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Résultats 1041-1050 de 1,309
The Effects of Substrate Type on Diatom-Based Multivariate Water Quality Assessment in a Tropical River (Monjolinho), São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Bere, Taurai | Tundisi, José Galizia
Diatoms are good indicators of water quality in lotic systems. Unlike in the temperate region, the effect of substrate on diatom-based water quality assessment in tropical streams is not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of substrate on diatom-based multivariate water quality assessment. Epilithic, epiphytic, epipsammic and epipelic diatom community and water quality sampling was done four times at 10 sites during the dry season (2008 and 2009). Artificial substrates (brick and glasses) were also placed at the sampling sites during this period and sampled after 1Â month. Cluster analysis was performed to show the main differences and similarities in community composition amongst substrates sampled and amongst sampling sites. The IndVal method was used to identify indicator species characterising different substrates. Canonical correspondence analyses (CCAs) were performed to relate the structure of diatom communities from different substrates to predictor variables. A gradient of increasing metal and organic pollution, eutrophication and ionic strength was observed from the agricultural/forested area to the urban area. Diatom community structure closely reflected this gradient, with communities from polluted sites (8, 9 and 10) being different from other communities. Polluted sites were associated with such species as Nitzschia palea, Plantago lanceolata, Achnanthes exigua, Caloneis hyaline, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Gomphonema parvulum, Fallacia monoculata, Luticola goeppertiana, Pinnularia microstauron, Pinnularia subcapitata and Sellaphora pupula. Indicator species analysis showed that common diatom species were not restricted to a single substrate, though preference was generally high for natural (especially macrophytes) compared to artificial substrates. Six CCAs corresponding to six substrates performed to relate diatom community structure to simultaneous effects of predictor variables explained â¼50% of the diatom species variance in all cases and roughly separated highly polluted sites from the rest of the sites. This indicates that the results of diatom-based multivariate water quality assessment based on different substrates may be interchangeable. Only one substrate has to be collected at each site for water quality assessment surveys, thus avoiding unnecessary expensive and time-consuming oversampling. Given the limitations of artificial substrates, sampling of natural substrates is highly recommended.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of Urban Stormwater on Sediment Quality in an Enclosed Bay of the Lule River, Northern Sweden
Sediment and porewater samples from an enclosed bay receiving stormwater discharge (Skutviken) near the centre of Luleå, northern Sweden were analysed for major and trace elements and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Among the studied metals Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were enriched at Skutviken. Also, the PAH content was enriched, in particular for phenantrene, anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene which are regarded as common constituents in stormwater. The use of trace metal ratios provided indications about pollutant sources for the sediment. Cs-137 dating was used to determine historical changes in metal and PAH fixation in the sediment. The bay Skutviken is enclosed through the construction of a road bank since 1962. The enclosure led to reduced water circulation in the bay that promotes the occurrence of anoxic conditions with sulphate reduction within the bay. As a consequence of these conditions, metals are trapped in the sediments as sulphides. This study suggests that enclosed bays with restricted water circulation may be efficient traps for urban pollutants, reducing the present-day input of pollutants to the sea. In areas with postglacial land uplift, where such bays are common, bay sediments are a potential future source of pollutants when uplift results in erosion and oxidation of the sediments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Behaviour and Growth of Chironomus riparius Meigen (Diptera: Chironomidae) under Imidacloprid Pulse and Constant Exposure Scenarios
Azevedo-Pereira, Henrique M. V. S. | Lemos, Marco F. L. | Soares, Amadeu M. V. M.
Imidacloprid is a new insecticide that mimics nicotine, combining its insecticidal activity with a reduced persistence in the environment. The toxicity of imidacloprid to Chironomus riparius Meigen using the formulated product Confidor® from Bayer®, in pulse and continuous exposure, was evaluated in this study. The behavioural response of the midge after toxicant exposure using an online biomonitor was also investigated. Early second-instar C. riparius larvae were exposed in either constant (10Â days) or pulse (4Â days, followed by 6Â days post exposure in clean medium) conditions. Imidacloprid constant exposure resulted in a decrease in growth and impairment of the behavioural pattern of the midge larvae. Pulsed exposure followed by a recovery period revealed a recovery of midge physiological conditions, by reaching a stabilisation of normal behavioural activities and growth among treatments. Moreover, ventilation showed to be a more sensitive parameter by revealing a faster recovery than locomotion. Behaviour alterations may weaken the ability to escape from predators, and reduce food acquisition with consequent growth impairment. These effects may have an impact at the population and community level.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An Efficient Implementation of the Method of Lines for Multicomponent Reactive Transport Equations
Fahs, Marwan | Younes, Anis | Ackerer, Philippe
Modeling reactive transport with chemical equilibrium reactions requires solution of coupled partial differential and algebraic equations. In this work, two formulations are developed to combine the method of lines (MOL) with the global implicit approach. The first formulation has a non-conservative form and leads to a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations with a reduced number of unknowns. The second formulation presents better conservation properties but leads to a nonlinear system of differential algebraic equations with a large number of unknowns. In both formulations, the resulting systems are integrated in time using the DLSODIS time solver which adapts both the order of the time integration and the time step size to provide the necessary accuracy. Numerical experiments show that higher-order time integration is effective for solving the non-conservative formulation and point out the high benefit of the MOL for solving reactive transport problems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A Simple and Accurate Method to Measure Total Gaseous Mercury Concentrations in Unsaturated Soils
Moore, Chris (Christopher W.) | Castro, Mark S. | Brooks, Steven B.
The goal of this project was to develop a method to measure the total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations in unsaturated soils. Existing methods did not allow for easy replication, were costly, and were more suited for other gases, such as CO2, that do not react with collection surfaces. To overcome these problems, we developed a method that simultaneously collects up to ten soil pore air samples. We used a single mass flow controller, one pump, and two banks of rotameters to draw soil air out of the ground at 25 smL min−1 onto gold-coated quartz traps. Analysis of the gold traps was performed with a Tekran 2500 CVAFS mercury detector. The system was field tested at the Piney Reservoir Ambient Air Monitoring Station in western Maryland. Our system was relatively precise and accurate. For example, replicate TGM concentrations differed by less than 25% and recovery of known amounts of mercury were greater than 95%. Field measurements showed that the maximum soil pore air TGM concentrations, between 3 and 4 ng m−3, occurred at the Oe–A soil horizon interface. At all other depths, the total mercury concentrations were lower than the ambient air concentrations of 1.8 ng m−3. We believe our new method can be used to precisely and accurately measure the TGM concentrations in unsaturated soils at multiple locations simultaneously.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]One-Year Cycle of DDT Concentrations in High-Altitude Soils
Tremolada, Paolo | Comolli, Roberto | Parolini, Marco | Moia, Fabio | Binelli, Andrea
Soils are an important sink for persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and high mountain soils are considered a stable reservoir for many compounds due to their high organic matter content. This study focuses on the small-scale variability on the environmental distribution of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in mountain soils. Several soil samples taken from May 2007 to June 2008 in a small area at around 1,900Â mâa.s.l. (Italian Central Alps) were analyzed for DDT compounds. Pedological analyses were done as well. Organic matter content, soil layer, differences in solar radiation, and sampling period were considered as possible variability factors. Organic matter content can account for a DDT concentration difference of a factor 3 among different sites, soil layer can account for a concentration difference of a factor near 2, differences in solar radiation values do not seem to affect DDT concentrations, whereas the sampling period has the greatest influence with a difference factor of three to four among different sampling dates. Summing all these variability factors together, even though operating on such a small scale, we obtain a predicted spatial variability depending on the considered variables near to one order of magnitude. In particular, it was surprising that seasonal variations could be so great. If this conclusion is to be confirmed in the future, this element must be considered very carefully by scientists and environmental agencies during monitoring campaigns.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Lime Residues and Metal Sequestration in Sediments of Excessively Limed Lakes
Wällstedt, Teresia
Sediment profiles from ten excessively limed lakes were used to study the occurrence of lime residues as a result of incomplete lime dissolution and the influence of treatment with very high lime doses on the sequestration of metals in lake sediments. The sediment profiles were subjected to multi-element analysis and compared to sediment profiles from previous studies of lakes limed with normal lime doses and untreated reference lakes. The high lime doses were found to result in large lime residues in the sediment, with lime concentrations of up to 70% of the dry sediment in the studied lakes. Excessive liming, like liming with normal doses, was found to cause increased sequestration in sediments of, e.g. Cd, Co, Ni and Zn, metals where the mobility is known to be highly pH dependent, compared to non-limed reference lakes. No effect of liming on the sequestration of Cu, Cr, Pb and V could be shown. The size of the lime dose did not seem to influence the metal sequestration in the sediment, since no difference between the excessively limed lakes and lakes limed with normal doses was found. On the contrary, the large lime residues were found to cause a dilution of the metal concentrations in the sediments, since lime products used for lake liming generally have lower metal concentrations compared to the sediments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Vegetation Removal and Urea Application on Iron and Nitrogen Redox Chemistry in Riparian Forested Soils
Shrestha, Junu | Clément, Jean Christophe | Ehrenfeld, Joan G. | Jaffe, Peter R.
Riparian wetlands are subject to nitrogen enrichment from upgradient agricultural and urban land uses and also from flooding by nitrogen-enriched surface waters. The effects of this N enrichment on wetland soil biogeochemistry may be mediated by both the presence of plants and the presence of redox-active compounds, specifically iron oxides in the soil. Despite the extensive research on wetland N cycling, the relative importance of these two factors on nitrogen is poorly known, especially for forested wetlands. This study evaluates the responses of the N and the Fe cycles to N enrichment in a riparian forested wetland, contrasting vegetated field plots with plots where the vegetation was removed to test the role of plants. Furthermore, in vitro anaerobic incubations of the experimental soils were performed to track Fe chemical changes over time under anoxic or flooded conditions. Wetland soils treated with N in form of urea, as expected, had significantly higher amounts inorganic nitrogen. In the soils where vegetation was also removed, in addition to inorganic nitrogen pool, increase in organic nitrogen pool was also observed. The results demonstrate the role of vegetation in limiting the effects excess urea has on different soil nitrogen pools. Results from anaerobic incubation of the experimental soils demonstrated the effects of N enrichment on the wetland Fe cycle. The effects of excess nitrogen and the role of vegetation on the Fe cycle in riparian wetland soil became more evident during anaerobic incubation experiments. At the end of the field experiment, Fe concentrations in the soils under the treatments were not significantly different from the control soils at the 5% confidence level. However, during the anaerobic incubation experiment of soils collected at the end of the experiment from these plots, the N-enriched soils and the unvegetated soils maintained significantly elevated concentrations of reducible Fe(III) for the initial 2-week period of incubation, and the soils collected from the plots with both the treatments had the highest Fe(III) concentrations. After 20 days of incubation, however, the Fe(III) concentrations decreased to the similar concentrations in all the incubated soils. The study clarifies the roles vegetation play in mediating the effects of N enrichment and also demonstrates that N enrichment does affect wetland redox cycle, which has strong implications on ecosystem services such as water quality improvement.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment the Health Hazard from 222Rn in Old Metalliferous Mines in San Luis, Argentina
da Silva, A. A. R. | Valladares, D. L. | Anjos, R. M. | Velasco, H. | Rizzotto, M. | Yoshimura, E. M.
Radon levels in two old mines in San Luis, Argentina, are reported and analyzed. The radiation dose and environmental health risk of 222Rn concentrations to both guides and visitors were estimated. CR-39 nuclear track detectors were used for this purpose. The values for the 222Rn concentration at each monitoring site ranged from 0.43 ± 0.04 to 1.48 ± 0.12 kBq m−3 in the Los Cóndores wolfram mine and from 1.8 ± 0.1 to 6.0 ± 0.5 kBq·m−3 in the La Carolina gold mine, indicating that, in this mine, the radon levels exceed up to four times the action level of 1.5 kBq m−3 recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The patterns of the radon transport process revealed that the La Carolina gold mine can be interpreted as a gas confined into a single tube with constant cross-section and air velocity. Patterns of radon activity, taking into account the chimney-effect winds, were used to detect tributary currents of air from shafts or larger fissures along the main adit of the Los Cóndores mine, showing that radon can be used as an important tracer of tributary air currents stream out from fissures and smaller voids in the rock of the mine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Long-Term Annual and Seasonal Patterns of Acidic Deposition and Stream Water Quality in a Great Smoky Mountains High-Elevation Watershed
Cai, Meijun | Schwartz, John S. | Robinson, R Bruce | Moore, Stephen E. | Kulp, Matt A.
The recovery potential of stream acidification from years of acidic deposition is dependent on biogeochemical processes and varies among different acid-sensitive regions. Studies that investigate long-term trends and seasonal variability of stream chemistry in the context of atmospheric deposition and watershed setting provide crucial assessments on governing biogeochemical processes. In this study, water chemistries were investigated in Noland Divide watershed (NDW), a high-elevation watershed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) of the southern Appalachian region. Monitoring data from 1991 to 2007 for deposition and stream water chemistries were statistically analyzed for long-term trends and seasonal patterns by using Seasonal Kendall Tau tests. Precipitation declined over this study period, where throughfall (TF) declined significantly by 5.76 cm year−1. Precipitation patterns play a key role in the fate and transport of acid pollutants. On a monthly volume-weighted basis, pH of TF and wet deposition, and stream water did not significantly change over time remaining around 4.3, 4.7, and 5.8, respectively. Per NDW area, TF SO4 2- flux declined 356.16 eq year−1 and SO4 2- concentrations did not change significantly over time. Stream SO4 2- remained about 30 μeq L−1 exhibiting no long-term trends or seasonal patterns. SO4 2- retention was generally greater during drier months. TF monthly volume-weighted NH4 + and NO3 - concentrations significantly increased by 0.80 μeq L−1 year−1 and 1.24 μeq L−1 year−1, respectively. TF NH4 + fluxes increased by 95.76 eq year−1. Most of NH4 + was retained in the watershed, and NO3 - retention was much lower than NH4 +. Stream monthly volume-weighted NO3 - concentrations and fluxes significantly declined by 0.56 μeq L−1 year−1 and 139.56 eq year−1, respectively. Overall, in NDW, inorganic nitrogen was exported before 1999 and retained since then, presumably from forest regrowth after Frazer fir die-off in the 1970s from balsam wooly adelgid infestation. Stream export of NO3 - was greater during winter than summer months. During the period from 1999 to 2007, stream base cations did not exhibit significant changes, apparently regulated by soil supply. Statistical models predicting stream pH, ANC, SO4 2-, and NO3 - concentrations were largely correlated with stream discharge and number of dry days between precipitation events and SO4 2- deposition. Dependent on precipitation, governing biogeochemical processes in NDW appear to be SO4 2- adsorption, nitrification, and NO3 - forest uptake. This study provided essential information to aid the GRSM management for developing predictive models of the future water quality and potential impacts from climate change.
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