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Résultats 11-20 de 319
Adsorption of copper from water with wood sawdust in dynamic conditions
Sciban, M. | Klasnja, M. (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Tehnoloski fakultet)
In our previous papers, it is concluded that wood sawdust can be applied as adsorbent for heavy metals removing from water. All earlier investigations are done in batches, while it is confirmed that different heavy metals are adsorbing with various efficacy on sawdust of different kind of wood. Adsorption of copper ions from model water is investigated in this paper, by its passing throw column filled with poplar and fir sawdust, granulation in the range 0.5-1 mm. Starting concentration of copper ions was the same in all experiments, and flowrates of model water and column geometry are varied. Certain volumes of water are taken on the column outlet, and copper ions concentration are determinated in this samples. On the basis of these results breakthrough curves are obtained, and adsorption parameters in dynamic conditions are determinated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigation of effect of simultaneous exposure ATPases to the first transition series metals
Vujisic, Lj. (Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Laboratorija za fizicku hemiju) | Vasic, V. | Krstic, D. | Jovanovic, D. | Horvat, A. | Nikezic, G. | Kopecni, M.
Activities of rat brain synaptic plasma membrane (SPM)Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase were investigated by in vitro individual and simultaneous exposure to ions of the first transition series metals (Cu(2+), Zn(2+), Fe(2+)). All investigated metals produced a larger maximum inhibition of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase than Mg(2+)-ATPase activity. Metal concentrations causing 50% inhibition of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activities were: Cu(2+) 7.1 microM Zn(2+) 19 microM Fe(2+) 25 microM. Simulataneous exposure to metal combinations: Cu(2+)/Zn(2+), Cu(2+)/Fe(2+) and Zn(2+)/Fe(2+) inhibited both the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase activity synergistically, i.e., more than the sum of the metal induced inhibitions assayed separately. It is also established that the plot of logarithm IC50 values of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity vs. the ionic radius of (Cu(2+), Zn(2+), Fe(2+)) is a straight line that enables to predict the value IC50 for other metals of the first transition series. The results obtained show that Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase is promising as a biological component of biosensor.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Analysis effect wastewater and sludge in maintenance drainage system on melioration area "Upper Danube" [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Pantelic, S. (Javno vodoprivredno preduzece "Srbijavode", Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Vodoprivredni centar "Dunav") | Bozinovic, M. | Buncic, N.
Base characteristic melioration territory "Upper Danube" inclusion round about 1.4 million ha area in Backa and Banat (Serbia, Yugoslavia) are presented in this paper. Specification problem maintenance of the drainage of system to originate because of discharge wastewater and sludge in channel and suggest in decides these problems are considered.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Catagorization of the Nadel river (channel) on the point of empty of waste waters coming from "Skrobara" [starch factory] - Jabuka [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Jovanovic, T. ("HIP-Azotara", Pancevo (Yugoslavia)) | Gajic, S. | Krstevski, M. | Denic, Z. | Tomic, B.
Upon the construction and introduction of overflow lagoons for gravitational precipitation, starch production plant wastewater drained into the river (channel) Nadel, satisfy quality conditions established for irrigation of crops which bare waters with high salinity.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Contribution to the knowledge of hydrographic properties and plankton in the coastal waters and the open sea of the southern Adriatic [Montenegro (Yugoslavia)]
Vukanic, D. | Dutina, M. | Regner, D. | Vuksanovic, N. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Yugoslavia))
In this paper, some data on long term seasonal investigation of hydrography and plankton are presented. The most important fact is that the whole area is exposed to the impact of the freshwater from numerous sources from the coast and submarine springs in Boka Kotorska Bay, as the impact of rivers Bojana and Drim. Exchange of the intermediate water-masses between Adriatic and Jonian basins is of great importance, too. So, basic ecological data, as well as characteristic phytoplankton and zooplankton groups and species are described.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of erosion control works on the water quality preservation
Kostadinov, S. | Djekovic, V. | Todosijevic, M. (Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
In the late sixties and early seventies the processes of intensive erosion prevailed in the catchment and channel of the torrent Lonjinski Potok, Serbia (Yugoslavia). As the consequence the village Lonjin and the very important road Belgrade - Loznica - Uzice, Serbia (Yugoslavia). In the period 1973-1980, significant erosion control works (ECW) were performed in the watershed and in the channel of the Lonjinski Potok torrent. As the results of this the processes of low erosion occur in the watershed and sediment transport is under limit of the runoff regime. Now, runoff regime is balanced without the floods and long drought period. According his quality water belongs to the first classe. Results of research shows that erosion control works are, also, very important factor for balanced runoff regime and water quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The influence of hydrogeological conditions to the water source of the Jablanica river [Serbia, Yugoslavia] in the period of recession
Nikic, Z. (Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia)) | Cubrilovic, P. (Geozavod, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
In this paper we have pointed out the hydrogeological condition in the catchment area of the Jablanica river in the south Serbia (Yugoslavia). The two units are separately presented here. The first one is mountainous part of the catchment area upstream of the gaging station of Lebane and the second one is the part of the terrain in the plain down stream to the river mounth near Pecenjevac. The hydrogeological characteristics of the two mentioned regions are given to explain the reasons of existing the constant flow of the Jablanica to Lebane and its disappearing course in the period of recession in the plain downstream. The quality of water in the Jablanica river at Lebane is good. Down stream of this gaging station the waste water collector flows into the river. In the part of recession period the ratio between them is unfavourable. We have also discussed the quality of water at the gaging station of Pecenjevac and pointed out the function of sandy-gravel deposits in the process of natural purification of the Jablanica flow.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spring waters of Goc serpentine [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Ristic, R. (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Sumarski fakultet) | Macan, G. | Nikic, Z. | Malosevic, D.
During the summer 1998 the second phase of Cadastre of Water Objects on the Teaching Base Goc, on the Goc mountain, in central Serbia (Yugoslavia) was done. Investigation was carried out on the territory of 20 square km, with serpentine as parent rock. Serpentine is decomposed in the surface layer, with sceletal soil up to 50 cm deep, insignificant retention attributes. Dominate surfaces under bare lands, meadows, pastures and degraded forest stands. 35 springs were registered, small volume yield (up to 0.29 l*/s), with pH=7.5 to pH8.5, electrical conductivity from 80 up to 800 microS*/cm, temperature 7.0-17.0 deg C. Springs are permanent, but on the higher parts could dry up. Water level in the serpentine has small hydraulic gradient, with slope to the zones of out flow, in other words, to the local erosion base. Hydrogeological characteristics of serpentine were analyzed detailed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Removal of organic matter from water using activated carbon produced from domestic [Yugoslav] anthracite
Tamas, Z. | Zejak, J. | Becelic, M. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za hemiju)
Removal of natural organic matter from water was investigated using granulated activated carbon. Groundwater from northern Banat region (Serbia, Yugoslavia) was used. Samples of raw water and water after coagulation were ozonated and than GAC adsorption was performed. The investigation was carried out under the static conditions to determine the GAC adsorption capacity and kinetic coefficients.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determination of a lead(II) into the water
Stankovic, S. (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Tehnolosko-metalurski fakultet) | Nikolic, R. | Rajkovic, M. | Vucurovic, B.
In this investigation the applied method for lead determination in traces, from 10E-6 - 10E-10 mol/cubic dm, was Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA). The main attribute of this method is possibility to detect very low metal concentrations. The investigation results of level concentration of lead into the top, natural and atmospheric water from some towns of Serbia (Yugoslavia), including city of Belgrade, are given. The investigation was carried out in some towns of Serbia (Yugoslavia), including city of Belgrade, during the 1994-1995.
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