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Résultats 131-140 de 183
Stoichiometric modeling of the activated sludge process
Sherrard, J.H. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst. , Blacksburg (USA). Dept. of Civil Engineering)
Study of the physico-chemical forms and biological availability of copper in experimental cultures
Berthet, B. (U.E.R. des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Nantes (France). Centre de Dosage des Elements Traces) | Metayer, C. | Amiard, J.C. | Amiard-Triquet, C
Groundwater contamination and emergency response guide.
Guswa J.H.
Cadmium soil sorption at low concentrations, 2: reversibility, effect of changes in solute composition and effect of soil aging
Christensen, T.H. (Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark). Dept. of Environmental Engineering)
Perception of technical personnel on research and education needs for land application of sewage sludge
Kelley, W.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va. (USA). Agronomy Dept.) | Simpson, T.W. | Reneau, R.B. | McCart, G.D. | Martens, D.C.
[Residues of mining operations and their purification (Francophone Africa)]
Landner, L. (Swedish Water and Air Pollution Research Inst., Stockholm)
[Biological indicators of water pollution]
Persoone, G. (Universite de l'Etat, Ghent (Belgium). Lab. de Recherches Biologiques de la Pollution Aquatique)
[Oil pollution and its biological effects]
Kuhnhold, W.W.
[Marine fishery in Africa]
Stretta, J.M. (Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques, Abidjan (Ivory Coast))
[Regional oceanography of African waters; detailed study of currents]
Verstraete, J.M. (Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques, Abidjan (Ivory Coast))