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Environmental Performance of Alternative Schiff Bases Synthesis Routes: A Proposal for CO2 Storages
Yaseen, Anahed A. | Yousif, Emad | Al‐Tikrity, Emaad T. B. | Kadhom, Mohammed | Yusop, Muhammad R. | Ahmed, Dina S.
The increased consumption of fossil fuels provokes high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which give rise to serious environmental issues. Accordingly, designing and utilizing new classes of materials, such as Schiff bases, to capture CO2 gained significant attention from researchers worldwide. In the present work, two Schiff bases were synthesized and examined as storage materials for carbon dioxide gas. The prepared compounds were obtained by reacting trimethoprim with two aldehydes severally (benzaldehyde and parabromobenzaldehyde) in boiling methanol. The surface morphology of the compounds was investigated via field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) test showed that Schiff bases 1 and 2 have surface areas of 17.993 and 2.732 m2/g, pore volumes of 0.008 and 0.005 cm3/g, and pore diameters of 17.02 and 74.89 nm, respectively. Reasonable uptake values of CO2 (31.36 cm3/g, 6.2 wt%) and (25.30 cm3/g, 5.0 wt%) were achieved by the prepared Schiff bases 1 and 2, respectively, at 313 K temperature and 40 bars pressure.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Efficacy of Natural Coagulants in Treating Sugar Industry Effluents
Garika, Nihanth Soury | Dwarapureddi, Bhavya Kavitha | Karnena, Manoj Kumar | Dash, Swathi | Raj, Aman | Saritha, Vara
Industrial sector is understood to be one of the major offenders in polluting environment particularlywater among others. Sugar industry is one among the agro-based industry releasing high organicpollutants rich in BOD. Though conventional treatment methods have been employed in treating sugarindustry effluents at varied degrees, they come with their own setbacks. In this direction naturalcoagulants are explored and evaluated for their potential and efficiency towards treating sugar industryeffluents. The process of coagulation and flocculation removes impurities precisely colloidalimpurities through the phenomenon of destabilization, bridging and sweep coagulation. In order tohave an effective treatment factors governing coagulation are to be optimized to determine the dose,pH, mixing time etc. The prime objective of the present study is to characterize the sugar industryeffluents, test the efficiency of both chemical and natural coagulants to treat these effluents and bringout a comparison and potential of natural coagulants with that of chemical coagulants. Jar testapparatus was employed all coagulation studies and the results were promising with reduction inparameters like colour (99.28%), electrical conductivity (60.39%), turbidity (97.67%), chloride(69.23%) and total dissolved solids (60.42%) highest by ferric chloride followed by the naturalcoagulants. The findings of the study suggest that the lowest dose of 0.25g/l was optimum to removethe physico-chemical parameters both by chemical and natural coagulants and since natural coagulantswere equally competent with chemical coagulants these can be substituted towards achieving greentreatment options.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]High Content of Sulfur in Liquid Stream Removal via new Carbonous Nano Adsorbent: Equilibrium, Kinetic study
Meshkat, Seyyed Salar | Hosseini Dastgerdi, Zeinab | Abkhiz, Vahid | Hagh Shenas, Asieh
This research evaluates dibenzothiophene (DBT) adsorptive removal from the liquid stream on the graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) as a synthesized adsorbent at 25 0C with 3 g for 600 min. The morphological properties of GCN have been investigated by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The study of the characteristic properties of nano adsorbent proves the suitability of the synthesized GCN in mercaptan adsorption process with the obtained data showing a good agreement with Freundlich model. The equilibrium capacity of DBT adsorption has been calculated at about 39.1 mg/g. This has also been 25.8 mg/g for TBM (tertiary butyl mercaptan). The adsorption capacity has increased by adding to the adsorbent dosage. Thermodynamic studies expose the negative values for ΔS0 (-8.99 kJ/mol. K), ΔH0 (-21.05 kJ/mol), and ΔG0 (8.91 kJ/mol), which demonstrate that DBT adsorption has been a natural exothermic process. In addition, this experiment verifies that the substitution of N into the carbon structure improves the DBT removal efficiency in comparison with pristine CNT as an adsorbent. The removal efficiency of DBT onto GCN has been approximately 80%, i.e. 20% higher than that of pure CNT. Results show that the adsorption capacity of DBT as a cyclic source of mercaptan has been higher than Tertiary butyl mercaptan (TBM) as a liner one. The DBT adsorption mechanism is done by π–π electron interactions between the aromatic structures of DBT, lone-pair electrons of the S atoms, and the pyridinic GCN planes band.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Constructed Wetlands: A sustainable way of Treating Wastewater in Cold Climate - A review
Singh, Adarsh | Katoch, Surjit | Bajpai, Mukul | Rawat, Akash
The use of constructed wetland (CW) is a natural way of treating wastewater sustainably and economically. However, the implementation of these systems in freezing conditions is still a matter of research and development. The treatment capacity of CWs relies largely on the biological and biochemical processes which further depends on physical conditions such as temperature, solar radiations, etc. Application of wetland systems for treating wastewater faces many challenges in regions with cold climates, resolving which this review has been made. This paper presents a thorough understanding of the components of CWs and their role in contaminant removal. A comprehensive review of the different types of CWs has been done describing the treatment efficiency achieved by its implementation in the cold climate. Furthermore, various technologies which can be clubbed with CWs have also been listed along with the treatment efficiencies obtained. Literature survey indicates that the extent of removing organics (COD and BOD5) and total phosphorous (TP) are not likely to be affected, but total nitrogen (TN) removal appears to slow down at low temperatures. Despite several advantages of CW technology, further research is required to select suitable macrophytes and optimum design parameters to compensate for frigid conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) and Expected performance index (EPI) of Selected Plants at RGSC, (BHU), Mirzapur, India
M D, Anil | Pandey, Kumar | Krishna, Vijai | Kumar, Manish
This study carries the evaluation of tolerance of sixteen plants against pollution. These plants have been selected and assessed for several phyto-socio-economic (tree height, canopy, type of tree, laminar structure, hardiness and economic value) and biochemical qualities (pH, Relative water content (R), Ascorbic acid (AA), Chlorophyll a (Chl a), (Chl b), Carotenoids (Car) and total Chlorophyll (TC)) and tested for Air pollution tolerance index (APTI) and Expected performance Index (EPI) and then EPI score used as grades of plants (Not Recommended, Very poor, Poor, Moderate, Good, Very good, Excellent and Best Plus Plant). Statistical analysis tool like correlation matrix among plant parameters and ANNOA test has been applied to understand the relationship among plant parameters and plant species. The best EPI score means best suited plant for the area for plantation and green belt development while plant with lower EPI may be used as bioindicators for the pollution because they are very sensitive for the air pollution.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles Dispersed in Water in Diesel Emulsion in Reduction of Diesel Engine Exhaust Pollutants
M. D., Anil | Hemadri, Vinayak | Swamy, Mrityunjaya
The present work is aimed at decreasing pollutants emitted by diesel engine exhaust tailpipe and enhancing performance by incorporating cobalt oxide nanoparticles in water emulsified diesel. Water concentration of 5% and 10% is used to prepare various WD emulsion blends, with nano particle dosage levels of 50PPM and 100PPM. High speed homogenizer and ultrasonicator devices are used to disperse water droplets in diesel. Surfactant mixture of span80 and tween20 is used to achieve long term stability of emulsified fuel. The functional groups of emulsified fuel are analysed using FTIR spectroscopy. The characterization of cobalt oxide nanoparticles is carried using scanning electron microscope. Physiochemical properties such as calorific value, density, viscosity of emulsion blends and pure diesel are determined and compared. Experimental results reveal that addition of cobalt oxide nanoparticles in emulsified fuel with increased dosage of 100PPM shows 23%, 33.3%, 25%, and 44.6% reduction in NOX, HC, CO and smoke emission compared to pure diesel. The improvement in BTE and BSFC were observed for all emulsion blends.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Potential Application of Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Identification of PAHs in Airborne PM2.5
Sharma, Homdutt | Jain, Vinod Kumar | Khan, Zahid Husain
A simple and rapid method for the highly sensitive determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from airborne fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in an urban environment of Delhi was developed. The target compounds were 10 of the 16 United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) priority PAHs: fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, dibenzo(ah)anthracene, benzo(ghi)perylene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. For collecting the samples, the following two locations in Delhi (India) were chosen: ITO and Okhla Industrial Area. Two sets of samples at these locations of were collected for the purpose of investigation. The fine particulate matter samples were collected on glass fiber filter papers for 24h, from which the PAHs were extracted using dichloromethane (DCM) and hexane using ultrasonication method. Comparison of the characteristic emission of spectra of PAHs with standard spectra indicated the degree of condensation of aromatic compounds present in the investigated mixtures. However, this identification could be more effective with the use of the respective values of Δλ parameter for each particular component of the mixture. It has been found that the concentration of the PAHs is maximum during the winter season and minimum during the summer and monsoon seasons at both the locations.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Health Risks of Ecosystem Services in Ologe Lagoon, Lagos, Southwest Nigeria
Yahaya, Tajudeen | Muhammad, Alkali | Onyeziri, Joy Ada | Abdulazeez, Abdulmalik | Shemshere, Ufuoma | Bakare, Tayo | Yusha’u, Bello Kalgo
Ologe Lagoon is one of Lagos, Nigeria’s five major lagoons, which provide essential ecosystem services such as agriculture, fishing, transportation, salt and sand mining, tourism, and industrial development. There are concerns, however, that the lagoon’s water may not be safe for the ecosystem functions it offers. As a result, the physicochemical properties, heavy metal concentrations, and microbial loads of water samples from the lagoon, as well as their health risks, were examined in this study. Physicochemical analysis showed that calcium, chloride, nitrates, sulphate, dissolved oxygen, acidity, alkalinity, total dissolved solid, and total suspended solid were present within the World Health Organization permissible limits, but not so for phosphate and temperature. The heavy metal analysis revealed that the water had non-permissible levels of iron, cadmium, chromium, nickel, manganese, and copper, but lead was normal. The microbiological examination showed abnormal bacteria counts, while coliform and fungus were not detected. The average daily oral and dermal exposure to cadmium, chromium, and nickel were higher than the recommended daily intake, but iron, lead, and copper were within the limits. The hazard quotient of oral and dermal exposure to cadmium, dermal exposure to chromium, and oral exposure to manganese were higher than the recommended limit (> 1). The carcinogenic risks of Cd, Cr, and Ni were also greater than the acceptable limit. The results obtained indicate that Ologe Lagoon’s water is unsafe for the lagoon’s ecosystem functions. Relevant agencies should ensure that waste is treated before being discharged into the lagoon.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Screening and Absolute Quantification of a β-lactamase Resistance Gene NDM-1 in Lake Sediment
Ranjan, Rajeev | Thatikonda, Shashidhar
New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase-1(NDM-1) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes a wide range of β-lactams antibiotics, including carbapenems. The presence of the NDM-1 inhibits the potential of β–lactam antibiotics in treating infections caused by bacterial strains carrying such resistances, thus leaving minimal treatment options available. Due to this, the rapid distribution of NDM-1 harboring bacteria accounts for a significant public health menace worldwide. These bacteria have been detected in clinical specimens and environmental compartments where bacterial infections are ubiquitous. In this study, identification and absolute quantification of NDM-1 in sixteen lake sediment samples collected in and around Hyderabad, India, was carried out using a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and the results were expressed in gene copy number/ng (nanogram) of template DNA. Thirteen samples (out of sixteen) displayed a positive signal for NDM-1 during the qPCR analysis with the highest gene copy number/ng of template DNA (71.8) being observed in the Amberpet STP. Three samples, samples from Durgamcheru lake, Kandi lake, and Singur dam, were negative for the NDM-1 during the qPCR analysis. Hierarchical clustering analysis was performed to categorize the sampling location into different clusters based on pollution sources and the observed results were expressed in the form of a dendrogram.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Human health risk assessment via the consumption of platycephalus indicus in the Persian Gulf, Iran
Gholizadeh, Mohammad | Mohammadzadeh, Behroz | Kazemi, Ali
The assessment of human health risk associated with accumulation of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, and Arsenic in the muscle of bartail flathead (Platycephalus indicus) collected from Jofreh pier and Bushehr port, northwest of the Persian Gulf of Iran was examined. A total of 80 P. indicus were collected and analysed using ICP-OES from two seasons (summer and winter) of 2019; estimated daily intake (EDI), estimated weekly intake (EWI), target hazard quotient (THQ), hazard index (HI) and Carcinogenic risk (CR) were determined. The mean concentration (μg/g) range were observed as: zinc (16.37-50.17)> As (5.65-8.83)> Cu (2.19-3.63)> Pb (0.62-6.37)> Ni (0.17-1.08). Hazard index (HI) for adult and children during consumption of P.indicus was <1, the highest HI values were calculated for adults (0.06) in Bushehr and children (0.14) in Jofreh. The CR levels for Ni and Pb were within acceptable limits (10-6 to 10-4) and arsenic was unacceptable (> 10-4) at sampling sites.
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