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Impacts of cage fish farms in a large reservoir on water and sediment chemistry
Varol, Memet
The Keban Reservoir, which is the second man-made waterbody in Turkey, has the biggest rainbow trout production in the country. In this study, the impacts of rainbow trout farms on water and sediment chemistry were investigated. Water and sediment samples were taken at distances of 0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 m from the edge of the cages at the three fish farms, and at the respective reference stations. Samples were also taken at 0 m stations and reference stations in the late August when there were no fish in the cages. Physico-chemical variables and trace metals were analysed in all samples. Due to likely high dilution rates and recycling processes in the water column of the reservoir, little changes in the water quality parameters associated with wastes of the fish farms were noticed. When compared with those in the sediment samples at the stations near the edge of cages, the lower concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), organic matter (OM), total carbon (TC), sulfide (S2−), arsenic (As), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn), and higher values of redox potential (Eh) were found at the reference stations. According to organic enrichment classification based on S2− and Eh values, sediments of the three fish farms in the period when there were fish in the cages fell into the oxic category, whereas sediments in the August (no fish farming activity) fell into the normal category. Also, it was found in the August that most of sediment quality parameters at the 0 m stations had close values to those at the reference stations. These results revealed that a three-month period when there were no fish in the cages allows for sediments to return to reference station conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Occurrence of microplastics in the water column and sediment in an inland sea affected by intensive anthropogenic activities
Dai, Zhenfei | Zhang, Haibo | Zhou, Qian | Tian, Yuan | Chen, Tao | Du, Zhen | Fu, Chuancheng | Luo, Yongming
Microplastics may lose buoyancy and occur in deeper waters and ultimately sink to the sediment and this may threaten plankton inhabiting in various water layers and benthic organisms. Here, we conduct the first survey on microplastics in the water column and corresponding sediment in addition to the surface water in the Bohai Sea. A total of 20 stations covering whole Bohai Sea were selected, which included 6 stations specified for water column studying. Seawater was sampled every 5 m, with maximal depth of 30 m in the water column using Niskin bottles coupled with a ship-based conductivity, temperature and depth sensor (CTD) system and surface sediment samples were collected using box corer. The results indicated that higher microplastic levels accumulated at a depth range of 5–15 m in the water column in some stations, suggesting the surface water survey was not sufficient to reflect microplastics loading in a water body. Fibers predominated microplastic types in both seawater and sediment of the Bohai Sea, which accounted for 75%–96.4% of the total microplastics. However the relatively proportion of the fibers in the deeper water layers and sediment was lower than that in the surface water. Microplastic shapes are more diverse in the sediment than in the seawater in general. The microplastic sizes changed with depth in the water column and the proportion of the size-fraction < 300 μm increased with depth, probably as a result of rapid biofouling on the small microplastics due to their higher specific surface area. Such depth distribution also implied that sampling with manta net (>330 μm) that commonly used in the oceanographic survey might underestimate microplastics abundance in the water column. Further studies are recommended to focus on the sinking behavior of microplastics and their effects on marine organisms.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Transport of terrigenous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons affected by the coastal upwelling in the northwestern coast of South China Sea
Ya, Miaolei | Wu, Yuling | Li, Yongyu | Wang, Xinhong
Coastal upwelling prevails in the coast of Hainan Island, the northern South China Sea (SCS) during summer. We studied the influences of the upwelling on the horizontal and vertical transport of terrigenous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs in dissolved and suspended particulate phase of water samples were determined in the upper (depth < 1 m) and water column (depth > 10 m). PAH levels decreased sharply from inshore to offshore to open sea. The results showed that terrestrial input was the main source of coastal PAHs. Perylene, an important indicator of land plant-derived PAH, showed the significant correlation with PAHs (p < 0.005). This implied that fluvial transport was the primary pathway of terrigenous PAHs into the coast of northern SCS. Variations of the concentrations, compositions and diagnostic ratios of PAHs, accompanied the partition equilibrium in the water column, could indicate the selective degradation of PAHs by the plankton affected by upwelling. Different from the “traditional” transport pathway of PAHs in the water column (surface enrichment-depth depletion distribution), the upwelling could provide the original driver to elevate the upward diffusion of sediment entrained contaminants towards the intermediate even the upper waters. It could also enhance the outward diffusion of terrigenous PAHs accompanied by the offshore transport of the upper waters. Therefore, the transport pathway of PAHs can be summarized by the coastal upwelling rising PAHs with their subsequent transport offshore and settling in the adjacent open sea.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Distribution of persistent organic pollutants (PAHs, Me-PAHs, PCBs) in dissolved, particulate and sedimentary phases in freshwater systems
Rabodonirina, Suzanah | Net, Sopheak | Ouddane, Baghdad | Merhaby, Dima | Dumoulin, David | Popescu, Tudor | Ravelonandro, Pierre
The occurrence of three groups of hazardous organic contaminants (PCBs, PAHs, Me-PAHs) in fifteen watercourses and rivers located in highly urbanized and industrialized zones was studied. The distribution of 62 organic contaminants was determined in three matrices: in the dissolved phase, associated with suspended solid matter (SSM) and in sediment. Their distributions in the aquatic environment depend strongly on their physicochemical properties. Low molecular weight PAHs were predominant in the dissolved phase while those with high molecular weight accumulated preferentially in SSM and sediments. Among the 28 PCBs congeners, only PCB153 was detected. The results showed that the contamination of these areas originated mainly from combustion processes. The three the most polluted sites identified are surrounded by big cities. Ecotoxicological assessment based on the international Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) showed that the toxic effects of the sediment in these watercourses and rivers occurred due to high levels of hydrocarbons.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Anthropogenic microfibers are highly abundant at the Burdwood Bank seamount, a protected sub-Antarctic environment in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Di Mauro, Rosana | Castillo, Santiago | Pérez, Analía | Iachetti, Clara M. | Silva, Leonel | Tomba, Juan P. | Chiesa, Ignacio L.
Microplastics debris in the marine environment have been widely studied across the globe. Within these particles, the most abundant and prevalent type in the oceans are anthropogenic microfibers (MFs), although they have been historically overlooked mostly due to methodological constraints. MFs are currently considered omnipresent in natural environments, however, contrary to the Northern Hemisphere, data on their abundance and distribution in Southern Oceans ecosystems are still scarce, in particular for sub-Antarctic regions. Using Niskin bottles we've explored microfibers abundance and distribution in the water column (3–2450 m depth) at the Burdwood Bank (BB), a seamount located at the southern extreme of the Patagonian shelf, in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. The MFs detected from filtered water samples were photographed and measured using ImageJ software, to estimate length, width, and the projected surface area of each particle. Our results indicate that small pieces of fibers are widespread in the water column at the BB (mean of 17.4 ± 12.6 MFs.L⁻¹), from which, 10.6 ± 5.3 MFs.L⁻¹ were at the surface (3–10 m depth), 20 ± 9 MFs.L⁻¹ in intermediate waters (41–97 m), 24.6 ± 17.3 MFs.L⁻¹ in deeper waters (102–164 m), and 9.2 ± 5.3 MFs.L⁻¹ within the slope break of the seamount. Approximately 76.1% of the MFs were composed of Polyethylene terephthalate, and the abundance was dominated by the size fraction from 0.1 to 0.3 mm of length. Given the high relative abundance of small and aged MFs, and the oceanographic complexity of the study area, we postulate that MFs are most likely transported to the BB via the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Our findings imply that this sub-Antarctic protected ecosystem is highly exposed to microplastic pollution, and this threat could be spreading towards the highly productive waters, north of the study area.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Microplastics in a deep, dimictic lake of the North German Plain with special regard to vertical distribution patterns
Tamminga, Matthias | Fischer, Elke Kerstin
The investigation of microplastics (MPs) in freshwater has received increased attention within the last decade. To date, sampling is mainly conducted at the surface of both rivers and lakes and only a few studies assessed the vertical distribution of MPs in the water column of freshwater bodies. To contribute to the understanding of MP pollution in the water column of freshwater lakes, this study evaluated the vertical profile of MPs in Lake Tollense considering particles between 63 and 5000 μm in size. Sampling was conducted on three occasions at three depths (surface, 7 m and 10 m) along a transect including eight sampling stations. The retrieved samples were digested with hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite and investigated via Nile Red staining and fluorescence microscopy. Subsequently, a sub-sample of stained particles was verified by μRaman-spectroscopy. The vertical distribution of MPs in Lake Tollense differed considerably between particle shapes (irregular particles (IPs) and fibers). Fibers did not show a noticeable pattern with depth and ranged between 22 fibers m⁻³ at 0 m to 19 fibers m⁻³ at 10 m. In contrast, IPs were distinctly less abundant in sub-surface samples with concentrations between 50 IPs m⁻³ at 0 m to 29 IPs m⁻³ at 10 m. Concerning IPs, buoyant polymers (mainly PE and PP) and concerning fibers PET and PP dominated the polymeric composition. Besides particle inherent properties, wind-induced mixing is likely affecting the intensity of vertical concentration gradients. This study highlights the need for depth-integrated sampling approaches in order to achieve representative data without over- or underestimating the overall abundances.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]PCDD/F and PCB multi-media ambient concentrations, congener patterns and occurrence in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Etang de Thau, France)
Castro Jimenez, Javier | Deviller, Genevieve | Ghiani, A | Loos, R | Mariani, G | Skejo, H | Umlauf, G | Wollgast, J | Laugier, Thierry | Heas Moisan, K | Leaute, Frederique | Munschy, Catherine | Tixier, Celine | Tronczynski, Jacek
Ambient concentrations, congener patterns and multi-media distribution of PCDD/Fs and PCBs were determined in air, water, sediment and mussels in a semi-enclosed marine ecosystem (Thau lagoon, France). Sigma 2,3,7,8-PCDD/F and Sigma 7ICES PCB air concentrations (0.2-1.4 and 31-57 pg m(-3), respectively) were typical of rural areas. Concentrations in the water column were very low for PCDD/Fs (163-476 fg L-1) and low for PCBs (138-708 pg L-1). PCDD/F and PCB concentrations found in surface sediment (0.15-1.6 and 2.5-33 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) and mussel (13-21 pg g(-1) d.w. and 10-39 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively) were medium levels. PCDD/F congener patterns observed in air, water particulate phase and sediments were similar suggesting direct coupling among these compartments and atmospheric inputs of PCDD/Fs into the lagoon. Conversely, for the same set of samples, similar patterns were not observed for PCBs in the mentioned compartments. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Anthropogenic microlitter in the Baltic Sea water column
Bagaev, Andrei | Khatmullina, Liliya | Chubarenko, Irina
Microlitter (0.5–5mm) concentrations in water column (depth range from 0 to 217.5m) of the main Baltic Proper basins are reported. In total, 95 water samples collected in 6 research cruises in 2015–2016 in the Bornholm, Gdansk, and Gotland basins were analysed. Water from 10- and 30-litre Niskin bathometers was filtered through the 174μm filters, and the filtrate was examined under optical microscope (40×). The bulk mean concentration was 0.40±0.58 items per litre, with fibres making 77% of them. Other types of particles are the paint flakes (19%) and fragments (4%); no microbeads or pellets. The highest concentrations are found in the near-bottom samples from the coastal zone (2.2–2.7 items per litre max) and from near-surface waters (0.5m) in the Bornholm basin (5 samples, 1.6–2.5 items per litre). Distribution of particles over depths, types, and geographical regions is presented.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Suspended microplastics in a highly polluted bay: Abundance, size, and availability for mesozooplankton
Figueiredo, Gisela M. | Vianna, Tamires Moraes Pintas
Microplastic ingestion by mesozooplankton may be an important pathway for the microplastics to enter the food web. To determine microplastic abundance in Guanabara Bay, samples were collected by neustonic haul with a 64-μm-net and oblique hauls using 64- and 200-μm nets. Microplastic size and abundance as well as copepod, fish-larvae, and chaetognath sizes, densities, and preferential prey sizes were determined. Microplastic abundance was higher in samples collected with fine nets (average 4.8 microplastics m−3, maximum 11 microplastics m−3) than in those collected with coarse net. Microplastic abundance in Guanabara Bay was higher than that in other marine ecosystems. Microplastics >100 μm were too large to be ingested by copepods. However, for fish larvae and chaetognaths, the abundance of microplastics, at the corresponding prey size range, were, respectively, ~9000- and 14,400-folds lower than the preferential copepod prey, in the same size range. Thus, in Guanabara Bay, microplastics were available, but too diluted to be frequently ingested by fish larvae and chaetognaths.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Predicting pollutant concentrations in the water column during dredging operations: Implications for sediment quality criteria
Wasserman, Julio Cesar | Wasserman, Maria Angélica V. | Barrocas, Paulo Rubens G. | Almeida, Aline Mansur
The development of new dredging techniques that can reduce, or at least predict, the environmental impacts, is in high demand by governments in developing countries. In the present work, a new methodology was developed, to evaluate the level of metals contamination (i.e. cadmium, lead and zinc) of the water column, during a dredging operation. This methodology was used to evaluate the impacts of the construction of a new maritime terminal in Sepetiba Bay, Brazil. The methodology quantifies the amount of resuspended sediments and calculates the expected contaminants concentrations in the water column. The results indicated that sediment quality criteria were not compatible with water quality criteria, because the dredging of contaminated sediments does not necessarily yield contaminated water. It is suggested that the use of sediment quality criteria for dredging operations might be abandoned, and the methodology presented in this study applied to assess dredging's environmental impacts, predicting water contamination levels.
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