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Résultats 121-130 de 233
Lead levels in sheep organs resulting from pollution from automotive exhausts
Ward, N.I. (Dep. Chem., Agronomy Dep., Massey Univ., Palmerston North (New Zealand)) | Brooks, R.R. | Roberts, E.
Pollution by Pb in North [of France]
Bonte, J. | Tisne, A. (INRA Centre de Recherche d'Avignon, 84 -Montfavet (France). Lab. d'Etude de la Pollution Atmospherique)
The effect of nutrient application and aeration on oil degradation in soil
Odu, C.T.I. (Dep. of Agronomy, Univ. of Ibadan, Ibadan (Nigeria))
Industrial water pollution
Nemerow, Nelson L.
Transfert de metaux lourds provenant des installations domestiques de distribution d' eau dans l' eau de boisson en fonction de la nature de l' eau et des conditions de fonctionnement.
Meyer E.
Human exposure to metals released from water distribution systems, with particular reference to water consumption patterns [lead and cadmium in excess, cadmium, magnesium and lithium deficiency, in soft drinking water in Netherlands].
Haring B.J.A.
The health importance of trace elements in water.
Masironi R.
De la protection anti-corrosion par le zinc au role de ce dernier dans la vie animale et vegetale.
Vandemaele J.
Total mercury and methyl mercury contents in fish from Lake Paijanne
Hattula, M.L. | Sarkka, J. | Janatuinen, J. | Paasivirta, J. | Roos, A.
The distribution of lead in the soils and herbage of West Pembrokeshire [Wales]
Wilkins, C. (Pedology Department, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2JQ (UK))