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Assessing the impact of organic and inorganic amendments on the toxicity and bioavailability of a metal-contaminated soil to the earthworm Eisenia andrei
González, Verónica | Díez-Ortiz, María | Simón, Mariano | Gestel, Cornelis A. M. van
Metal-contaminated soil, from the El Arteal mining district (SE Spain), was remediated with organic (6 % compost) and inorganic amendments (8 % marble sludge) to reduce the mobility of metals and to modify its potential environmental impact. Different measures of metal bioavailability (chemical analysis; survival, growth, reproduction and bioaccumulation in the earthworm Eisenia andrei), were tested in order to evaluate the efficacy of organic and inorganic amendments as immobilizing agents in reducing metal (bio)availability in the contaminated soil. The inorganic amendment reduced water and CaCl2-extractable concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn, while the organic amendment increased these concentrations compared to the untreated soil. The inorganic treatment did not significantly reduce toxicity for the earthworm E. andrei after 28 days exposure. The organic amendment however, made the metal-contaminated soil more toxic to the earthworms, with all earthworms dying in undiluted soil and completely inhibiting reproduction at concentrations higher than 25 %. This may be due to increased available metal concentrations and higher electrical conductivity in the compost-amended soil. No effects of organic and inorganic treatments on metal bioaccumulation in the earthworms were found and metal concentrations in the earthworms increased with increasing total soil concentrations.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prioritisation of organic contaminants in a river basin using chemical analyses and bioassays
Smital, Tvrtko | Terzić, Senka | Lončar, Jovica | Senta, Ivan | Žaja, Roko | Popović, Marta | Mikac, Iva | Tollefsen, Knut-Erik | Thomas, Kevin V. | Ahel, Marijan
Region-specific contaminant prioritisation is an important prerequisite for sustainable and cost-effective monitoring due to the high number of different contaminants that may be present. Surface water and sediment samples from the Sava River, Croatia, were collected at four locations covering a 150-km-long river section characterised by well-defined pollution gradients. Analysis of contaminant profiles along the pollution gradients was performed by combining toxicity screening using a battery of small-scale or in vitro bioassays, which covered different modes of action, with detailed chemical characterisation based on gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS). A large number of contaminants, belonging to different toxicant classes, were identified in both analysed matrices. Analyses of water samples showed that contaminants having polar character occurred in the highest concentrations, while in sediments, contributions from both non-polar and amphiphilic contaminants should be taken into account. Estimated contributions of individual contaminant classes to the overall toxicity indicated that, besides the classical pollutants, a number of emerging contaminants, including surfactants, pharmaceuticals, personal care products and plasticizers, should be taken into consideration in future monitoring activities. This work demonstrates the importance of the integrated chemical and bioanalytical approach for a systematic region-specific pollutant prioritisation. Finally, the results presented in this study confirm that hazard assessment in complex environmental matrices should be directed towards identification of key pollutants, rather than focusing on a priori selected contaminants alone.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The influence of copper on tebuconazole sorption onto soils, humic substances, and ferrihydrite
Čadková, Eva | Komárek, Michael | Kaliszová, Regina | Száková, Jiřina | Vaněk, Aleš | Bordas, François | Bollinger, Jean-Claude
The aim of this study is to investigate how the presence of Cu influences tebuconazole (Teb) sorption onto contrasting soil types and two important constituents of the soil sorption complex: hydrated Fe oxide and humic substances. Tebuconazole was used in commercial form and as an analytical-grade chemical at different Teb/Cu molar ratios (1:4, 1:1, 4:1, and Teb alone). Increased Cu concentrations had a positive effect on tebuconazole sorption onto most soils and humic substances, probably as a result of Cu−Teb tertiary complexes on the soil surfaces. Tebuconazole sorption increased in the following order of different Teb/Cu ratios 1:4 > 1:1 > 4:1 > without Cu addition, with the only exception for the Leptosol and ferrihydrite. The highest K f value was observed for humic substances followed by ferrihydrite, the Cambisol, the Arenosol, and the Leptosol. The sorption of analytical-grade tebuconazole onto all matrices was lower, but the addition of Cu supported again tebuconazole sorption. The Teb/Cu ratio with the highest Cu addition (1:4) exhibited the highest K f values in all matrices with the exception of ferrihydrite. The differences in tebuconazole sorption can be attributed to the additives present in the commercial product. This work proved the importance of soil characteristics and composition of the commercially available pesticides together with the presence of Cu on the behavior of tebuconazole in soils.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro effects of pollutants from particulate and volatile fractions of air samples—day and night variability
Novak, Jiri Tibor | Giesy, John P. | Klánová, Jana | Hilscherová, Klára
Chemicals in air were characterized for potential interference with signaling of estrogen, androgen, and arylhydrocarbon (AhR) receptors, which are known to play an important role in endocrine-disruptive changes in vivo. Previously, effects of this type have been studied mainly in particulate matter in the ambient air from various localities. In this study, both volatile and particulate fractions of air from three sites in Banja Luka region (Bosnia and Herzegovina) were investigated to describe the distribution of endocrine-disrupting contaminants on a small spatial scale. Circadian variability of air pollution was investigated by collecting samples during both day and night. Air samples collected from urban localities at night were more potent in producing the AhR-mediated effects than those collected during daytime. This trend was not observed at the reference rural location. None of the samples showed significant estrogenic or androgenic activity. On the other hand, anti-androgenicity was detected in both particulate and vapor phases, while anti-estrogenicity was detected only in the particulate fraction of air from all localities. The AhR-mediated potencies of samples were associated primarily with non-persistent compounds. Based on the concentrations of 28 individual compounds, PAHs accounted for approximately 30 % of the AhR-mediated potency determined by the bioassay. The results show that there can be a significant difference between levels of bioactive compounds in air between daytime and nighttime.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mercury, methylmercury, and selenium in blood of bird species from Doñana National Park (Southwestern Spain) after a mining accident
Alvárez, C Rodríguez | Moreno, M Jiménez | Alonso, L López | Gómara, B. | Bernardo, F. J Guzmán | Martín-Doimeadios, R. C Rodríguez | González, M. J.
Total mercury (Hg), monomethylmercury (MeHg), and selenium (Se) were determined in blood of 11 bird species living in Doana National Park (DNP, Southwestern Spain) and the surrounding area in 1999 and 2000 after a mine spill accident. The total Hg contents found varied from 1.00 to 587 ng/mL, with an MeHg percentage higher than 80 %, except in mallard species. In all the cases, the concentrations found were below the threshold of high risk for the bird populations. The parameters which most affected the accumulation of Hg and MeHg in the birds studied were, first, species, or trophic position, and second sampling area. Age does not seem to have a great influence on the content of Hg in the blood of these birds. The levels of Se found ranged from 108 to 873 ng/mL, and they were not affected by species, trophic level, age, or sampling area. The blood Hg concentrations of birds living in the area directly affected by the toxic mud, outside the park, were higher than those found in the other birds, and this could be explained by the mine spill accident happened in 1998.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Point-of-use water disinfection using UV light-emitting diodes to reduce bacterial contamination
Nelson, Kristina Y. | McMartin, Dena W. | Yost, Christopher K. | Runtz, Ken J. | Ono, Takaya
The treatment process described in this research explores the impact of exposing water samples containing fecal coliforms to the radiation produced by single ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) operating at 265 nm. UV LEDs are long lasting, compact in size and produce more efficient light output than traditional mercury-vapour bulbs, making them ideal for application in point-of-use disinfection systems, such as in remote areas. In this study, contaminated water samples containing either a pure culture of Escherichia coli or tertiary effluent from the City of Regina Wastewater Treatment Plant were used to study the application and efficiency of using UV LEDs for water disinfection. The results indicate that bacterial inactivation was achieved in a time-dependent manner, with 1- and 2.5-log E. coli reductions in water following 20 and 50 min of UV LED exposure, respectively. Ultraviolet radiation was less effective in reducing coliform bacteria in wastewater samples due to the elevated turbidity levels. Further work remains to be completed to optimize the application of UV LEDs for point-of-use disinfection systems; however, the results from this study support that bacterial inactivation using UV LEDs is possible, meriting further future technological development of the LEDs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sources of submicron aerosol during fog-dominated wintertime at Kanpur
The main objective of this atmospheric study was to determine the major sources of PM1 (particles having aerodynamic diameter <1.0 μm) within and near the city of Kanpur, in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Day and night, 10 h long each, filter-based aerosol samples were collected for 4 months (November 2009 to February 2010) throughout the winter season. These samples were subjected to gravimetric and quantitative chemical analyses for determining water-soluble ions (NH4 (+), F(-), Cl(-), NO3 (-), and SO4 (2-)) using an ion chromatograph and trace elements using an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The mean PM1 mass concentrations were recorded as 114 ± 71 μg/m(3) (day) and 143 ± 86 μg/m(3) (night), respectively. A significantly higher diurnal contribution of ions (NH4 (+), F(-), Cl(-), NO3 (-), and SO4 (2-)) in PM1 mass was observed during the fog-affected days and nights throughout the winter season, for which the average values were recorded as 38.09 ± 13.39 % (day) and 34.98 ± 12.59 % (night), respectively, of the total PM1 mass. This chemical dataset was then used in a source-receptor model, UNMIX, and the model results are described in detail. UNMIX provided a maximum number of five source factors, including crustal material, composite vehicle, secondary aerosol, coal combustion, and iron/steel production and metallurgical industries, as the dominant air pollution sources for this study.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Modelling the phytoplankton dynamics in a nutrient-rich solar saltern pond: predicting the impact of restoration and climate change
Khemakhem, Hajer | Elloumi, Jannet | Ayadi, Habib | Aleya, Lotfi | Moussa, Mahmoud
An ecological model for the solar saltern of Sfax (Tunisia) was established and validated by comparing simulation results to observed data relative to horizontal distributions of temperature, nutrients and phytoplankton biomass. Sensitivity analysis was performed in order to assess the influence of the main ecological model parameters. First applied at the saltern's pond A1, the model was calibrated with field data measured over 4 years of study (from 2000 to 2003), which allowed an evaluation of parameters such as maximum growth rate of phytoplankton, optimal growth temperature and constant of half saturation for P/N assimilation by phytoplankton. Simulation results showed that the model allowed us to predict realistic phytoplankton variations of the study area, though we were unable to accurately reproduce the nutrient variation. The model was then applied to simulations of the impact of changes in phytoplankton biomass through scenarios such as hypothetic climate changes and saltern restoration.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Study of microbes having potentiality for biodegradation of plastics
Ghosh, Swapan Kumar | Pal, Sujoy | Ray, Sumanta
Plastic is a broad name given to the different types of organic polymers having high molecular weight and is commonly derived from different petrochemicals. Plastics are generally not biodegradable or few are degradable but in a very slow rate. Day by day, the global demand of these polymers is sharply increasing; however, considering their abundance and potentiality in causing different environmental hazards, there is a great concern in the possible methods of degradation of plastics. Recently, there have been some debates at the world stage about the potential degradation procedures of these synthetic polymers and microbial degradation has emerged as one of the potential alternative ways of degradation of plastics. Alternatively, some scientists have also reported many adverse effects of these polymers in human health, and thus, there is an immediate need of a potential screening of some potential microbes to degrade these synthetic polymers. In this review, we have taken an attempt to accumulate all information regarding the chemical nature along with some potential microbes and their enzymatic nature of biodegradation of plastics along with some key factors that affect their biodegradability.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Accumulation of heavy metals and antioxidant responses in Vicia faba plants grown on monometallic contaminated soil
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of soil contamination by selected metals (cadmium, copper, nickel, lead or zinc) on the antioxidant response of Vicia faba plants. The levels of the antioxidants: glutathione, proline, non-protein thiols, as well as guaiacol peroxidase and catalase activities were measured in the upperparts of plants. Additionally, the potential bioavailability of metals in the soil and their concentrations in V. faba plants were compared. Treatment with metal caused the problem of an elevation in its bioavailability in soil and its concentration in leaves and stems. The most serious problems seemed to be metal elevations in soil, especially Zn and Ni as well as in the aerial parts of V. faba plants. The antioxidant responses appeared to be metal specific. The elevation of guaiacol peroxidase activity in leaves and stems as well as the proline in leaves was the only more general reaction to metal exposure. Upon analysis of the effects of soil metal contamination on V. faba plants, we recommend the use of some measurements such as guaiacol peroxidase activity and proline level as useful tools in biological monitoring.
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