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Résultats 111-120 de 325
Organochlorine compounds in the Portuguese oyster [Crassostrea angulata]: importance of seasonal variations
Castro, O. | Ferreira, A.M. | Vale, C. (Instituto Nacional de Investigacao das Pescas, Av. Brasilia, Lisboa (Portugal))
Patterns of cyclic organochlorine contamination in livers of male pleuronectiformes from the North Sea, winter 1987
Knickmeyer, R. | Steinhart, H. (Institut Biochemie und Lebensmittelchemie der Universitat, Grindelallee 117, 2000 Hamburg 13 (Germany))
Growth and mortality of Sonneratia caseolaris planted on an experimentally oil-polluted soil
Dutrieux, E. | Martin, F. | Debry, A. (Lab. Hydrobiol. Marine, URA 1335, USTL, 34060 Montpellier Cedex (France))
Estimated inputs of organochlorines from the river Ebro into the northwestern Mediterranean
Montanes, J.F.C. | Risebrough, R.W. | Lappe, B.W. de | Marino, M.G. | Albaiges, J. (Centre d'Investigacio i Desenvolupament (CSIC), Jordi Girona Salgado 18-26, 08034 Barcelona (Spain))
Ground water pollution potential of Pickaway County, Ohio
Sugar, David J.
A case study of forest decline in Western Canada and the adjacent United States
Auclair, A.N.D. (Forestry Canada (Canada). Quebec Region and Atmospheric Environment Service) | Martin, H.C. | Walker, S.L.
Irrigation frequency effects on leaching of cations from gypsum amended coastal plain surface soils
Alva, A.K. (Florida Univ., Lake Alfred, FL (USA). Inst. of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Citrus Research and Education Center) | Gascho, G.J. | Cromer, W.A.
Modeling study of SO(x) and NO(x) transport during the January 1985 smog episode
Leeuw, F.A.A.M. de (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene, Bilthoven (Netherlands)) | Rheineck Leyssius, H.J. van
Explanations for the differential response of certain tropical tree species to SO(2) under field conditions
Rao, M.V. (Vikram Univ., Ujjain (India). School of Studies in Botany) | Dubey, P.S.
Studies on pollution in the atmosphere near the aluminium reduction plant at Nagi Hammady / Egypt
El-Shazly, S.M. (Faculty of Science in Qena (Egypt). Dept. of Physics, Lab. of Atmospheric Physics) | Abdelmageed, A.M. | Abdelaal, A.