE material used for water pipes were characterized using a poly-parameter linear free-energy relationship (ppLFER) approach. Sorption batch experiments with selected probe sorbates were carried out in a three-phase system (air/HDPE/water) covering an aqueous concentration range of at least three orders of magnitude. Sorption in the concentration range below 10⁻² of the aqueous solubility was found to be non-linear and the Freundlich model was used to account for this non-linearity. Multiple regression analysis (MRA) using the determined distribution coefficients and literature-tabulated sorbate descriptors was performed to obtain the ppLFER phase descriptors for HDPE. Sorption properties of HDPE were then derived from the ppLFER model and statistical analysis of its robustness was conducted. The derived ppLFER model described sorption more accurately than commonly used single-parameter predictions, based i.e., on log Kₒ/w. The ppLFER predicted distribution data with an error 0.5 log units smaller than the spLFERs. The ppLFER was used for a priori prediction of sorption by the characterized sorbent material. The prediction was then compared to experimental data from literature and this work and demonstrated the strength of the ppLFER, based on the training set over several orders of magnitude.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Street-level emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from the wastewater collection system in Cincinnati, Ohio
Fries, Anastasia E. | Schifman, Laura A. | Shuster, William D. | Townsend-Small, Amy
Recent studies have indicated that urban streets can be hotspots for emissions of methane (CH4) from leaky natural gas lines, particularly in cities with older natural gas distribution systems. The objective of the current study was to determine whether leaking sewer pipes could also be a source of street-level CH4 as well as nitrous oxide (N2O) in Cincinnati, Ohio, a city with a relatively new gas pipeline network. To do this, we measured the carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δ2H) stable isotopic composition of CH4 to distinguish between biogenic CH4 from sewer gas and thermogenic CH4 from leaking natural gas pipelines and measured CH4 and N2O flux rates and concentrations at sites from a previous study of street-level CH4 enhancements (77 out of 104 sites) as well as additional sites found through surveying sewer grates and utility manholes (27 out of 104 sites). The average isotopic signatures for δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4 were −48.5‰ ± 6.0‰ and −302‰ ± 142‰. The measured flux rates ranged from 0.0 to 282.5 mg CH4 day−1 and 0.0–14.1 mg N2O day−1 (n = 43). The average CH4 and N2O concentrations measured in our study were 4.0 ± 7.6 ppm and 392 ± 158 ppb, respectively (n = 104). 72% of sites where fluxes were measured were a source of biogenic CH4. Overall, 47% of the sampled sites had biogenic CH4, while only 13% of our sites had solely thermogenic CH4. The other sites were either a source of both biogenic and thermogenic CH4 (13%), and a relatively large portion of sites had an unresolved source (29%). Overall, this survey of emissions across a large urban area indicates that production and emission of biogenic CH4 and N2O is considerable, although CH4 fluxes are lower than those reported for cities with leaky natural gas distribution systems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Deposition of fission and activation products after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
Shozugawa, Katsumi | Nogawa, Norio | Matsuo, Motoyuki
The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, damaged reactor cooling systems at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The subsequent venting operation and hydrogen explosion resulted in a large radioactive nuclide emission from reactor containers into the environment. Here, we collected environmental samples such as soil, plant species, and water on April 10, 2011, in front of the power plant main gate as well as 35 km away in Iitate village, and observed gamma-rays with a Ge(Li) semiconductor detector. We observed activation products (²³⁹Np and ⁵⁹Fe) and fission products (¹³¹I, ¹³⁴Cs (¹³³Cs), ¹³⁷Cs, ¹¹⁰ᵐAg (¹⁰⁹Ag), ¹³²Te, ¹³²I, ¹⁴⁰Ba, ¹⁴⁰La, ⁹¹Sr, ⁹¹Y, ⁹⁵Zr, and ⁹⁵Nb). ²³⁹Np is the parent nuclide of ²³⁹Pu; ⁵⁹Fe are presumably activation products of ⁵⁸Fe obtained by corrosion of cooling pipes. The results show that these activation and fission products, diffused within a month of the accident.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Questionnaire-based survey to managers of 101 wastewater treatment plants in Greece confirms their potential as plastic marine litter sources
Mourgkogiannis, N. | Kalavrouziotis, I.K. | Karapanagioti, H.K.
Marine pollution by plastics and microplastics (plastic particles 1 nm to 5 mm) is a recognized environmental issue. There are a few studies measuring the concentration of microplastics in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) effluent to the sea. Although microplastic concentrations are low in the WWTP effluent, the actual amount of microplastic ending up in the marine environment through WWTPs is quite significant. The present study is an extensive questionnaire-based survey to untrained managers of 101 WWTPs located all over Greece reporting visually-observed plastic items. 94 of the WWTPs have screens with gaps larger than 5 mm. This suggests that microplastics are passing through pretreatment to the main WWTP. In addition, 89 of the WWTP managers observed plastics in different tanks of the WWTPs. Cotton swab sticks are identified as the most common plastic found in WWTPs and the surrounding marine and coastal areas of the effluent pipes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Emerging organic contaminants in coastal waters: Anthropogenic impact, environmental release and ecological risk
Jiang, Jheng-Jie | Lee, Chon-Lin | Fang, Meng-Der
This study provides a first estimate of the sources, distribution, and risk presented by emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) in coastal waters off southwestern Taiwan. Ten illicit drugs, seven nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), five antibiotics, two blood lipid regulators, two antiepileptic drugs, two UV filters, caffeine, atenolol, and omeprazole were analyzed by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (SPE–LC–MS/MS). Thirteen EOCs were detected in coastal waters, including four NSAIDs (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and codeine), three antibiotics (ampicillin, erythromycin, and cefalexin), three illicit drugs (ketamine, pseudoephedrine, and MDMA), caffeine, carbamazepine, and gemfibrozil. The median concentrations for the 13 EOCs ranged from 1.47ng/L to 156ng/L. Spatial variation in concentration of the 13 EOCs suggests discharge into coastal waters via ocean outfall pipes and rivers. Codeine and ampicillin have significant pollution risk quotients (RQ>1), indicating potentially high risk to aquatic organisms in coastal waters.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biofilm Responses to Toxic Shocks in Closed Pipes: Using Nitrous Oxide Emissions as an Early Warning of Toxicity Ahead of a Wastewater Treatment Works
Black, G. | Jones, M. | Vale, P. | Johnson, N. | Nocker, A. | Cartmell, E. | Dotro, G.
Wastewater treatment works can receive toxic substances that can kill microorganisms responsible for waste degradation. Implementation of toxicity monitors in-sewer, as part of an early warning system to help prevent toxic substances entering treatment works, is, however, very rare. This work presents results from a pilot-scale study using an in-sewer early warning system based on detection of nitrous oxide (N₂O) gas emitted by nitrifying bacteria naturally present in sewer biofilm. Nitrous oxide has potential to be an indicator of nitrification inhibition as it is typically emitted when nitrifiers are under stress. The biofilm was allowed to develop over 14 days under fixed wastewater flow and level. Presence of nitrifying bacteria was verified on day 13 followed by a 90 min toxic shock on day 14 by four different known nitrification inhibitors. Pre-shock nitrification rates averaged 0.78 mg-NH₄⁺-N mg-VS⁻¹ d⁻¹and were significantly reduced post shock to <0.2 mg-NH₄⁺-N mg-VS⁻¹ d⁻¹. Nitrous oxide emissions were found to vary with influent wastewater quality, suggesting a more complex data processing algorithm is needed instead of a simple threshold emission value. The extent of nitrification inhibition differed from the recorded response for suspended growth biomass with allylthiourea resulting in a 77 and 81 % nitrification inhibition for literature suspended growth EC₅₀and EC₇₅concentrations, respectively. Results from this study suggest nitrifying biofilms in closed pipes can be used as part of an early warning system but will likely require amplification of the response to be of practical use. Further research is required to better understand the biofilm response and calibrate the early warning system for differentiating its unique baseline from true toxicity events.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Hydraulic Structures in Water Aeration Processes
Baylar, Ahmet | Unsal, Mehmet | Ozkan, Fahri
The primary purpose of water aeration is to increase the oxygen saturation of the water. This can be achieved by using hydraulic structures because of substantial air bubble entrainment at these structures. This paper reviewed the literature on hydraulic structures used in water aeration processes. The hydraulic structures were divided into two groups as the high-head flow systems and the free-surface flow systems. The high-head flow systems were circular and venturi nozzles, pipe with venturi tube, and high-head conduit, and the free-surface flow systems were weir, stepped cascade, and free-surface conduit. Air/water flow ratio and aeration efficiency in circular nozzles with air holes and venturi nozzles were significantly high. Pipes with venturi tubes showed high aeration efficiency although they had low air/water flow ratio. In high-head and free-surface conduits, almost full oxygen transfer, up to the saturation value, occurred. Forty-five degrees triangular sharp-crested weir had significantly better air/water flow ratio and aeration efficiency than other sharp-crested weir shapes. Stepped cascades, in particular nappe flow regime, were very efficient means of aeration.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Feasibility of Locating Leakages in Sewage Pressure Pipes Using the Distributed Temperature Sensing Technology
Apperl, Benjamin | Pressl, Alexander | Schulz, Karsten
The cost effective maintenance of underwater pressure pipes for sewage disposal in Austria requires the detection and localization of leakages. Extrusion of wastewater in lakes can heavily influence the water and bathing quality of surrounding waters. The Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) technology is a widely used technique for oil and gas pipeline leakage detection. While in pipeline leakage detection, fiber optic cables are installed permanently at the outside or within the protective sheathing of the pipe; this paper aims at testing the feasibility of detecting leakages with temporary introduced fiber optic cable inside the pipe. The detection and localization were tested in a laboratory experiment. The intrusion of water from leakages into the pipe, producing a local temperature drop, served as indicator for leakages. Measurements were taken under varying measurement conditions, including the number of leakages as well as the positioning of the fiber optic cable. Experiments showed that leakages could be detected accurately with the proposed methodology, when measuring resolution, temperature gradient and measurement time were properly selected. Despite the successful application of DTS for leakage detection in this lab environment, challenges in real system applications may arise from temperature gradients within the pipe system over longer distances and the placement of the cable into the real pipe system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Modelling the Density Contrast Effect on a Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Plume Reaching the Shore Line
Mastrocicco, Micòl | Colombani, Nicolò | Petitta, Marco
Diffused petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination was detected in a sandy aquifer below a chemical plant in Southern Italy. The contamination was due to underground leaking tanks and pipes. The site is located near the shore line and is bordered by canals which, in combination with pumping wells, control the groundwater flow direction toward the sea. In this study, a comprehensive three-dimensional flow model was developed and calibrated to simulate the general groundwater flow system and to individuate a flow line. On this latter, a detailed field investigation was performed in order to determine the fate of dissolved hydrocarbons. Depth profiles obtained from multi-level samplers located along the modelled flow line, including measurements of hydrocarbons, all major ions and dissolved gasses, were used to constrain the conceptual model. These data were then included into a two-dimensional transport model in order to verify the efficacy of the hydraulic barrier (HB) in preventing the hydrocarbon plume to reach the shore line. Two different approaches were used in the transport simulation, one accounting for density-dependent flow and the other not. The calibrated models show that the plume length and consequently, the submarine groundwater discharge of contaminants is slightly different for the two approaches. For the simulation not accounting for the density contrast between freshwater and saltwater, the mass of contaminant discharged downstream to the HB was underestimated and also the reconstructed plume geometry was different than the observed. Moreover, the reconstruction of the saltwater intrusion interface (SWII) with the two different approaches was substantially different. This study demonstrates that at field site, variable density processes should be carefully taken into account not only when the modelling is devoted to the reconstruction of the SWII but also when the modelling is targeting the fate of hydrocarbons at sites affected by SWII, in order to provide accurate data on which soundly environmental management of the coastal zone can be based.
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