AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 11-20 de 280

Relation avec les conditions ecologiques dans les Vosges


Landmann, Guy | Becker, Michel | RIOM, J. | Michaux, Arnaud | Rameau, J.C. | Bonneau, M.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Quantification des pertes ammoniacales issues des épandages de lisiers en Bretagne : recherche de moyens pour les prévenir | Ammonia emissions following spreading of slurries in Britanny : ways to control


Moal, J.F. | Martinez, José | Guiziou, Fabrice | Caudal, M.C.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Interet de la teledetection pour l'estimation et le suivi des dommages forestiers


RIOM, J. | Guyon, D.

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France



McEldowney, Sharron | Hardman, David J. | Waite, Stephen

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Biological pollution


McKnight, Bill N.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

A study of the impact of polluted sea-spray on needles of Pinus halepensis (The possible role of surfactants)


Richard, Béatrice

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Static pile passive aeration composting of waste slurries


Zhan, W. | Fernandes, L. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of ottawa (Canada))

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - United Kingdom

Insects and pollution


Heliövaara, Kari | Väisänen, Rauno

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Recycling equipment and technology for municipal solid waste


Swartzbaugh, Joseph

National Agricultural Library - United States of America