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Constructed Wetlands: A sustainable way of Treating Wastewater in Cold Climate - A review
Singh, Adarsh | Katoch, Surjit | Bajpai, Mukul | Rawat, Akash
The use of constructed wetland (CW) is a natural way of treating wastewater sustainably and economically. However, the implementation of these systems in freezing conditions is still a matter of research and development. The treatment capacity of CWs relies largely on the biological and biochemical processes which further depends on physical conditions such as temperature, solar radiations, etc. Application of wetland systems for treating wastewater faces many challenges in regions with cold climates, resolving which this review has been made. This paper presents a thorough understanding of the components of CWs and their role in contaminant removal. A comprehensive review of the different types of CWs has been done describing the treatment efficiency achieved by its implementation in the cold climate. Furthermore, various technologies which can be clubbed with CWs have also been listed along with the treatment efficiencies obtained. Literature survey indicates that the extent of removing organics (COD and BOD5) and total phosphorous (TP) are not likely to be affected, but total nitrogen (TN) removal appears to slow down at low temperatures. Despite several advantages of CW technology, further research is required to select suitable macrophytes and optimum design parameters to compensate for frigid conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Estimation of Phosphorus Reduction from Wastewater by Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest and M5P Model Tree Approaches
Kumar, S. | Deswal, S.
This study aims to examine the ability of free floating aquatic plants to remove phosphorus and to predict the reduction of phosphorus from rice mill wastewater using soft computing techniques. A mesocosm study was conducted at the mill premises under normal conditions, and reliable results were obtained. Four aquatic plants, namely water hyacinth, water lettuce, salvinia, and duckweed were used for this study. The growth of all the plants was inhibited in rice mill wastewater due to low pH, high chemical oxygen demand, high conductivity, and high phosphorus concentration. Subsequently, a 1:1 ratio of mill water to tap water was used. A control was maintained to assess the aquatic plant technology. In this study, the aquatic plants reduced the total phosphorus content up to 80 % within 15 days. A comparison between three modeling techniques e.g. Artificial neural network (ANN), Random forest (RF) and M5P has been done considering the reduction rate of total phosphorus as predicted variable. In this paper, the data set has been divided in two parts, 70 % is used to train the model and residual 30 % is used for testing of the model. Artificial neural network shows promising results as compared to random forest and M5P tree modelling. The root mean square error (RMSE) for all the three models is observed as 0.0162, 0.0204 and 0.0492 for ANN, RF and M5P tree, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of sediment physicochemical factors and heavy metals on the diversity, structure, and functions of bacterial and fungal communities from a eutrophic river
Lin, Wanjing | Zhao, Jiaqi | Miao, Lingzhan | Hou, Jun
Urbanization has destroyed river ecosystems, leading to eutrophication. Heavy metals are frequently observed in urban rivers, and the joint effects of eutrophication and heavy metals on microbial communities, especially on fungal communities, have not been adequately explored. In this study, we explored the effect of sediment physicochemical factors and heavy metals on the microbial diversity, community structure, and functions of bacterial and fungal communities from a black-odorous river in Wuhu, China. Twenty-four samples were collected, and the diversity and structure of fungal and bacterial communities were determined by high-throughput sequencing. Proteobacteria and Rozellomycota were the main phyla in the bacterial and fungal communities, respectively. The results showed different distribution patterns of bacterial and fungal communities along the river. Physicochemical factors and heavy metals exhibited different effects on microbial variation. Specifically, pH and Cr negatively affected bacterial α-diversity, whereas total phosphorus and Cr significantly affected fungal α-diversity. Variance partitioning analysis revealed that physicochemical factors explained more of the bacterial community structure than heavy metals (49.5% vs. 36.6%), with pH and total phosphorus being the dominant factors. Opposite patterns were observed for fungal community structure, with heavy metals contributing the most (48.0%). A similar influence pattern was observed for the predicted functions of the two communities. This study suggests that heavy metals in eutrophication rivers are essential factors that shift the microbial variation and should be considered in urban river evaluation and remediation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biofilm influenced metal accumulation onto plastic debris in different freshwaters
Liu, Zhilin | Adyel, Tanveer M. | Miao, Lingzhan | You, Guoxiang | Liu, Songqi | Hou, Jun
Microbial biofilms can rapidly colonize plastic debris in aquatic environments and subsequently, accumulate chemical pollutants from the surrounding water. Here, we studied the microbial colonization of different plastics, including polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and polyethylene (PE) exposed in three freshwater systems (the Qinhuai River, the Niushoushan River, and Donghu Lake) for 44 days. We also assessed the biofilm mass and associated metals attached to plastics. The plastics debris characteristics, such as contact angle and surface roughness, greatly affected the increased biofilm biomass. All types of metal accumulation onto the plastic substrate abundances significantly higher than the concentrations of heavy metal in the water column, such as Ba (267.75 μg/g vs. 42.12 μg/L, Donhu Lake), Zn (254 μg/g vs. 0.023 μg/L the Qinhuai River), and Cr (93.75 μg/g vs. 0.039 μg/L, the Niushoushan River). Compared with other metals, the heavy metal Ba, Cr and Zn accumulated easily on the plastic debris (PET, PP, PVC, and PE) at all incubation sites. Aquatic environmental factors (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and suspended solids concentrations) largely shaped metal accumulation onto plastic debris compared with plastic debris properties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Metagenomics analysis reveals the distribution and communication of antibiotic resistance genes within two different red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii cultivation ecosystems
Fan, Limin | Li, Fajun | Chen, Xi | Liping·Qiu, | Dong, Xinxu | Hu, Gengdong | Song, Chao | Meng, Shunlong | Li, Dandan | Chen, Jiazhang
Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are emerging contaminants that pose a potential risk to human health worldwide. In this study, a metagenomic analysis was performed to investigate the distribution of ARGs in paddy field ecosystems, crayfish monoculture pond ecosystems, and rice-crayfish cultivation field ecosystems. The results showed that MacB and BcrA are two dominant ARGs, and macrolide is the dominant antibiotic not only in the water, but also in the sediment and gut of crayfish, in both the crayfish monoculture and the rice-crayfish cultivation ecosystems. Meanwhile, some lower-abundance ARGs in the water and sediment of crayfish cultivation ecosystems were significantly different in their abundance than those in rice paddy fields, and the ARGs in crayfish culture system and rice paddy fields showed even higher dissimilarities of diversity. Comprehensive analysis with redundancy analysis(RDA)and the distribution of dominant ARGs showed that the dissimilarity was related to the higher concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a (Chla), permanganate index (CODMₙ₎, and nitrate in the water of rice paddy fields, and was related to the higher contents of N, P, K, and organic matter (OM) in the sediment of rice paddy fields. The source trackers of ARGs within the crayfish cultivation ponds and the rice-crayfish cultivation fields showed that the sediment in crayfish cultivation ponds mainly played the role of the ‘sink’ for ARGs, and the water and gut of crayfish mutually contributed to the high rates of ARGs. The ARG contribution rates of crayfish gut and sediment decreased and increased, respectively, in rice-crayfish cultivation fields and in crayfish monoculture ponds, which might be related to the lower crayfish biomass and the lower water depth in rice-crayfish cultivation fields.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessing the potential to use CDOM as an indicator of water quality for the sediment-laden Yellow river, China
Li, Dianbao | Pan, Baozhu | Han, Xu | Li, Junhua | Zhu, Qingwei | Li, Ming
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in rivers is mainly affected by natural conditions and human activities and can reflect the watershed pollution status to a certain extent. The Yellow River is one of the largest contributors to the global riverine sediment flux from the land to ocean, and there is a paucity of information on how the optical properties of CDOM have the potential to serve as an indicator of water quality for the sediment-laden Yellow River. In this study, a three-dimensional fluorescence parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis method was applied to investigate the seasonal and spatial variations in CDOM fluorescence components and spectral characteristics from the source region to the estuary in the mainstream of Yellow River. The relationships of CDOM with water quality indicators and trophic state were also analyzed. Six PARAFAC components (C1–C6) were identified and grouped into two categories: humic-like components (C1–C4), which accounted for 85.8 %, and protein-like components (C5 and C6), which accounted for only 14.2 %. The CDOM components, spectral parameters, and their clear correlations with the main ions (Na⁺ and Cl⁻) all indicated that the humic-like components may be primarily derived from nonpoint source erosion, and the protein-like components were mainly derived from point source discharges in the watershed. The combination of the CDOM absorption coefficient at 254 nm (a(254)), spectral slope ratio (SR), specific UV absorbance SUVA₂₅₄, and fluorescence index (FI) had a good predictive ability for the key water quality indicators (total nitrogen (TN), dissolved total nitrogen (DTN), total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), and chlorophyll a (Chl a)) and trophic state index (TSI). Therefore, some fluorophores and UV spectral parameters of CDOM in the Yellow River can be used for rapid water quality monitoring and pollution source indication, especially pollutants related to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the basin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biodegradation of sulfonamides in both oxic and anoxic zones of vertical flow constructed wetland and the potential degraders
Chen, Jianfei | Tong, Tianli | Jiang, Xinshu | Xie, Shuguang
The pollution of wastewater with antibiotics and antibiotics resistance genes has attracted public concerns about ecosystem and global health. Swine wastewater can contain high concentrations of antibiotics, especially sulfonamides, even after full-scale wastewater treatment. In this study, mesocosm-scale vertical flow constructed wetlands (VF-CWs) were applied to abate nutrients and antibiotics in swine wastewater containing sulfonamides. VF-CWs performed well in the removal of both nutrients and antibiotics. Sulfonamides did not influence total organic carbon (TOC) and total phosphorus (TP) removal, and even slightly enhanced NH₄⁺–N removal. High removal efficiencies (26.42–84.05%) were achieved for sulfadiazine (SDZ), sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and sulfamethazine (SMZ). Together with lab-scale sorption and biodegradation experiments, microbial degradation was found to be the most important removal mechanism for sulfonamides in VF-CWs. Sulfonamides addition increased bacterial alpha-diversity and changed microbial community structure. Moreover, antibiotics promoted antibiotic-resistant or -degrading bacteria. Bacillus, Geobacter and other seven genera were correlated with sulfonamides reduction under either aerobic or anaerobic condition. In summary, VF-CW is a suitable alternative for swine wastewater treatment, and biodegradation plays the key role in sulfonamides abatement.Main findings of the work.This was the first work to combine bacterial community analysis with microcosm experiments to uncover the major removal mechanism of sulfonamides in constructed wetlands.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Missed atmospheric organic phosphorus emitted by terrestrial plants, part 2: Experiment of volatile phosphorus
Li, Wei | Li, Bengang | Tao, Shu | Ciais, Philippe | Piao, Shilong | Shen, Guofeng | Peng, Shushi | Wang, Rong | Gasser, Thomas | Balkanski, Yves | Li, Laurent | Fu, Bo | Yin, Tianya | Li, Xinyue | An, Jie | Han, Yunman
The emission and deposition of global atmospheric phosphorus (P) have long been considered unbalanced, and primary biogenic aerosol particles (PBAP) and phosphine (PH₃) are considered to be the only atmospheric P sources from the ecosystem. In this work, we found and quantified volatile organic phosphorus (VOP) emissions from plants unaccounted for in previous studies. In a greenhouse in which lemons were cultivated, the atmospheric total phosphorus (TP) concentration of particulate matter (PM) was 41.8% higher than that in a greenhouse containing only soil, and the proportion of organic phosphorus (OP) in TP was doubled. ³¹P nuclear magnetic resonance tests (³¹P-NMR) of PM showed that phosphate monoesters were the main components contributed by plants in both the greenhouse and at an outside observation site. Atmospheric gaseous P was directly measured to be 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than P in PM but appeared to double during plant growing seasons relative to other months. Bag-sampling and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) tests showed that the gaseous P emitted by plants in the greenhouse was triethyl phosphate. VOP might be an important component of atmospheric P that has been underestimated in previous studies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Water column nutrient concentrations are related to excretion by benthic invertebrates in Lake Taihu, China
Peng, Kai | Qin, Boqiang | Cai, Yongjiu | Gong, Zhijun | Jeppesen, Erik
Internal release of nutrients is an important contributor to the nutrient dynamics in shallow eutrophic lakes. Zoobenthic organisms may contribute to this release by excreting nutrients to the overlaying water. Based on experiments and using results from previous experimental studies as well as field monitoring density data from 2007 to 2017, we calculated the annual and seasonal nutrient excretions of the two most common macroinvertebrates (Corbicula fluminea and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri) in Lake Taihu, China. We compared these rates with the concentrations of NH₄–N, total nitrogen (TN), PO₄–P and total phosphorus (TP) in the lake water as well as with previous results of release rates from undisturbed sediments collected in the lake. The spatial distribution of nutrient excretion by the two invertebrate species varied markedly among sites and years. Regression analyses revealed significant relationships between total nutrient excretions by these two species and the concentrations of NH₄–N, TN, PO₄–P and TP in the lake, but with seasonal differences. The relationship was overall strongest in winter, followed by spring, and weakest in summer and autumn. The flux of NH₄–N and PO₄–P released by the two macroinvertebrate species were equivalent to as much as 50% and 66%, respectively, of the sediment release recorded in lab experiments under undisturbed conditions; however, the percentages would be somewhat lower under field conditions where the sediment is subjected to frequent wind-induced resuspension and fish disturbance, enhancing the release rates. The release declined during the study period due to a reduction in the density of macroinvertebrates, perhaps indicating increasing stocking of fish since 2007. Our results indicate that benthic invertebrates are important contributor to the internal loading in shallow eutrophic lakes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impacts of electrokinetic isolation of phosphorus through pore water drainage on sediment phosphorus storage dynamics
Tang, Xianqiang | Li, Rui | Hinton, William | Wu, Xingyi
Pore water is a crucial storage medium and a key source of sediment phosphorus. A novel equipment based on electrokinetic geosynthetics (EKGs) was used for isolating phosphorus from eutrophic lake sediments through pore water drainage. Three mutually independent indoor group experiments (A, B, and C) were conducted to investigate the effects of voltage gradient (0.00, 0.25, and 0.50 V/cm) on pore water drainage capacity, phosphorus removal performance, sediment physicochemical properties, and phosphorus storage dynamics. The average reduction in the sediment moisture and total phosphorus content was 2.5%, 4.3%, and 4.6% and 28.15, 75.95, and 112.65 mg/kg after 6 days of treatment for A, B and C, respectively. Efficient pore water drainage through gravity and electroosmotic flow and electromigration of phosphate were the main drivers of sediment-dissolved and mobilized phosphorus separation. A high voltage gradient facilitated the migration of pore water and the phosphorus in it. The maximal effluent total phosphorous (TP) concentration was up to 27.9 times that in the initial pore water samples, and negligible effluent TP was detected when the pore water pH was less than 2.5. The TP concentration was exponentially and linearly related to the pH and electronic conductivity of the electroosmotic flow, respectively. The migration of H⁺ within the sediment matrix promoted the liberation of metals bounded to phosphorus, particularly of Ca–P and Fe–P. Pore water drainage through an EKG resulted in Ex–P separation of up to 87.50% and a 13.84 mg/kg decrease in Ca–P and 125.35 mg/kg accumulation of low mobile Fe–P in the weak acid anode zone.
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