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Incorporation of wind roses in a statistical long-range pollution transport model.
Shipley K.B. | McBean E.A. | Farquhar G.J. | Byrne J.M.
Wet deposition of ammonium and atmospheric distribution of ammonia and particulate ammonium in Japan
Murano, K. | Mukai, H. | Hatakeyama, S. | Oishi, O. | Utsunomiya, A. | Shimohara, T. (National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0053 (Japan))
PLATIN (PLant-ATmosphere INteraction) II: co-occurrence of high ambient ozone concentrations and factors limiting plant absorbed dose
Grunhage, L. | Jager, H.J. | Haenel, H.D. | Hanewald, K. | Krupa, S. (Institute for Plant Ecology, University of Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 38, D-35392 Giessen, Germany)
Effects of ozone on plants in relation to other environmental conditions
Mortensen, L.M. (Norges Landbrukshoegskole, Aas (Norway). Inst. for Hagebruk)
Modeling study of SO(x) and NO(x) transport during the January 1985 smog episode
Leeuw, F.A.A.M. de (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene, Bilthoven (Netherlands)) | Rheineck Leyssius, H.J. van
Long-range transport and deposition of pollutants in the Fichtelgebirge
Ulrich, W.