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Persistent effects of ozone on needle water loss and wettability in Norway spruce.
Barnes J.D. | Eamus D. | Davison A.W. | Ro Poulsen H. | Mortensen L.
Growth, photosynthesis and UV-B absorbing compounds of Portuguese Barbela wheat exposed to ultraviolet-B radiation
Correia, C.M. | Torres-Pereira, M.S. | Torres-Pereira, J.M.G. (Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Apartado 202, 5000 Vila Real (Portugal))
Modelling stomatal responses of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Turbo) to ozone and different levels of water supply
Gruters, U. | Fangmeier, A. | Jager, H.J. (Institut fur Pflanzenokologie, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 38, D-35392 Giessen (Germany))
Growth, ectomycorrhizae and nonstructural carbohydrates of loblolly pine seedlings exposed to ozone and soil water deficit
Meier, S. | Grand, L.F. | Schoeneberger, M.M. | Reinert, R.A. | Bruck, R.I. (Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7616 (USA))
Assessment of the impact of rising carbon dioxide and other potential climate changes on vegetation
Baker, J.T. | Allen, L.H. Jr. (Agronomy Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (USA))
The individual and combined effects of ozone and simulated acid rain on growth, gas exchange rate and water-use efficiency of Pinus armandi Franch
Shan YunFeng | Feng ZongWei | Izuta, T. | Aoki, M. | Totsuka, T. (United Graduate School, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchu, Tokyo 183 (Japan))
Physiology, morphology, and ozone uptake of leaves of black cherry seedlings, saplings, and canopy trees
Fredericksen, T.S. | Joyce, B.J. | Skelly, J.M. | Steiner, K.C. | Kolb, T.E. | Kouterick, K.B. | Savage, J.E. | Snyder, K.R. (Environmental Resources Research Institute, 220 Forest Resource Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 (USA))
Plant responses to atmospheric Co2 enrichment with emphasis on roots and the rhizosphere
Rogers, H.H. | Runion, G.B. | Krupa, S.V. (National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, ARS-USDA, Auburn, AL 36831 (USA))
Interactions between Sitka spruce, the green spruce aphid, sulphur dioxide pollution and drought
Warrington, S. | Whittaker, J.B. (Bath College of Higher Education, Newton Park, Bath BA2 9BN (United Kingdom))
Reciprocal effects of platinum and lead on the water household of poplar cuttings
Ballach, H.J. | Wittig, R. (Frankfurt Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Botanik)