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Résultats 161-170 de 233
Leaching of phosphate from agricultural soils to groundwater
Sawhney, B.L. (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven (USA). Dept. of Soil and Water)
Extraction of heavy metal ions sorbed on clays
Farrah, H. | Pickering, W.F. (Newcastle Univ., NSW (Australia). Dept. of Chemistry)
Drinking water detoxification
Gillies, M. T.
Mathematical models in water pollution control
James, A.
Plant [radish] growth inhibition by the water extract of a crude oil
Blankenship, D.W. | Larson, R.A. (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Avondale (USA). Stroud Water Research Center)
Sorption of trace quantities of cadmium by soils with different chemical and mineralogical composition
Garcia-Miragaya, J. (Centro de Ecologia IVIC, Caracas (Venezuela)) | Page, A.L.
Recycling of water for irrigation: persistence of entero-viruses in sewage effluent and natural waters receiving the effluent
Fujioka, R.S. | Loh, P.C. (Hawaii Univ., Honolulu (USA). Water Resources Research Center)
Organic matter as an influencing factor on copper and cadium adsorption by soils
Petruzzelli, G. | Guidi, G. | Lubrano, L. (Pisa Univ. (Italy). Laboratorio per la Chimica del Terreno)
Chronic exposure of sheep to silver iodide
Younger, R.L. | Crookshank, H.R. (USDA Agricultural Research Service, College Station, Tex. (USA). Veterinary Toxicology and Entomology Research Lab.)
Effects of cadmium, nickel, copper, and zinc on nitrogen fixation by soybeans
Vesper, S.J. | Weidensaul, T.C. (Ohio State Univ., Columbus (USA). Dept. of Plant Pathology)